1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >outlook規則匯出_如何在Outlook和Gmail之間匯入和匯出聯絡人




You can use Microsoft Outlook with just about any email account, including Gmail—but Outlook doesn’t provide a built-in way to sync your Gmail contacts. If you’ve amassed a bunch of contacts in either service, you’ll have to import them from the other manually to use them.

您幾乎可以將Microsoft Outlook與任何電子郵件帳戶(包括Gmail)一起使用,但是Outlook不提供內建的方式來同步Gmail聯絡人。 如果您在任一服務中積累了大量聯絡人,則必須手動從另一服務匯入它們才能使用它們。

You could re-enter each contact one by one, of course, but we recommend importing all of your contacts in one go. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to first export your contacts from Gmail into Outlook, and then export from Outlook into Gmail.

當然,您可以一次一個地重新輸入每個聯絡人,但是我們建議一次性匯入所有聯絡人。 在本文中,我們將演示如何首先將聯絡人從Gmail匯出到Outlook,然後再從Outlook匯出到Gmail。

如何從Gmail匯出聯絡人並將其匯入Outlook (How to Export Contacts from Gmail and Import Them into Outlook)

To export contacts from your Gmail account, open a browser and log in to your account. Then, click on “Gmail” and then select “Contacts” from the dropdown.

要從您的Gmail帳戶匯出聯絡人,請開啟瀏覽器並登入到您的帳戶。 然後,單擊“ Gmail”,然後從下拉列表中選擇“聯絡人”。

Google is redesigning Contacts and you can try out the Contacts preview (click on “Try Contacts preview” in the menu on the left when viewing contacts in the old version). However, the Contacts preview does not allow you to export contacts yet, so we have to revert to the old version to export our contacts. To do that, click “Go to the old version” at the bottom of the list of options on the left.

Google正在重新設計通訊錄,您可以嘗試使用通訊錄預覽(檢視舊版本的通訊錄時,單擊左側選單中的“嘗試通訊錄預覽”)。 但是,“聯絡人”預覽尚未允許您匯出聯絡人,因此我們必須恢復到舊版本才能匯出我們的聯絡人。 為此,請單擊左側選項列表底部的“轉到舊版本”。

Once you’re back in the old version of Google Contacts, click “More” at the top of the page and select “Export” from the dropdown.


Notice, you can export a group, selected contacts, or all your contacts into one of three formats. The export format should be an Outlook .CSV (CSV = Comma Separated Values, which means each field [Name, Address, Phone, etc.] is separated by a comma) file. Select the contacts you want to export, and then select the “Outlook CSV format” option.

請注意,您可以將組,選定的聯絡人或所有聯絡人匯出為以下三種格式之一。 匯出格式應為Outlook .CSV(CSV =逗號分隔值,表示每個欄位[名稱,地址,電話等]用逗號分隔)檔案。 選擇要匯出的聯絡人,然後選擇“ Outlook CSV格式”選項。

Click “Export” to start the export process.


On the Save As dialog box, navigate to where you want to save your contacts CSV file. By default, contacts.csv is entered in the “File name” box as a suggestion for a name, but you can change that, if you want. Then, click the “Save” button.

在“另存為”對話方塊上,導航到要將聯絡人CSV檔案儲存到的位置。 預設情況下,contacts.csv是在“檔名”框中輸入的建議名稱,但是您可以根據需要進行更改。 然後,單擊“儲存”按鈕。

When the export is finished, you can open the exported .CSV file in Excel and manipulate itby adding addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other information that will help round out your address book. While this is an optional step, it’s nice to be able to go through and make your contacts neat and consistent.

匯出完成後,您可以在Excel中開啟匯出的.CSV檔案並通過新增地址,電話號碼,電子郵件地址和其他有助於完善通訊簿的資訊來對其進行操作。 儘管這是一個可選步驟,但能夠使您的聯絡人保持整潔而一致的感覺很好。

When you’re ready, it’s time to import your shiny new contacts file into Outlook. Open Outlook and click the “File” tab.

