1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >facebook人臉照片_如何處理Facebook上的不良照片




Not everyone is model pretty and capable of posing perfectly on a split second’s notice. For most mere mortals, photographs can be a risky business. If you’re caught mid-word, after a few drinks or, God forbid, while you’re dancing, no amount of work in Photoshop can ever save the photo.

並不是每個人都模樣漂亮,並且能夠在瞬間注意到完美的姿勢。 對於大多數僅僅是凡人,照片可能是冒險的生意。 如果您在跳舞時被單詞打擾,或者上帝禁止,在您跳舞時,Photoshop中的大量工作都無法儲存照片。

While most of the time these pictures are fairly harmless fun, if it’s a really bad photo (or perhaps you’re trying to curate a specific professional image) then you might need to do something about it. Here’s what to do if someone else posts a bad photo of you on Facebook.

儘管大多數時候這些照片都是相當無害的,但如果它真的很糟糕(或者您正在嘗試製作特定的專業影象),那麼您可能需要對此做一些事情。 如果其他人在Facebook上釋出了您的不良照片,該怎麼辦。

自行刪除標籤 (Remove the Tag Yourself)

The simplest and quickest way to deal with a bad photo is to remove the tag. Once you’re no longer tagged in the photo, it won’t appear on your profile. It will still be in your friend’s Photos but, unless someone goes looking for it, random people aren’t going to find it.

處理不良照片的最簡單,最快的方法是刪除標籤。 一旦您不再在照片中被標記,它就不會出現在您的個人資料中。 它仍然會出現在您朋友的照片中,但除非有人去尋找它,否則隨機的人不會找到它。

For most bad photos, this is enough. Cameras are so ever-present that it’s kind of expected that everyone will have a few dodgy photos floating around. Unless you’re going to spend all your time carefully managing your social media, one or two things will slip through. There are even bad photos of George Clooney out there.

對於大多數不良照片來說,這就足夠了。 相機是如此的存在,以至於每個人都會有幾張躲閃的照片在漂浮。 除非您將所有時間都花在精心管理社交媒體上,否則一兩件事會發生。 甚至還有喬治·克魯尼(George Clooney)的糟糕照片。

讓你的朋友把照片拍下來 (Ask Your Friend to Take the Photo Down)

If the photo is really bad and you want it removed from the internet, then the first step is to talk to your friend and ask them to remove it from their Facebook page. They took the photo, so they own it. You don’t have any rights to it. As long as they aren’t using it to promote Viagra or the Ku Klux Klan, they’re free to do pretty much whatever they want.

如果照片真的很糟糕,並且您希望將其從網際網路上刪除,那麼第一步就是與您的朋友交談,並要求他們從其Facebook頁面上將其刪除。 他們拍攝了照片,因此擁有了它。 您沒有任何權利。 只要他們不使用它來宣傳偉哥或Ku Klux Klan,他們就可以自由地做任何他們想做的事。

The thing is, most decent people won’t insist on exercising their copyright over a bad photo of a friend. Unless it’s a group shot that a dozen other people love, they’ve no real reason not to take it down if you ask. If it’s really bad, it might have seemed like a funny joke to them at the time they posted it but as soon as you say anything, they should realize that you’re not amused and take it down.

問題是,大多數體面的人不會堅持對朋友的不良照片行使版權。 除非是一打其他人喜歡的集體照,否則如果您有要求,他們沒有真正的理由不拒絕拍攝。 如果確實很糟糕,在他們釋出時對他們來說似乎是個有趣的笑話,但是一旦您說了什麼,他們就應該意識到您沒有被逗樂並接受它。

When you’re asking your friend to take it down remember to be polite. It’s their photo. They don’t have to do anything with it and they’re doing you a favor by removing it. If you go in aggressively and start insisting they delete it immediately, you could offend them and start an argument. That’s completely counterproductive.

