1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >安全計算:AVG免費版提供免費病毒防護


During my career in the computer field, I have found that any of the well-known free anti-virus utilities will do the job and are essential in a well rounded security plan. When asked what is “the best” free anti-virus utility the answer really comes down to personal preference.

在計算機領域的職業生涯中,我發現任何知名的免費防病毒實用程式都能勝任,並且在全面的安全計劃中必不可少。 當被問及什麼是“最佳”


This week we will wrap up our coverage of free anti-virus utilities. Last week we covered Avira AntiVir and Avast Home Edition, and today we will cover what is arguably the most effective and popular free anti-virus utility: Grisoft’s AVG Free Edition.

本週,我們將總結免費的反病毒實用程式。 上週,我們介紹了

Avira AntiVirAvast Home Edition ,今天我們將介紹可以說是最有效和最受歡迎的免費反病毒實用程式: Grisoft的AVG Free Edition

Installation is straight forward for the most part. You will want to make sure there is a free license already included when installing as shown here.

安裝在大多數情況下都是直接的。 您將要確保在安裝時已包含免費許可證,如下所示。

free license

During installation you will be prompted to choose to include the Toolbar or not. Personally I am not a fan of toolbars at all so I would not install this, but AVG advises more web threats can be avoided when using it.

在安裝過程中,系統將提示您選擇是否包含工具欄。 我個人根本不喜歡工具欄,因此我不會安裝它,但是AVG建議使用它時可以避免更多網路威脅。

Internet Explorer and Firefox already include good Phishing protection, so in my opinion the toolbar is overkill, but you can make your own decision with some detailed information from their site.

Internet Explorer和Firefox已經包含了良好的網路釣魚防護,因此,我認為工具欄有些過分,但是您可以使用其網站上的一些詳細資訊來做出自己的決定。


After a successful installation, a wizard begins to prompt for specific settings for the utility. One of the most important is to get the latest updates for the virus database.

成功安裝後,嚮導將開始提示該實用程式的特定設定。 最重要的一項是獲取病毒資料庫的最新更新。


Other settings to select are what time to perform a daily scan and register with AVG. You can go through the wizard or skip the process entirely as changes can be made later.

其他選擇設定是什麼時間執行每日掃描並向AVG註冊。 您可以瀏覽嚮導,也可以完全跳過該過程,因為以後可以進行更改。


All settings and components can be controlled from the User Interface. AVG Free Edition includes more than just anti-virus protection. Other components include:

可以從使用者介面控制所有設定和元件。 AVG Free Edition不僅僅包含防病毒保護。 其他元件包括:

Anti-SpywareProtects against malicious software applications
Email ScannerIntegrates with Outlook to scan email messages and attachments for Viruses and Spyware
Resident ShieldReal-time protection against viruses and malicious spyware
反間諜軟體 防禦惡意軟體應用程式
control panel

Full system scans seem comparable to both Avast and AntiVir and you can also control the speed… the faster the scan the more CPU processing power required if you want to continue to use the computer while the scan is running.


Details of detections are shown in the user interface as detected. This is where you can also pause, start, or resume a scan.

檢測的詳細資訊在檢測到的使用者介面中顯示。 您也可以在此處暫停,開始或繼續掃描。


There are a surprising amount of settings and options to customize how AVG works. This is where to control scan schedules and a whole host of other options.

自定義AVG的工作方式的設定和選項數量驚人。 在這裡可以控制掃描計劃和其他所有選項。


Pop up notifications are shown near the clock on the taskbar.


1 taskbar popup

All email messages will be scanned and this will be verified by a message at the bottom of each email. Also, as with the other anti-virus applications we have covered, AVG integrates into Windows Explorer so you can scan individual files by right clicking.

將掃描所有電子郵件,並通過每封電子郵件底部的訊息進行驗證。 此外,與我們介紹的其他防病毒應用程式一樣,AVG整合到Windows資源管理器中,因此您可以通過右鍵單擊來掃描單個檔案。

email scan msg menu



AVG is so popular for a reason: the user interface is attractive and quite easy to use and there’s also a bunch of options available to allow you to customize the behavior to your liking. It also offers a lot of components and options that are only available in the professional version of other utilities, at the great price of free.

AVG之所以如此受歡迎是有原因的:使用者介面吸引人且易於使用,並且還有許多選項可讓您根據自己的喜好自定義行為。 它還提供了許多元件和選件,這些元件和選件僅在其他實用程式的專業版中可用,價格不菲

AVG AV Logo_short

If you have used AVG for a while please comment and let us know your thoughts and opinions, or any recommended settings that you use.


Download AVG Free Edition For Windows


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80033/secure-computing-free-virus-protection-with-avg-free-edition/