準備就緒後,就該將閃亮的新聯絡人檔案匯入Outlook。 開啟Outlook,然後單擊“檔案”選項卡。

On the backstage screen, click “Open & Export” on the left and then click the “Import/Export” button.


The Import and Export Wizard dialog box displays. Select “Import from another program or file” under Choose an action to perform and then click the “Next” button.

顯示匯入和匯出嚮導對話方塊。 在“選擇要執行的操作”下選擇“從其他程式或檔案匯入”,然後單擊“下一步”按鈕。

Select “Comma Separated Values” and click the “Next” button.


Now, we need to select the file to import, so click the “Browse” button.


On the Browse dialog box, navigate to the folder where you saved the .csv file, select the file, and then click the “OK” button.


Under Options, decide whether or not you want duplicates to be imported. You can save yourself time later by selecting “Do not import duplicate items” now. Click the “Next” button.

在選項下,確定是否要匯入重複項。 您可以稍後選擇“不要匯入重複的專案”來節省時間。 點選“下一步”按鈕。

Select “Contacts” in the Select destination folder box under the email account where you want to save your contacts. Then, click the “Next” button.

在要儲存聯絡人的電子郵件帳戶下的“選擇目標資料夾”框中選擇“聯絡人”。 然後,單擊“下一步”按鈕。

The last screen on the Import a File dialog box shows you what’s about to happen (“Import ‘Contacts’ from folder: Contacts”) and offers you the opportunity to map any custom fields you might have created in Gmail Contacts.


What does it mean to map custom fields? Simply, some of the fields in .csv file that came from Gmail might not match the destination address book you’re importing to, which means you’ll need to “map” them. As the dialog explains, you need to drag the value in the .csv file on the right, to the field in Outlook on the left that most closely resembles it.

對映自定義欄位是什麼意思? 簡而言之,來自Gmail的.csv檔案中的某些欄位可能與您要匯入的目標地址簿不匹配,這意味著您需要對其進行“對映”。 正如對話方塊所說明的,您需要將右側.csv檔案中的值拖到與Outlook最相似的左側Outlook欄位中。

When you’re done mapping fields, click the “OK” button.


Now, click the “Finish” button to complete the import process.


You can see your imported contacts by opening the “People” icon at the bottom of the left pane.


Your Gmail contacts are now available in Outlook.


Now, you can go through and edit to your heart’s content, adding images, mailing addresses, secondary phone numbers, and any other bits of information you think are important and relevant.


如何從Outlook匯出聯絡人並將其匯入Gmail (How to Export Contacts from Outlook and Import Them into Gmail)

If you have your contacts in Outlook and you want to transfer them into your Gmail account, open Outlook and click the “File” tab.


On the backstage screen, click “Open & Export” on the left and then click the “Import/Export” button.


The Import and Export Wizard dialog box displays. Select “Export to a file” under Choose an action to perform and then click the “Next” button.

顯示匯入和匯出嚮導對話方塊。 在“選擇要執行的操作”下選擇“匯出到檔案”,然後單擊“下一步”按鈕。

Select “Comma Separated Values” and click the “Next” button.


Select “Contacts” in the Select folder to export from box under the email account in which your contacts are located. Then, click the “Next” button.

在您的聯絡人所在的電子郵件帳戶下的“選擇要從中匯出的資料夾”框中選擇“聯絡人”。 然後,單擊“下一步”按鈕。

Now, we need to choose a location and specify a name for the exported file, so click the “Browse” button.


On the Browse dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to save the .csv file. The default name of the file in the “File name” box is contacts.csv, but you can change this if you want. Click the “OK” button to select the file to import.

在“瀏覽”對話方塊上,導航到要儲存.csv檔案的資料夾。 “檔名”框中檔案的預設名稱為contacts.csv,但您可以根據需要更改此名稱。 單擊“確定”按鈕以選擇要匯入的檔案。

Click the “Next” button to continue.


The last screen on the Export to a File dialog box shows you what’s about to happen (“Export ‘Contacts’ from folder: Contacts”) and offers you the opportunity to map any custom fields you might have created in Outlook.


