1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >safari閱讀模式_如何在Safari中使用和調整閱讀器模式




The web can be an ugly place. Sites with useful information can also be cluttered with sidebars, advertisements, and popups asking you to subscribe to a newsletter.

網路可能是一個醜陋的地方。 包含有用資訊的網站上也可能雜亂無章的側邊欄,廣告和彈出視窗,要求您訂閱新聞通訊。

That’s what makes Safari’s Reader View so nice. This feature extracts all the text and images from any page, then slides over whatever you’re reading with only those things. It’s a quick way to read anything without the clutter, and you can even customize the colors and fonts. It works on iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

這就是使Safari的Reader View如此出色的原因。 此功能可從任何頁面提取所有文字和影象,然後僅使用這些內容在您正在閱讀的內容上滑動。 這是一種無障礙閱讀的快速方法,您甚至可以自定義顏色和字型。 它適用於iPhone,iPad和Mac。

如何在iPhone或iPad上啟動Reader View (How to Launch Reader View on an iPhone or iPad)

If you’re on a page with an article on it in the Safari app, you’ll see the below button appear in Safari’s address bar. Tap it to open Reader View.

如果您在Safari應用程式中的頁面上有文章,則會在Safari的位址列中看到以下按鈕。 點選它以開啟閱讀器檢視。

This won’t make a big difference on How-To Geek, as we’ve tried to make our mobile website as clean and readable as possible, but it can be a big help on more cluttered websites.

這對How-To Geek不會有太大的影響,因為我們已嘗試使我們的移動網站儘可能整潔和易讀,但是對於雜亂無章的網站而言,這可能是一個很大的幫助。

You can long-press the button instead if you want to automatically enable Reader View on websites of your choice.

如果您想在所選網站上自動啟用Reader View ,則可以長按按鈕。

如何在iPhone或iPad上自定義Reader View (How to Customize Reader View on an iPhone or iPad)

You can customize Reader View to make things easier to read, too. While in Reader View, tap the button at the right side of Safari’s address bar. It looks like a smaller capital A to the left of a larger capital A.

您可以自定義閱讀器檢視,以使內容也更易於閱讀。 在“讀者檢視”中,點選Safari位址列右側的按鈕。 它看起來像是大寫字母A左側的小寫字母A。

The buttons in the menu allow you to increase or decrease the font size, change the color of the page (for example, you can enable white text on a black background by tapping the black dot), and choose the font the article appears in.


如何在Mac上啟動Reader View (How to Launch Reader View on a Mac)

Using Reader View on a Mac is easy, too. If you’re reading a page with an article on it, you’ll see this button in the left side of the Safari address bar:

在Mac上使用Reader View也很容易。 如果您正在閱讀的頁面上有文章,您將在Safari位址列的左側看到此按鈕:

Click that button and Reader View will instantly pop up with the article and only the article.


The keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+R also works. Now you can read without distractions.

鍵盤快捷鍵Command + Shift + R也可以使用。 現在,您可以分心閱讀。

如何在Mac上自定義Reader View (How to Customize Reader View on a Mac)

If you’re not sold on the color scheme or font, you click the “Aa” icon in the right side of the address bar.

如果未使用配色方案或字型出售,請單擊位址列右側的“ Aa”圖示。

The top two buttons, with different size A’s, lets you bump the font size up and down. The four boxes below that let you choose the background color. Finally, you can choose a font.

頂部的兩個按鈕具有不同的大小A,可讓您上下調整字型大小。 下面的四個框讓您選擇背景色。 最後,您可以選擇一種字型。

With these few options, you can go from stark…


…to dark…


…to my personal preference, a more natural look.


It’s really up to you, and it’s nice to have choices. Until relatively recently it wasn’t possible to change this at all without third-party extensions, but this is a lot easier.

這完全取決於您,選擇很高興。 直到最近,如果沒有第三方擴充套件,根本不可能更改此設定,但這要容易得多。

減少混亂而不阻止廣告 (Reducing Clutter Without Blocking Ads)

I love the Reader View for all sorts of reasons, but it’s also nice in that it’s a nice compromise in the ad-blocking debate. I’ve written for sites where I wasn’t allowed to even mention ad blockers, so concerned was management about potentially losing revenue. And you know what? That’s not necessarily unfair.

出於各種原因,我都喜歡Reader View,但這也很不錯,因為它是廣告遮蔽辯論中的一個不錯的折衷方案。 我是為不允許我提到廣告攔截器的網站撰寫的,因此管理層擔心潛在的收入損失。 你知道嗎? 那不一定是不公平的。

But it’s also not unfair to say that the current advertising ecosystem is making the web a much less friendly place. Too many sites are an absolute mess for readers to get through, so I understand why users turn to ad blockers.

但是也可以說,當前的廣告生態系統使網路變得不那麼友好了,這也是不公平的。 太多的網站絕對是讀者無法閱讀的爛攤子,所以我明白了為什麼使用者轉向廣告攔截器。

Safari’s Reader View offers a compromise. It doesn’t block ads: you still see them when you first open a page, and the sites you read still get paid. But if you want a quiet space to read, free from distractions, you can have that in just one click. And unlike with ad blockers, you can use whatever font and color you like. Everyone wins.

Safari的Reader View提供了一個折衷方案。 它不會阻止廣告:您第一次開啟頁面時仍會看到它們,並且您閱讀的網站仍然會獲得付​​款。 但是,如果您希望閱讀一個安靜的空間而又沒有干擾,則只需單擊一下即可。 與廣告攔截器不同,您可以使用任何喜歡的字型和顏色。 每個人都贏。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25072/how-to-use-and-tweak-reader-mode-in-safari/
