1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >在Windows 7,Vista和XP中使用Windows 8-Like工作管理員

在Windows 7,Vista和XP中使用Windows 8-Like工作管理員


One of the new features in Windows 8 is the improved Task Manager, which provides access to more information and settings. If you don’t want to upgrade, there is a way you can use a simple Windows 8-like Task Manager in Windows 7, Vista, or XP.

Windows 8中的新功能之一是經過改進的工作管理員,它可以訪問更多資訊和設定。 如果您不想升級,則可以使用一種方法在Windows 7,Vista或XP中使用類似Windows 8的簡單工作管理員。

The Windows 8 Metro Task Manager does not need to be installed. Simply download the .zip file (see the download link at the end of this article), extract the files, and double-click the Windows 8 Task Manager.exe file.

不需要安裝Windows 8 Metro Task Manager。 只需下載.zip檔案(請參閱本文結尾處的下載連結),解壓縮檔案,然後雙擊Windows 8 Task Manager.exe檔案。


A window displays a list of tasks currently running with the status of each task listed. To end a task, select the task in the list and click End Task.

視窗顯示當前正在執行的任務列表,並列出每個任務的狀態。 要結束任務,請在列表中選擇任務,然後單擊“結束任務”。


One advantage the Windows 8 Metro Task Manager has over the Windows 7 Task Manager is the ability to restart Windows Explorer with one click. To do so, simply click Restart Explorer.

與Windows 7 Task Manager相比,Windows 8 Metro Task Manager的一個優勢是能夠一鍵重啟Windows Explorer。 為此,只需單擊重新啟動資源管理器。


Just like the Windows 8 Task Manager, there is a More Details link.

就像Windows 8工作管理員一樣,這裡有一個“更多詳細資訊”連結。


However, when you click the More Details link, the Windows 7 Task Manager opens to whichever tab was active the last time it was open. Unfortunately, you do not have access to the same tabs available in the real Windows 8 Task Manager.

但是,當您單擊“更多詳細資訊”連結時,Windows 7工作管理員將開啟到上次開啟時處於活動狀態的選項卡。 不幸的是,您無權訪問實際Windows 8 Task Manager中可用的相同選項卡。

However, the Windows 8 Metro Task Manager does provide the useful Restart Explorer button lacking in the Windows 7 Task Manager.

但是,Windows 8 Metro Task Manager確實提供了Windows 7 Task Manager中缺少的有用的Restart Explorer按鈕。


For easy access, you can pin the Windows 8 Metro Task Manager to the Taskbar, create a shortcut on the Desktop, or add it to the Desktop context menu.

為了方便訪問,您可以將Windows 8 Metro Task Manager固定到工作列,在Desktop上建立快捷方式,或將其新增到Desktop上下文選單

Download Windows 8 Metro Task Manager for XP, Vista and 7 from http://vishal-gupta.deviantart.com/art/Windows-8-Metro-Task-Manager-for-XP-Vista-and-7-300826389. Microsoft .NET Framework is required to run Windows 8 Metro Task Manager. Download the Web Installer or the Standalone Installer.

http://vishal-gupta.deviantart.com/art/Windows-8-Metro-Task-Manager-for-XP-Vista-and-7-300826389下載適用於XP,Vista和7的Windows 8 Metro工作管理員。 執行Windows 8 Metro Task Manager需要Microsoft .NET Framework。 下載Web安裝程式獨立安裝程式

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/129335/use-a-windows-8-like-task-manager-in-windows-7-vista-and-xp/