1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >在Windows 10、8、7或Vista上將任何鍵對映到任何鍵

在Windows 10、8、7或Vista上將任何鍵對映到任何鍵

If you’re tired of the way certain keys on your system work, you can re-map them to function as a different key by using a free utility named SharpKeys. Here’s how it works.

如果您對系統上某些鍵的工作方式感到厭倦,可以使用名為SharpKeys的免費實用程式將它們重新對映為其他鍵。 運作方式如下。

You can actually remap your keys the hard wayusing a Registry hacklike the one we cover for

disabling your Caps Lock key. But why use the hard way, when there’s an easier—and free—way. That’s where SharpKeys comes into the picture. It’s a small utility that manages all those Registry keys and values for you, giving you a simple interface for mapping one key to another—or even turning keys off—without you having to bother with the Registry at all.Remapping keys is great for getting your keys working the way you want them. It’s alsoespecially useful if you’re
running Windows on your Mac via BootCamp
and the Opt / Cmd keys don’t translate correctly to the Windows and Alt keys.

實際上,您可以使用登錄檔黑客(如我們介紹的禁用Caps Lock金鑰的一種)來以困難的方式重新對映您的金鑰。 但是,如果有更簡單,更自由的方法,為什麼要使用艱難的方式。 這就是SharpKeys出現的地方。 它是一個小型實用程式,可以為您管理所有這些登錄檔項和值,從而為您提供了一個簡單的介面,用於將一個鍵對映到另一個(甚至關閉鍵),而無需您費心使用登錄檔。 重新對映鍵非常適合使鍵以所需的方式工作。 如果您

通過BootCamp在Mac上執行Windows,並且Opt / Cmd鍵不能正確轉換為Windows和Alt鍵,則它也特別有用。

We’ve tested SharpKeys in Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista, and it works just fine in all of them. Do note, however, that the exact keys available to you for remapping depend on your keyboard. For example, if you’re using a multimedia keyboard with extra volume, mute, and play/pause keys, those should show up in SharpKeys.

我們已經在Windows 10、8、7和Vista中測試了SharpKeys,並且在所有這些工具中都可以正常工作。 但是請注意,可用於重新對映的確切鍵取決於您的鍵盤。 例如,如果您使用帶有額外音量,靜音和播放/暫停鍵的多媒體鍵盤,則這些鍵應顯示在SharpKeys中。

Start by downloading the latest version of SharpKeys from their release page. You can download and install it by grabbing the MSI file or as a standalone app in the ZIP file. Either way, go ahead and run SharpKeys when you’re ready.

首先從其釋出頁面下載SharpKeys的最新版本。 您可以通過獲取MSI檔案或作為ZIP檔案中的獨立應用程式來下載並安裝它。 無論哪種方式,請準備就緒後繼續執行SharpKeys。

The main window shows any keys you’ve already mapped. If you’re starting from scratch, you won’t see anything listed. Click the “Add” button to create a new key mapping.

主視窗顯示您已經對映的所有鍵。 如果您是從頭開始,則不會列出任何內容。 單擊“新增”按鈕以建立新的鍵對映。

In the key mapping window, you’ll see two lists. The list on the left represents the key whose behavior you want to change—the “from” key. The list on the right is the new behavior you want it to assume—the “to” key. Select the key you want to remap on the left and the key to which you want to remap it on the right, and then click “OK.”

在鍵對映視窗中,您將看到兩個列表。 左側的列表代表您要更改其行為的鍵-“ from”鍵。 右邊的列表是您希望它採取的新行為-“ to”鍵。 在左側選擇要重新對映的鍵,在右側選擇要重新對映的鍵,然後單擊“確定”。

Here, I’m changing the Scroll Lock key—which I never use—to act as my Caps Lock key. After that, I’m going to disable the actual Caps Lock key so I’ll quit hitting it by mistake. But we’ll get to that in a moment

在這裡,我正在更改“滾動鎖定”鍵(我從未使用過)用作“大寫鎖定”鍵。 在那之後,我將禁用實際的Caps Lock鍵,因此我將避免誤擊它。 但是我們稍後會談到

If you find it easier than scrolling through the lists, you can also click the “Type Key” button under either list and then just press the key you want to change.


SharpKeys can also disable a key by mapping it to no action at all. From the list on the left (the “From” key list), choose the key you want to disable. On the right, select the top entry—“Turn Key Off”—and then click “OK.”

SharpKeys還可以通過將鍵對映為根本不執行任何操作來禁用它。 從左側的列表(“發件人”鍵列表)中,選擇要禁用的鍵。 在右側,選擇頂部的條目“ Turn Key Off”,然後單擊“ OK”。

Here, I’m turning off that Caps Lock key.


When you’re done remapping keys and you’re back at the main SharpKeys window, click the “Write to Registry” button to confirm your changes.


SharpKeys will let you know to log off or restart your PC for the changes to take effect.


After your PC comes back up, the key remapping should be complete.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/map-any-key-to-any-key-on-windows-xp-vista/