1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >萬聖節最佳怪異飛利浦色相技巧


Halloween is coming up, and if you have a house full of Philips Hue light bulbs, now is the time to really put them to good use. Here are some great ways to use these lights to make your house just a tad bit haunted.

萬聖節快到了,如果您的房子裡裝滿了飛利浦Hue燈泡,那麼現在正是真正使用它們的時候了。 這是一些使用這些燈的好方法,可以使您的房子變得一團糟。

充分利用順化的可怕綠色 (
Take Advantage of Hue’s Horrible Greens)

If you have 1st- or 2nd-generation Hue bulbs, then you might be familiar with how poorly they produce a true green color—it’s more like a disgusting yellow-ish green, but the one this is a good thing is during Halloween.


By changing your lights to a dull yellow-ish green, you can make your house look like a scene straight out of a Saw movie. Use the color picker in the Hue app to make fine adjustments to the color if need be, but it can turn any normal room into a fantastic creepy fest in no time.

通過將燈光更改為暗淡的黃綠色,可以使您的房屋看起來像是電影中的場景。 如果需要,可以使用Hue應用程式中的顏色選擇器對顏色進行微調,但它可以立即將任何普通房間變成一個奇妙的令人毛骨悚然的巨星。

使用色相迪斯科閃光燈 (Use Hue Disco to Strobe Your Lights)

You can create some cool effects with your Hue lights, like strobing them to simulate lightning. Hue Disco is a great app for this (available for Android and iPhone). It’s mostly aimed at syncing Hue lights to your music, but it also has a dedicated strobe function that randomizes bright white flashes of light.

您可以使用色相燈建立一些很酷的效果,例如選通它們以模擬閃電。 Hue Disco是一個很棒的應用程式(適用於AndroidiPhone )。 它主要用於將Hue燈光與您的音樂同步,但是它還具有專用的頻閃功能,可以使明亮的白色閃光隨機化。

Set this up for all your lights and from the outside it will look like your house is just one big spooky thunderstorm. Or you can also have the room at the end of your long hallway flashing away with the door cracked open, creating an eerie sight.

設定所有燈光,從外面看,您的房子就像是一場大怪異的雷暴。 或者,您也可以將長長的走廊盡頭的房間閃開,門開裂,營造出怪異的景象。

My favorite, though, is laying a lamp on the floor and strobing the Hue light that’s screwed into it, simulating a lamp getting knocked over and malfunctioning.


將您的燈光與萬聖節聲音效果同步 (Sync Your Lights to Halloween Sound Effects)

If you want variety with the different things you can do with your Hue lights during Halloween, a great app to use is Hue Halloween (available for Android and iPhone).

如果您希望在萬聖節期間使用Hue燈做不同的事情,那麼最好使用Hue Halloween(適用於AndroidiPhone )。

The app comes with a plethora of both sound and light effects that play in tandem in a soundboard-style layout. There are also a few options that you can play continuously on top of the various effects, like creepy piano music paired with things like a witch’s cackle, doors creaking, thunder and lightning, and a lot more.

該應用程式具有大量的聲音和燈光效果,並以共鳴板式佈局一起播放。 除了各種效果之外,還有一些可以連續播放的選項,例如令人毛骨悚然的鋼琴音樂與女巫的ckle叫聲,門吱吱作響的聲音,雷電和閃電等等。

模擬閃爍的燭光 (Simulate Flickering Candle Light)

One of the most simple ways to create spooky lighting is using candles and torches. Of course, you could just use normal candles or torches, but if you’re worried about the fire hazards and smoke, and don’t want to go out and buy those fake LED candles, Hue lights are your next best option.

建立怪異照明的最簡單方法之一是使用蠟燭和手電筒。 當然,您可以只使用普通的蠟燭或火炬,但如果您擔心著火和冒煙,又不想出去購買那些假的LED蠟燭,那麼順色燈是您的下一個最佳選擇。

Perhaps the best app for this is OnSwitch (for Android and iPhone), which can simulate this kind of light by creating a soft, orange, oscillating glow. If you have a Philips Hue Go, you can even place them in carved out pumpkins to bring them to life.

也許最好的應用程式是OnSwitch(適用於AndroidiPhone ),它可以通過建立柔和的橙色振盪發光來模擬這種光。 如果您有Philips Hue Go ,甚至可以將它們放入雕刻的南瓜中使它們栩栩如生。

獲得創意和實驗 (Get Creative and Experiment)

These are just a few ideas to get your started. The best thing you can do is just experiment and get creative with your lights. Pair them with all sorts of different Halloween props so they can compliment each other.

這些只是使您入門的一些想法。 您能做的最好的事情就是嘗試並在燈光下發揮創意。 將它們與各種不同的萬聖節道具配對,以便彼此互相稱讚。

You don’t even have to use Halloween-themed colors and apps if you don’t want to—if you’re throwing a simple costume party that isn’t meant to be scary or anything, actually take advantage of Hue Disco’s music-syncing features if you’ll have the stereo going.

如果您不想的話,甚至不需要使用萬聖節主題的顏色和應用程式-如果您要舉辦一場簡單的化妝舞會,而這並不意味著嚇人或其他任何事情,請充分利用Hue Disco的音樂,同步功能(如果要使用立體聲)。

Ultimately, the world is your oyster, but hopefully this gives you some inspiration for your upcoming Halloween party or trick-or-treat session.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/329728/the-best-spooky-philips-hue-tricks-for-halloween/