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windows懸浮按鈕_如何在Windows 10上配置筆及其按鈕



Windows 10 gained a new pen settings panel with the Anniversary Update. If your device has a pen or another type of stylus, you can customize exactly how it works and what its buttons do from the Settings window.

Windows 10通過週年更新獲得了新的筆設定面板。 如果您的裝置帶有筆或其他型別的手寫筆,則可以從“設定”視窗中確切自定義其工作方式及其按鈕的功能。

This previously required device-specific apps like the Microsoft Surface app for configuring the Surface Pen on Surface devices. The Microsoft Surface app still allows you to adjust a Surface Pen’s pressure sensitivity, and other device-specific tools may still have additional settings. But most common options are now built into Windows.

這以前需要特定裝置的應用程式(例如Microsoft Surface應用程式)才能在Surface裝置上配置Surface Pen。 Microsoft Surface應用程式仍然允許您調整Surface Pen的壓力靈敏度,並且其他特定於裝置的工具可能仍具有其他設定。 但是現在Windows中內建了大多數常用選項。

筆設定 (Pen Settings)

To access pen settings, open the Settings app and select Devices > Pen & Windows Ink.


The “Choose which hand you write with” setting controls where menus appear when you use the pen. For example, if you open a context menu while it’s set to “Right Hand”, it will appear to the left of the pen tip. If you open a context menu while it’s set to “Left Hand”, it will appear to the right of the pen tip. Windows tries to avoid opening context menus behind your hand, where you can’t see them.

“選擇使用哪隻手書寫”設定控制使用筆時選單在何處出現。 例如,如果在上下文選單設定為“右手”的情況下開啟上下文選單,它將顯示在筆尖的左側。 如果將上下文選單設定為“左手”時開啟它,它將顯示在筆尖的右側。 Windows試圖避免在您的手後面開啟上下文選單,而您看不到它們。

By default, Windows 10 assumes you’re right handed. If you’re left handed, you’ll want to select the Left Handed option under “Choose which hand you write with”.

預設情況下,Windows 10假定您是右撇子。 如果您是左撇子,則需要在“選擇用哪隻手書寫”下選擇“左手”選項。

Windows 10 uses visual effects and a cursor appear by default, but you can disable them. The “Show visual effects” option makes graphical effects like a ripple appear when you touch your pen on the screen. If you dislike this, you can turn off this option.

Windows 10使用視覺效果,預設情況下會顯示一個游標,但是您可以禁用它們。 “顯示視覺效果”選項使您在觸控式螢幕幕上的筆時會產生波紋狀的圖形效果。 如果您不喜歡它,可以關閉此選項。

The “Show cursor” option makes a cursor appear—often a dot-shaped cursor—when you hover your pen over the screen. If you don’t want to see a cursor, you can disable this option.

當您將筆懸停在螢幕上時,“顯示游標”選項可使光標出現(通常是點形游標)。 如果不想看到游標,可以禁用此選項。

Many devices attempt to perform palm rejection while you’re using your pen, letting youaccidentally bump the touch screen without causing problems. If you find yourself bumping the screen while drawing, enable the “Ignore touch input when I’m using my pen” option here.

許多裝置在使用筆時都會嘗試執行手掌剔除操作,從而使您意外碰觸觸控式螢幕而不會引起問題。 如果在繪圖時發現自己撞到螢幕,請在此處啟用“在使用筆時忽略觸控輸入”選項。

Windows 10 has handwriting feature that allows you to write with your pen and have it converted to typed text. The “Show the handwriting panel when not in tablet mode and there’s no keyboard attached” option makes this option easier to access.

Windows 10具有手寫功能,可讓您用筆進行書寫並將其轉換為鍵入的文字。 “不在平板電腦模式且未連線鍵盤時顯示手寫面板”選項使該選項更易於訪問。

With this option enabled, you can tap the keyboard icon in your notification area with the pen while your device is in tablet mode and the handwriting keyboard will appear instead of the normal touch keyboard. Tap it with your finger and the touch keyboard will still appear.