What does it mean to map custom fields? Simply, some of the fields in your Outlook address book might not match the destination you’re importing to in .csv file, which means you’ll need to “map” them. As the dialog explains, drag the Outlook value from the list on the right, to the field in the .csv file on the left that most closely resembles it. Chances are you probably won’t need to mess with this, but it’s good to know in case you import your Outlook contacts and end up with mismatched fields.

對映自定義欄位是什麼意思? 簡而言之,Outlook通訊簿中的某些欄位可能與.csv檔案中要匯入的目標位置不匹配,這意味著您需要對其進行“對映”。 正如對話方塊所說明的,將Outlook值從右側的列表中拖到最類似於它的左側.csv檔案中的欄位。 可能您可能不需要弄混它,但是很高興知道如果您匯入Outlook聯絡人並最終遇到欄位不匹配的情況。

When you’re done mapping fields, click the “OK” button.


Click the “Finish” button to complete the export process.


When the export is finished, you can open the exported .csv file in Excel and manipulate it you like, adding addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other information that will help round out your address book. While this is an optional step, it’s nice to be able to go through and make your contacts neat and consistent.

匯出完成後,您可以在Excel中開啟匯出的.csv檔案並按需要進行操作,新增地址,電話號碼,電子郵件地址和其他有助於完善通訊簿的資訊。 儘管這是一個可選步驟,但能夠使您的聯絡人保持整潔而一致的感覺很好。

When you’re ready to import your contacts into Gmail, open a browser and log in to your account. Then, click on “Gmail” and select “Contacts” from the dropdown.

準備將聯絡人匯入Gmail時,請開啟瀏覽器並登入到您的帳戶。 然後,單擊“ Gmail”,然後從下拉列表中選擇“聯絡人”。

Google is redesigning Contacts and you can try out the Contacts preview (click on “Try Contacts preview” in the menu on the left when viewing contacts in the old version). However, the Contacts preview does not allow you to import contacts yet, so we have to revert to the old version to import our contacts. To do that, click “Go to the old version” at the bottom of the list of options on the left.

Google正在重新設計通訊錄,您可以嘗試使用通訊錄預覽(檢視舊版本的通訊錄時,單擊左側選單中的“嘗試通訊錄預覽”)。 但是,“聯絡人”預覽尚未允許您匯入聯絡人,因此我們必須還原到舊版本才能匯入我們的聯絡人。 為此,請單擊左側選項列表底部的“轉到舊版本”。

On the Contacts screen, click the “More” button and select “Import” from the dropdown.


Click the “Choose File” button on the Import contacts dialog box.


On the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder where you saved the .csv file from Outlook, select the file, and then click the “Open” button.


Click the “Import” button on the Import contacts dialog box to finish importing the contacts from the .csv file.


Your newly imported contacts won’t be merged into your main contacts list—at least not in Gmail—instead, they’ll get their own group.


NOTE: If you don’t see your contacts listed yet, refresh the web page.


If you click on the group of imported contacts, you’ll be able to merge them and delete duplicates. It might take a little time to clean them all up, but if things are a total mess, then you can always remove your imported contacts, return to Outlook, and perform the process again, this time either using the map fields function or Excel to fix the problems.

如果單擊匯入的聯絡人組,則可以將其合併並刪除重複項。 清理它們可能需要一點時間,但是如果情況一團糟,則始終可以刪除匯入的聯絡人,返回到Outlook,然後再次執行此過程,這一次可以使用地圖欄位功能或Excel來完成。解決問題。

You now have an address book full of contacts that you can immediately start emailing. That said, this is a one-time deal, meaning that when you start making changes to the contacts in one email client or service, the other client or service won’t reflect the changes.

現在,您的通訊錄中充滿了聯絡方式,您可以立即開始傳送電子郵件。 就是說,這是一次性交易,這意味著當您開始對一個電子郵件客戶端或服務中的聯絡人進行更改時,另一客戶端或服務將不會反映這些更改。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/201988/how-to-import-export-contacts-between-outlook-and-gmail/
