1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >谷歌日曆類似_如何將您的Google日曆連結到您的Amazon Echo

谷歌日曆類似_如何將您的Google日曆連結到您的Amazon Echo



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If you use Google Calendar and want Alexa to read off your upcoming events without having to take the time to actually look, you can easily link your Google Calendar to your Amazon Echo and have the quintessential personal assistant you’ve always wanted.

如果您使用Google日曆並希望Alexa無需花費時間來仔細閱讀即將舉行的活動,則可以輕鬆地將Google日曆連結到您的Amazon Echo,並擁有您一直想要的典型個人助理。

The Google Home can obviously access your Google Calendar as well, but some buyers simply can’t pass up that $50 price tag on the Echo Dot, so if you ended up on Amazon’s side and heavily rely on your Google Calendar, you have nothing to worry about. Here’s how to link it up with your Echo.


Echo Dot上放棄那50美元的價格標籤,因此,如果您最終站在亞馬遜一邊,嚴重依賴您的Google日曆,您將無所適從擔心。 這是將其與您的Echo連結的方法。

如何將您的Google日曆新增到Alexa (How to Add Your Google Calendar to Alexa)

Start by opening up the Alexa app on your smartphone and tapping on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.



Select “Settings”.



Tap on “Calendar”.



Tap on the white box where it says “Google”. You can also link a calendar from Outlook or Office 365 if you use those services.

點按顯示“ Google”的白框。 如果您使用這些服務,也可以從Outlook或Office 365連結日曆。

Select “Link a Google Calendar Account”.


Sign into your Google account by entering in your Google username or email followed by your password. Hit “Sign In”.

輸入您的Google使用者名稱或電子郵件,然後輸入密碼,登入您的Google帳戶。 點選“登入”。

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Tap on “Allow” down in the lower-right corner to give Alexa access to your Google Calendar.



The next screen should say “Done”, which you can then tap on the “X” in the top-right corner to close it out.

下一個螢幕應該顯示“完成”,然後您可以點選右上角的“ X”以將其關閉。


After that, select which calendars you want Alexa to access by placing checkmarks next to them. When finished, tap on the back arrow in the top-left corner.

之後,通過在複選標記旁邊放置您想讓Alexa訪問的日曆。 完成後,點選左上角的向後箭頭。


Next, tap on the drop-down menu and select a calendar that you want to use as the default calendar for when you add new events through Alexa.



Select a calendar and then hit “Done”.



From there, you can exit out of the Alexa app and begin using your Echo to manage your Google Calendar.


Google Calendar Integration可以做什麼和不能做什麼 (What You Can and Can’t Do with Google Calendar Integration)

Voice commands are fairly limited when it comes to asking Alexa about your Google Calendar, but what you can do is pretty useful. Here are a handful of commands you can use:

在詢問Alexa關於您的Google日曆時,語音命令是相當有限的,但是您可以做的非常有用。 以下是您可以使用的一些命令:

  • “Alexa, what’s my next event?”Alexa will tell you what your next event is on your calendar. From there, she’ll ask you if you want to hear more upcoming events.

    “ Alexa,我的下一個活動是什麼?” Alexa會告訴您日曆中的下一個活動是什麼。 從那裡,她會問你是否想聽更多即將發生的事件。

  • “Alexa, what’s on my calendar?”This is a more general question for Alexa, but she’ll tell you the next four events on your calendar. You can also be descriptive and ask “Alexa, what’s on my calendar on Thursday at 10am?”

    “ Alexa,我的日曆上有什麼?” 對於Alexa,這是一個更籠統的問題,但是她會告訴您日曆中的下四個事件。 您也可以進行描述,並問“ Alexa,週四上午10點我的日曆上有什麼?”

  • “Alexa, add “board meeting” to my calendar on Monday at 9am.”This is how you add events to your Google Calendar. You can also just start with “Alexa, add an event to my calendar” and she’ll ask you follow-up questions like what day and time.

    “ Alexa,在星期一上午9點​​將“董事會會議”新增到我的日曆中。” 這是將事件新增到Google日曆的方式。 您也可以從“ Alexa,向我的日曆新增事件”開始,她會問您後續問題,例如日期和時間。

Unfortunately, you can’t ask what’s on your calendar “next week” or “over the weekend”. Instead, you have to be specific and say a date. Furthermore, you can’t add more details to an event, like a location, description, and an alert.

不幸的是,您不能在“下週”或“週末”詢問日曆中的內容。 相反,您必須明確並說出日期。 此外,您無法向事件新增更多詳細資訊,例如位置,描述和警報。

For what it’s worth, the Google Home has it’s own flaws with Google Calendar as well. It won’t read off events that don’t have a specific time attached to them, and it can only read events from your main Google Calendar, so if you have multiple calendars, it can only see events from one of them.

就其價值而言,Google Home也具有Google日曆自身的缺陷。 它不會讀取沒有指定時間的事件,並且只能讀取主Google日曆中的事件,因此,如果您有多個日曆,則只能檢視其中一個的事件。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/284656/how-to-link-your-google-calendar-to-your-amazon-echo/
