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如何在Windows 10上使用觸控板手勢

If you’ve used a touchpad in Windows 10, you’re no doubt aware of the basic single-finger tapping and two-finger scrolling gestures. Windows 10 also packs in some additionalgestures you might not have tried.

如果您在Windows 10中使用了觸控板,那麼毫無疑問,您將瞭解基本的單指點選和兩指滾動手勢。 Windows 10還會附帶一些您可能沒有嘗試過的其他手勢。

Note: Some of these gestures only work with “

Precision Touchpads,” so some of these gestures won’t work for you if you don’t have one. You can check whether your laptop has one by opening the Settings app to Settings > Devices > Touchpad.

注意:這些手勢中的某些僅適用於“ Precision Touchpads ”,因此,如果您沒有這些手勢,則其中的某些手勢將對您不起作用。 您可以通過在“設定”>“裝置”>“觸控板”中開啟“設定”應用程式來檢查膝上型電腦是否裝有一臺膝上型電腦。

Now, on to the gestures! Here are the gestures that Windows 10 supports:

現在,繼續手勢! 以下是Windows 10支援的手勢:

  • Tap one finger on the touchpad:Select an item (same as left-clicking a mouse).


  • Tap two fingers on the touchpad:Show more commands (same as right-clicking a mouse).



  • Swipe up or down with two fingers:Scroll a page up or down.


  • Pinch or stretch out two fingers:Zoom in or zoom out (magnify or shrink).


  • Swipe up with three fingers:Show all recent activity and open windows via Windows Timeline.


  • Swipe down with three fingers:Minimize everything and show the desktop.


  • Swipe left or right with three fingers:Switch between all windows that are currently open (same as Alt+Tab).

    用三個手指向左或向右滑動:在當前開啟的所有視窗之間切換(與Alt + Tab相同)。

  • Tap three fingers on the touchpad:Open Cortana/search.

    在觸控板上點選三個手指:開啟Cortana / search。

  • Tap four fingers on the touchpad: Open Action Center.


  • Swipe left or right with four fingers:Switch between all virtual desktops.


It’s also possible that your touchpad supports additional gestures (or even the ability to create your own) through their own specialized settings app, so be sure to see if your system includes one!


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370238/how-to-use-touchpad-gestures-for-windows-10/