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macos 切換賬戶_如何在macOS中設定多個使用者帳戶

macos 切換賬戶

macos 切換賬戶

If you share your Mac with someone else, it’s a good idea to create a different user account for each of you. That way, you don’t see your husband’s email notifications, or have to sift through his bookmarks.. Here’s how to add a new account to your Mac.

如果您與其他人共享Mac,則最好為每個人建立一個不同的使用者帳戶。 這樣,您就不會看到丈夫的電子郵件通知,也不必瀏覽他的書籤。以下是向Mac新增新帳戶的方法。

This is also useful if you have kids and want to use macOS’ parental controls, so you can block particular apps and set a time limit for use. Evenif you’re the only person who uses your Mac, multiple accounts can be useful: you could separate work from fun, for example, or use one account to test crazy settings without breaking your primary account.

如果您有孩子並想使用macOS的家長控制功能,這也很有,因此您可以阻止特定的應用程式並設定使用期限。 即使您是唯一使用Mac的人,多個帳戶也很有用:例如,您可以將工作與娛樂區分開,或者使用一個帳戶測試瘋狂的設定而不會破壞您的主要帳戶。

Whatever your reason, adding more accounts is simple once you know how, so here’s the 4-1-1.


如何新增新使用者帳戶 (How to Add a New User Account)

When you first set up your Mac, you’ll have one account—the primary administrator account for your Mac. You can add new users from this account, or any administrator account, but other accounts cannot add or manage users. If the steps below don’t work for you, ensure that you’re using an administrator account.

首次設定Mac時,您將擁有一個帳戶-Mac的主要管理員帳戶。 您可以從該帳戶或任何管理員帳戶新增新使用者,但其他帳戶則不能新增或管理使用者。 如果以下步驟對您不起作用,請確保您使用的是管理員帳戶。

To add new users, head to System Preferences > Users & Groups.


You’ll see a list of users here in the left panel, but the option to add new ones is greyed out. To continue, you’ll have to press the lock button at bottom-left.

您會在左側面板中看到一個使用者列表,但是新增新使用者的選項顯示為灰色。 要繼續,您必須按左下角的鎖定按鈕。

Enter your password when prompted, then you’ll find that the “+” option above the lock is no longer greyed out.

在出現提示時輸入密碼,然後您會發現鎖上方的“ +”選項不再顯示為灰色。

A form will pop up allowing you to choose what kind of account this should be, the user’s name, an account name, and password details.


The name and password part of this is straightforward, but what are these different kinds of accounts?


There are four options, and you’ll want to consider carefully before choosing.


  • Administrators have full control over your Mac. They can change system settings, install software, not to mention create and delete other users. Only give administrator accounts to people you trust fully.

    管理員可以完全控制您的Mac。 他們可以更改系統設定,安裝軟體,更不用說建立和刪除其他使用者了。 僅將管理員帳戶提供給您完全信任的人。

  • Standard users can install apps and change their own settings, but cannot change the system settings, and cannot create or delete other users.


  • Users who are Managed with Parental Controlscan only access applications and websites specified by the administrator, and can be restricted in all kinds of other ways. If you want to enable parental controls, you need to create this sort of account for your child.

    通過家長控制進行管理的使用者只能訪問管理員指定的應用程式和網站,並且可以通過其他各種方式進行限制。 如果要啟用家長控制,則需要為您的孩子建立這種帳戶。

  • Sharing Onlyusers can’t log into your computerlocally at all. Such accounts are strictly forsharing filesover the network, and can only see the files you specify. This is a good way to share specific directories without giving away your primary username and password.

    共享只有使用者根本無法在本地登入您的計算機。 此類帳戶嚴格用於通過網路共享檔案,並且只能看到您指定的檔案。 這是共享特定目錄而不丟失主要使用者名稱和密碼的好方法。

Choose which kind of account you’d like to create, then fill in the username and password. From now on, you’ll see both accounts on your login screen (unless you created a Sharing Only account.)

選擇您要建立的帳戶型別,然後填寫使用者名稱和密碼。 從現在開始,您將在登入螢幕上看到兩個帳戶(除非您建立了“僅共享”帳戶。)

You can log in to either account from here. The orange checkmark means the account is currently active.

您可以從此處登入到任一帳戶。 橙色複選標記表示該帳戶當前處於活動狀態。

如何在使用者之間快速切換 (How to Quickly Switch Between Users)

If your Mac changes hands regularly, don’t worry about logging off: it’s possible to run multiple accounts at once. When you create a new account, the Fast User Switching icon is added to the menu bar.

如果您的Mac經常換手,請不必擔心登出:可以一次執行多個帳戶。 建立新帳戶時,“快速使用者切換”圖示將新增到選單欄中。

You can quickly switch from one user to another from here: just click the user you want, then enter the password. If that’s too slow, you can switch users instantly with TouchID, assuming your Mac offers that feature.

您可以從此處快速從一個使用者切換到另一個使用者:只需單擊所需的使用者,然後輸入密碼。 如果太慢,您可以使用TouchID立即切換使用者,前提是Mac提供了該功能。

Just assign fingerprints to each account, then switch instantly by pressing the TouchID button.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/311051/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-accounts-in-macos/

macos 切換賬戶