當您要求朋友取下它時,請記住要有禮貌。 是他們的照片。 他們不必對此進行任何處理,而通過刪除它來幫您一個忙。 如果您大膽地介入並開始堅持要求他們立即將其刪除,則可以冒犯他們並引發爭論。 這完全適得其反。

將照片報告給Facebook (Report the Photo to Facebook)

So far, I’ve been working on the assumption that an actual friend has posted a bad photo of you on their Facebook page with no real malice. If this is the case, untagging yourself or asking your friend to delete the photo should be enough to sort the problem. If it’s not, then things are a little more tricky.

到目前為止,我一直在假設一個實際的朋友在他們的Facebook頁面上釋出了一張不好的照片,但沒有任何惡意。 在這種情況下,給自己加上標籤或讓您的朋友刪除照片應該足以解決問題。 如果不是,那麼事情就比較棘手。

Facebook can only remove photos that violate their Terms of Service. The most relevant terms are:

Facebook只能刪除違反其服務條款的照片。 最相關的術語是:

“You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.”


“You will not post content that: is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.”

“您不會發布以下內容:仇恨言論,威脅或色情內容; 煽動暴力; 或包含裸露,圖形或無故的暴力行為。”

It is going to be hard to argue that posting a single bad photo is bullying, intimidation, or harassment, especially if the photo is not edited in some way to make you look worse. If they add threatening language or hate speech to the post, you’ve got a chance, but not a big one. If theother person is justacting like an ass, they’re probably not doing anything wrong as far as Facebook is concerned.

很難說張貼一張不好的照片是欺凌,恐嚇或騷擾,尤其是如果未對照片進行某種編輯以使您看起來更糟的話。 如果他們在帖子中新增威脅性語言或仇恨言論,您將有機會,但機會不多。 如果對方只是像個傻瓜,就Facebook而言,他們可能沒有做錯任何事情。

If the photo they’ve posted is particularly aggressive, edited to make you look bad, or is part of a series of photos that they’re constantly posting then you’ve probably got a decent argument that you’re being harassed and Facebook might act.


In either case, it’s worth reporting the photo and hoping Facebook takes it down. If they keep posting bad photos, keep reporting them and Facebook will probably act.

無論哪種情況,都值得舉報這張照片,並希望Facebook將其刪除。 如果他們繼續釋出不良照片,請繼續舉報,Facebook可能會採取行動。

The other option is just to block the other person. This will stop them seeing your profile and being able to tag you in photos. It won’t remove the original image, but it will at least make it more difficult for them to continue to harass you.

另一個選擇就是阻止對方。 這將阻止他們看到您的個人資料並可以在照片中為您新增標籤。 它不會刪除原始影象,但至少會使他們更難繼續騷擾您。

Finally, the police in most places have been very bad at prosecuting online harassment cases, however they are starting to get better. If the person is making real world threats, is continuing the harassment offline, or is otherwise going way beyond acceptable behavior, make a police report.

最終,大多數地方的警察在起訴線上騷擾案件方面一直表現不佳,但情況開始有所好轉。 如果此人在現實世界中威脅,正在離線繼續進行騷擾,或者超出可接受的行為範圍,請向警方報告。

With smartphones everywhere, bad pictures are now very much a part of life. A lot of the fun of services like Snapchat is being able to send your friends photos knowing that, even if you look like Mr Potato Head, it won’t come back to haunt you.

隨著智慧手機無處不在,不良圖片現在已成為生活中不可或缺的一部分。 Snapchat之類的服務很有趣,它可以向您的朋友傳送照片,他們知道,即使您看上去像馬鈴薯先生,也不會回來困擾您。

When it comes to photos on Facebook, the biggest issue is tagging. If you’re not tagged in a photo, it won’t appear on your page. Yes, it might still be available if someone digs through your friend’s photos, but you’re probably in the clear. It’s worth turning on Timeline Review so you have to approve any tags before they appear on your Timeline.

對於Facebook上的照片,最大的問題是標記。 如果未在照片中標記您,則該照片不會顯示在您的頁面上。 是的,如果有人瀏覽您朋友的照片,它可能仍然可用,但是您可能會很清楚。 值得啟用“時間軸審閱”,因此您必須先批准所有標籤,然後它們才能顯示在時間軸上。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306363/how-to-deal-with-bad-photos-on-facebook/
