1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >reddit_如何使用RES充分利用Reddit





Ever since its inception, Reddit has been a steaming cauldron of controversy, rife with scandals like Gamergate, Ellen Pao-gate, and the misidentification of the Boston Bombing suspects back in 2014. But, even though it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, for those who do enjoy scrolling through their favorite subs, the Reddit Enhancement Suite is a must have add-on that creates a whole new experience for the daily redditor.

自成立以來,Reddit一直是充滿爭議的大鍋,充斥著諸如Gamergate,Ellen Pao-gate之類的醜聞,以及2014年波士頓爆炸案嫌疑人的錯誤識別。但是,即使可能不是每個人都喝杯茶,對於那些喜歡在其喜歡的子頁面上滾動的使用者來說,Reddit增強套件是必不可少的附加元件,可為日常Redditor創造全新的體驗。

Whatever your opinion on the site may be, it’s still one of the most popular destinations on the web today, ranking in the top 20 websites for nearly every country around the globe. Reddit Enhancement Suite is a simple tool that can make anyone fall in love with the news portal once they give it a chance, so check out our guide to learn how RES can help you get all the karma and upvotes you need.

無論您對網站的看法如何,它仍然是當今網路上最受歡迎的目的地之一,幾乎在全球每個國家中都排名前20位。 Reddit Enhancement Suite是一個簡單的工具,一旦有機會,任何人都可以愛上新聞門戶,因此,請檢視我們的指南,以瞭解RES如何幫助您獲得所需的所有業障和支援。

安裝Reddit增強套件 (Installing Reddit Enhancement Suite)

The first step to getting Reddit Enhancement Suite running, is to install it as an extension for your preferred browser.

執行Reddit Enhancement Suite的第一步是將其安裝為首選瀏覽器的擴充套件。


RES is currently available on Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox, and you can find the download that matches your software by visiting the company’s home page here. The download bar should automatically detect the browser you’re using as soon as you click through to the setup, and you’ll know if it was successful when the add-on takes you to the latest list of RES patch notes.

RES是目前市面上歌劇,Safari,Chrome和Firefox,就可以發現,通過訪問該公司的主頁軟體相匹配的下載這裡。 單擊進入設定後,下載欄應該會自動檢測到您正在使用的瀏覽器,當該附件將您帶到RES補丁說明的最新列表時,您將知道它是否成功。

成為你的 (Make it Yours)

One RES is installed and running properly, it’s time to start fancying up the place.


It’s no secret that for years, the number one barrier of entry that kept Reddit free from outsiders was its confusing, often visually grating layout theme. Filled with seemingly random blobs of text parsed out in no real particular order, just finding the stories you want to read can be hard enough for someone who’s unfamiliar with the site’s style, let alone figuring out where their comment ends up after they hit enter.

多年來,讓Reddit不受外界侵害的第一大進入壁壘就是其令人困惑的,通常是視覺上刺眼的佈局主題,這已經不是什麼祕密了。 對於似乎不熟悉網站樣式的人來說,看起來似乎是隨機的,沒有任何特定順序解析的文字填充的內容,對於那些不熟悉網站樣式的人來說,僅僅找到想要閱讀的故事就已經足夠了,更不用說弄清楚他們的評論在點選回車後在哪裡結束了。

Seen here: utter nonsense

RES simplifies this operation, giving you the opportunity to tightly control exactly how comments are displayed, which stories rank over each other, and what your frontpage looks like each time it reloads. All configuration settings that control RES can be found by clicking on the gear icon in the top-right corner, and selecting the “RES Settings Console”.

RES簡化了此操作,使您有機會嚴格控制評論的顯示方式,哪些故事相互排名以及每次重新載入時首頁的外觀。 單擊右上角的齒輪圖示,然後選擇“ RES設定控制檯”,即可找到控制RES的所有配置設定。


出現 (Appearance)

Although it could take ten articles to fully cover all the different options RES hands out to help you customize Reddit’s appearance, for the sake of brevity we’re just going to list a few of our favorite tweaks that can make the most difference the next time you sign on.