啟用此選項後,您可以在裝置處於平板電腦模式時用筆點選通知區域中的鍵盤圖示,而手寫鍵盤將代替普通的觸控鍵盤出現。 用手指點選它,觸控鍵盤仍會出現。

Windows墨水工作區 (Windows Ink Workspace)

The Anniversary Update also added the “Windows Ink Workspace” feature. By default, you can open it by pressing a shortcut button on your pen—if your pen has one—or clicking the pen-shaped Windows Ink icon in the notification area. If you don’t see the button, right-click the Windows taskbar and select “Show Windows Ink Workspace button”.

週年更新還新增了“ Windows Ink工作區”功能。 預設情況下,可以通過按筆上的快捷按鈕(如果您的筆有一個)或單擊通知區域中的筆形Windows墨水圖示來開啟它。 如果看不到該按鈕,請右鍵單擊Windows工作列,然後選擇“顯示Windows墨水工作區按鈕”。

This panel provides shortcuts to pen-enabled apps like Sticky Notes and OneNote. It also suggests pen-enabled apps found in the Windows Store at the bottom of the panel. To disable this feature and make the panel stop showing suggested apps from the Store, turn off the “Show recommended app suggestions” feature.

該面板提供了諸如Penstic Notes和OneNote之類的啟用筆的應用程式的快捷方式。 它還建議在面板底部的Windows應用商店中找到啟用筆的應用程式。 要禁用此功能並使面板停止顯示來自商店的建議應用程式,請關閉“顯示建議的應用程式建議”功能。

If this feature is disabled, you’ll simply see a “Shop for pen apps in the Store” link that takes you to the Windows Store rather than a link to a specific app or two.


筆快捷方式 (Pen Shortcuts)

Many pens—but not all pens—have a shortcut button. For example, on the Surface Pen, you’ll find the shortcut button on the tip of the pen, where an eraser would be on a pencil. The options at the bottom of the panel allow you to control when you click the button once, double-click it, or press and hold it. The press and hold feature only works on some pens.

許多筆(但不是所有筆)都有一個快捷按鈕。 例如,在Surface觸控筆上,您會在筆尖上找到快捷方式按鈕,橡皮擦將在鉛筆上。 面板底部的選項使您可以控制單擊一次按鈕,雙擊按鈕或按住按鈕的時間。 按住功能僅適用於某些筆。

By default, clicking the button once will open the universal OneNote app, double-clicking will send a screenshot to the universal OneNote app, and pressing and holding will open Cortana. As this window says, you may need to pair the pen with your PC via Bluetooth if nothing happens when you press its buttons.

預設情況下,單擊一次按鈕將開啟通用OneNote應用程式,雙擊將向通用OneNote應用程式傳送螢幕截圖,並按住將開啟Cortana。 如該視窗所述,如果您在按下按鈕時沒有任何React,則可能需要通過藍芽將筆與PC配對。

You can configure these buttons to do whatever you like—you can even disable them so nothing happens when you press the button, if you find yourself bumping it. The buttons can set to open the Windows Ink Workspace, open the universal OneNote app, open the desktop OneNote 2016 app, launch a classic desktop app of your choice, or launch a universal app of your choice. If you set the button to launch a classic desktop app, you can browse to any .exe file on your computer. If you set it to launch a universal app, you can select any installed universal app from a list.

您可以將這些按鈕配置為執行您喜歡的任何操作-您甚至可以禁用它們,因此如果您發現自己碰到按鈕,則按按鈕時什麼也不會發生。 這些按鈕可以設定為開啟Windows Ink工作區,開啟通用OneNote應用,開啟桌面OneNote 2016應用,啟動您選擇的經典桌面應用或啟動您選擇的通用應用。 如果將按鈕設定為啟動經典桌面應用程式,則可以瀏覽到計算機上的任何.exe檔案。 如果將其設定為啟動通用應用程式,則可以從列表中選擇任何已安裝的通用應用程式。

Microsoft will probably continue to add more features and pen-button options in future updates to Windows 10. If you want to configure another feature on your device’s pen, look for a manufacturer-provided app or tool to configure it.

Microsoft可能會在Windows 10的將來更新中繼續新增更多功能和筆按鈕選項。如果要在裝置的筆上配置其他功能,請尋找製造商提供的應用程式或工具來對其進行配置。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/286701/how-to-configure-your-pen-and-its-buttons-on-windows-10/
