1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ie 記憶體洩露 谷歌不洩露_第二次資料洩漏後,Google +將在4月而不是8月關閉

ie 記憶體洩露 谷歌不洩露_第二次資料洩漏後,Google +將在4月而不是8月關閉

ie 記憶體洩露 谷歌不洩露

ie 記憶體洩露 谷歌不洩露

Back in October, a security hole in Google+’s APIs lead Google to announce it was shutting down the service. Now, a second data leak has surfaced, causing the company to move the shutdown up by four months.

早在10月,Google + API中的一個安全漏洞導致Google宣佈將關閉該服務。 現在,第二次資料洩漏已經浮出水面,導致該公司將關閉時間提前了四個月。

This new data leak is quite similar to the first one: profile information such as name, email address, age, and occupation was exposed to developers, even for private profiles. It’s estimated that upwards of 52 million users were affected by this leak. The good news is that while the first hole was open forthree years

, this one was only an issue for six days, from November 7th to the 13th, 2018.

這種新的資料洩漏與第一個非常相似:即使個人檔案也向開發人員公開了檔案資訊,例如名稱,電子郵件地址,年齡和職業。 估計有超過5200萬用戶受到此洩漏的影響。 好訊息是,雖然第一個漏洞開放了三年,但從2018年11月7日至13日,這個漏洞僅持續了六天。

Still, this is just one more nail in the coffin for G+. As a result of this second data breach, Google has announced it will move up the closing of its social network from August 2019 to April 2019. Access to its APIs will be closed within the next 90 days.

不過,這只是G +棺材中的另一釘子。 由於第二次資料洩露,谷歌宣佈將在2019年8月至2019年4月關閉其社交網路。在接下來的90天內,將關閉對其API的訪問。

Of course, this is all just for the consumer version of Google+. The company realized that it still has a place for enterprises, so it willremain a product for those users.

當然,這僅適用於Google+的消費者版本。 該公司意識到,對於企業來說,它仍然佔有一席之地,因此它將仍然是那些使用者的產品。

via The Verge


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/after-a-second-data-leak-google-will-shut-down-in-april-instead-of-august/

ie 記憶體洩露 谷歌不洩露