First up, there’s Night Mode. Personally, Ilike to use Night Mode whenever possible, as the standard white-on-blue theme can be pretty tiring on your eyes if you find yourself reading on the site for extended periods of time. Night mode softens everything up, throwing light gray text on a darker gray background to reduce visual strain and prevent your screen from lighting up your room like the Ark of the Covenant every time you click into a new page.

首先,有夜間模式。 就個人而言,我喜歡儘可能使用夜間模式,因為如果您發現自己長時間在網站上閱讀,則標準的白底藍字主題可能會讓您大吃一驚。 夜間模式可以使所有內容變得柔和,在較深的灰色背景上放置淺灰色的文字,以減少視覺疲勞,並防止您的螢幕每次單擊進入新頁面時就象《約櫃》一樣照亮房間。


When in Night Mode, be aware that some smaller subreddits may not have the proper coding to handle the color swap, and will have difficulty displaying links, images, or comments in a readable fashion. If you find yourself unable to decipher what a headline says or how another user responded, simply click on the gear icon in the top-right hand corner, and toggle Night Mode to “off”.

在夜間模式下,請注意,一些較小的子編輯可能沒有正確的編碼來處理顏色交換,並且將難以以可讀的方式顯示連結,影象或註釋。 如果您發現自己無法理解標題的內容或其他使用者的React,只需單擊右上角的齒輪圖示,然後將“夜間模式”切換為“關閉”即可。


If your browsing habits are all about efficiency though, opting for images to automatically display beside their headline each time you load the front page or a new sub will send your scrolling experience into overdrive. This setting makes it so that instead of having to click each link individually to see the goodies contained within, you can simply load the page you want, and scroll through each image accordingly.

如果您的瀏覽習慣與效率有關,那麼每次載入首頁或選擇新的子選單時,選擇將影象自動顯示在標題旁邊都會使您的滾動體驗超速。 通過此設定,您無需載入各個頁面即可檢視其中包含的東西,而只需載入所需的頁面並相應地滾動瀏覽每個影象即可。


This works both for static images and animated .gif files, which will begin to play immediately as soon as you load the page. Depending on the subreddits you’re subscribed to (or if you prefer to just hang around r/all), this turns reddit into a more feed-like, Twitter-esque endless scroll site than one that constantly requires you to be clicking in or out of new windows.

這適用於靜態影象和動畫.gif檔案,它們在載入頁面後立即開始播放。 根據您所訂閱的subreddit(如果您更喜歡閒逛r / all),這會使reddit變成一個更像供稿的類似Twitter的無盡滾動網站,而不是一個不斷要求您單擊或點選的網站。在新視窗之外。

By taking a drab layout and customizing it to your exact specifications, you can make any subreddit sing the praises of your favorite presidential candidate, while leaving behind the annoying choir of commenters who think you and everyone you know is wrong about everything all the time.


“You can put lipstick on a pig, but that pig is still Reddit.”


篩選器 (Filters)

On the whole, the Reddit community can actually be pretty good about censoring itself and making sure that only the best content makes it to the top of any comment chain. However, like any online forum with so many people participating in a public debate at once, sometimes the noise still finds a way to slip through the cracks.

總體而言,Reddit社群實際上可以很好地審查自己,並確保只有最好的內容才能成為任何評論鏈的頂部。 但是,就像任何有很多人同時參加公開辯論的線上論壇一樣,有時噪音仍然可以找到一種解決方法。

Enter Filters. The RES Filter system allows you to set up a custom set of keywords, usernames, and identifiers that if found in a comment chain, headline, or inbox message, will automatically prevent the content from showing up after the page finishes loading. Overall this makes for a much more pleasant Redditing experience, one not clogged up by the caps-locked opinions of internet trolls or armchair experts the site is so infamously known for.

