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apple tv設定_如何將Apple TV恢復出廠設定

apple tv設定

apple tv設定

There may come a time when you want to sell your Apple TV or give it to someone else. Or maybe a failed system update ended up bricking the device. In any event, it’s good to know how to factory reset your Apple TV.

有時候您想出售Apple TV或將其出售給他人。 也許失敗的系統更新最終使裝置變磚了。 無論如何,最好知道如何將Apple TV恢復出廠設定。

There are two waysto factory reset an Apple TV. The first method is by just going into the settings on the Apple TV and resetting it, which assumes you’re able to boot the device up and click through the menus.

有兩種方法可以將Apple TV恢復出廠設定。 第一種方法是僅進入Apple TV上的設定並將其重置,這假定您能夠啟動裝置並單擊選單。

The other method can be used when something goes awry, like the power going out during an update and bricking your Apple TV.That way, youcan factory reset it even if you can’t properly boot up the device and navigate through the menus.

當出現問題時,可以使用另一種方法,例如在更新期間斷電並且使Apple TV變磚。 這樣,即使您無法正確啟動裝置並瀏覽選單,也可以將其恢復出廠設定。

對於更新的第四代Apple TV (For the Newer, 4th-Generation Apple TV)

From the home screen, click on “Settings”.


Scroll down and select “System”.


Near the bottom, click on “Reset”.


From there, you can select either “Reset” or “Reset and Update”. Both will factory reset your Apple TV, but the latter option will also install the latest software update if one is available (and if you have an internet connection).

從那裡,您可以選擇“重置”或“重置並更新”。 兩者都將在出廠時重置Apple TV,但是如果有可用的話(並且如果您具有網際網路連線),後一種選擇還將安裝最新的軟體更新。

對於較舊的Apple TV型號 (For Older Apple TV Models)

To factory reset an older Apple TV (3rd generation and older), you first want to click on “Settings” on the home screen.

要恢復舊版Apple TV(第3代及更早版本)的出廠設定,您首先要在主螢幕上單擊“設定”。

On the next screen, select “General”.


Next,scroll all the way to the bottom and click on“Reset”.


From there, you can select either “Reset” or “Reset and Update”. Both will factory reset your Apple TV, but the latter option will also install the latest software update if one is available (and only if you have an internet connection).

從那裡,您可以選擇“重置”或“重置並更新”。 兩者都將在出廠時重置Apple TV,但如果有後者(並且只有在具有Internet連線的情況下),後者也將安裝最新的軟體更新。

使用iTunes將Apple TV恢復出廠設定 (Factory Reset Your Apple TV Using iTunes)

If, by chance, your Apple TV will not boot up properly, or something has gone wrong and the unit isn’t operating properly, you can restore it by connecting it to your computer and using iTunes to factory reset it.

如果偶然您的Apple TV無法正常啟動,或者出了點問題並且本機無法正常執行,則可以通過將其連線到計算機並使用iTunes恢復出廠設定來還原它。

First, unplug your Apple TV. You still need to power it back up (except for the 2nd-gen model), but before you do that, plug a microUSB cable into the back of your Apple TV (right below the HDMI port) on the 3rd-gen Apple TV. If you have a 4th-gen model, you’ll need a USB-C cable and the port will be right above the HDMI port. After that, connect the other end to a USB port on your computer.

首先,拔下Apple TV的電源。 您仍然需要備份電源(第二代型號除外),但是在執行此操作之前,請將microUSB電纜插入第三代Apple TV上Apple TV的背面(HDMI埠正下方)。 如果您使用的是第四代型號,則需要USB-C電纜,並且該埠將在HDMI埠的正上方。 之後,將另一端連線到計算機上的USB埠。

Above: The microUSB port on the 3rd-gen Apple TV.
上圖:第三代Apple TV上的microUSB埠。

Once your Apple TV is connected, plug it back into power (again, except for the 2nd-gen model). iTunes should open (if it’s not already running) and recognize the Apple TV. From there, select “Restore Apple TV”.

連線Apple TV後,將其重新插入電源(同樣,第二代型號除外)。 iTunes應該開啟(如果尚未執行)並識別Apple TV。 從那裡選擇“還原Apple TV”。

Confirm the action by clicking on “Restore and Update”. Once you do this, the latest version of the Apple TV software will be download and installed, thus restoring it to a minty fresh condition.

單擊“還原和更新”確認操作。 完成此操作後,將下載並安裝最新版本的Apple TV軟體,從而將其恢復到清新的狀態。

Once the process is complete, you can safely eject the Apple TV from your computer, and it should now boot up after you reconnect it to your television.

該過程完成後,您可以安全地從計算機中彈出Apple TV,並且在將其重新連線到電視之後,它現在應該可以啟動。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214243/how-to-factory-reset-or-reboot-an-apple-tv/

apple tv設定