1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ios 對應 iphone_如何鎖定iPhone相機的曝光並專注於iOS

ios 對應 iphone_如何鎖定iPhone相機的曝光並專注於iOS

ios 對應 iphone

ios 對應 iphone

We’ve been talking about the camera on the iPhone lately and it’s widely agreed it is one of the best, if not the best camera on a mobile phone. Today, we want to explain how to lock the camera’s exposure and auto-focus.

我們最近一直在談論iPhone上的攝像頭,並且它被廣泛認為是最好的手機之一,即使不是最好的手機。 今天,我們要解釋如何鎖定相機的曝光和自動對焦。

Normally, when you use the camera on your iPhone or iPad, you can tap the screen and it will focus on the area that you select. Tap on a face, and it will focus on that face, tap on an object and that will be what the camera concentrates on. This is useful if you’re going to frame your shot and the parameters are constant, which is to sayif you’re going to stand in one place and your lighting doesn’t change.

通常,當您在iPhone或iPad上使用相機時,可以點選螢幕,它將聚焦在您選擇的區域上。 點按一個臉部,它將聚焦在該臉部上,點按一個物件,這就是相機所要注意的。 如果您要構圖並且引數是恆定的,這很有用,也就是說,如果您要站立在一個地方並且您的照明不會改變。

Thus, the camera lens will remain focused on that subject for as long as it is steadily pointed at it. If you move the camera,however, the focus will be lost and you will again have to tap the screen to refocus the camera.

因此,只要穩定地對準相機鏡頭,相機鏡頭就會一直聚焦在該物體上。 但是,如果您移動相機,則焦點將丟失,並且您將不得不再次點選螢幕以重新對焦相機。

It is possible though to lock the auto-focus onto a subject and have it remain there no matter how much you move the phone or tablet, or how variable the lighting conditions are.


To do this, first point the camera at your subject and choose the area you want to focus on. Instead of tapping, press and hold until the camera locks on to it. You will know this has happened because a yellow box with the words “AE/AF LOCK” in yellow will appear at the top.

為此,首先將相機對準拍攝物件,然後選擇要聚焦的區域。 按住相機直至其鎖定,而不要輕按。 您會知道這種情況的發生,因為在頂部會出現一個黃色框,上面帶有黃色的“ AE / AF LOCK”字樣。

You can move the camera now, pan down, up, left, or right and the box will remain locked there and will not lose focus (regardless of lighting conditions) until you tap the screen again or take a picture.


Being able to lock the exposure and focus can be ideal when lighting and depth conditions aren’t ideal. Moreover, you can use the lock feature with zoom so you’re not limited in that regard as well.

當光線和深度條件不理想時,能夠鎖定曝光和對焦可能是理想的選擇。 此外,您可以將鎖定功能與縮放功能配合使用,因此在這方面也不受限制。

That’s it, from now on, whenever you want to capture a subject with certain depth of field and variable lighting conditions, you can lock the exposure and focus and get the shot you want.


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翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227352/how-to-lock-your-iphone-cameras-exposure-and-focus-on-ios/

ios 對應 iphone