輸入過濾器。 RES篩選器系統允許您設定一組自定義的關鍵字,使用者名稱和識別符號,如果在註釋鏈,標題或收件箱訊息中找到這些關鍵字,使用者名稱和識別符號,則會在頁面完成載入後自動阻止內容顯示。 總體而言,這將帶來更加愉悅的Redditing體驗,而該體驗並沒有因此而臭名昭著地被網際網路巨魔或扶手椅專家的嚴格意見所阻塞。


To create a filter, you’ll need to start by entering the RES Settings Console, found in the gear drop-down menu. From here you’ll need to select the the “Filters” tab, where you can add, remove, or control the level of restriction that each of your filters are set to.

要建立過濾器,您需要先進入在齒輪下拉選單中找到的RES設定控制檯。 在這裡,您需要選擇“過濾器”標籤,您可以在其中新增,刪除或控制將每個過濾器設定為的限制級別。

執行緒訂閱 (Thread Subscriptions)

Of all the bonus features that RES offers, the ability to subscribe to specific threads probably takes the cake as the most useful throughout.



Ever find yourself showing up to a thread early, only to discover two or three sparse comments with no upvotes between them? If it’s a topic you’re especially interested in, you can click the “Subscribe” button under the main headline to get a series of notifications whenever someone new contributes another comment or response.

是否曾經發現自己很早就出現線上程中,卻發現兩個或三個稀疏註釋之間沒有投票? 如果您對這個主題特別感興趣,則可以在主標題下單擊“訂閱”按鈕,以便在新使用者發表其他評論或回覆時獲得一系列通知。


Now every time an additional comment is added to the chain, RES will send out a notification that appears in the same corner as the configuration settings menu.


小部件 (Widgets)

Widgets are handy both for Reddit noobies and the gristled power user. Widgets allow you to combine any part of your reddit account or separate subs into one page, creating a series of small peeks into the top ranking stories from each subreddit, the latest messages in your inbox, or the most recent replies to any of your comments.

小部件對於Reddit笨拙者和靈活的高階使用者都非常方便。 小部件可讓您將Reddit帳戶的任何部分或單獨的子項合併到一個頁面中,從而建立一系列小窺視,以瞭解每個子Reddit中排名最高的故事,收件箱中的最新訊息或對您的任何評論的最新回覆。

Depending on how they’re set up, widgets can enable you to do everything from staying up to date on the latest breaking world news to constantly updating a feed based on your specific search terms.



To create a widget, start by navigating to the “My dashboard” section from the RES menu.Once here, you’ll see a bar of green buttons, each with a different type of widget you can install.

要建立小部件,請先從RES選單導航到“我的儀表板”部分。 到達這裡後,您將看到綠色的按鈕欄,每個按鈕都可以安裝不同型別的小部件。


Choose the type of widget you want to activate (subreddit, user, comment chain, etc.) from the search bar that pops up, and type in the content you wan to pin to the page. You can enter multiple identifiers into this at once so all related widgets load at the same time.

從彈出的搜尋欄中選擇您要啟用的小部件型別(subreddit,使用者,評論鏈等),然後輸入想要固定到頁面的內容。 您可以一次在其中輸入多個識別符號,以便同時載入所有相關的視窗小部件。


Reddit Enhancement Suite is a deep, just about endlessly customizable set of tools that any respectable Redditor should have installed as a part of their browser. RES helps to tone down the noise of the site’s chaoticcommunity, all while giving you control over the visual flair and keyword filters you need to make the site feel like it’s really yours.

Reddit Enhancement Suite是一套深奧的,可無限定製的工具集,任何受尊敬的Redditor都應在其瀏覽器中安裝這些工具。 RES有助於降低網站混亂社群的噪音,同時還使您可以控制所需的視覺風格和關鍵字過濾器,以使該網站真正屬於您。

Download the Reddit Enhancement Suite from the company’s homepage today.


Image Credits: Reddit.com

圖片來源: Reddit.com

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229763/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-reddit-with-res/
