1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >google hdr+_Google+現在允許人們給您傳送電子郵件; 在這裡瞭解如何退出

google hdr+_Google+現在允許人們給您傳送電子郵件; 在這裡瞭解如何退出

google hdr+

google hdr+

Google just announced a new feature where Google+ acts as a bridge between the social network and your personal email. Anyone who follows you on Google+ can now email you directly. If this sounds like a terrible thing (we certainly weren’t thrilled to hear it), read on to learn how to opt out.

Google剛剛宣佈了一項新功能,其中Google+充當社交網路和您的個人電子郵件之間的橋樑。 現在,任何在Google+上關注您的人都可以直接向您傳送電子郵件。 如果這聽起來像是一件可怕的事情(我們當然不高興聽到它),請繼續閱讀以瞭解如何退出。

究竟發生了什麼變化? (What Exactly Has Changed?)

Here’s a more extended explanation: Google has rolled out a new feature for their ubiquitous Gmail email service. This feature extends email address auto-completion beyond it’s typical reach (wherein it only pulls contacts from your contacts list) to include everyone you follow on Google+. This means when you’re composing an email and you start to type in a name or address, the auto-completion settings will include not only the people in your contact list but the people in your Google+ circles:

這裡有一個更擴充套件的解釋:Google為無處不在的Gmail電子郵件服務推出了一項新功能。 此功能擴充套件了電子郵件地址自動填充的功能,使其超出了通常的範圍(其中僅從聯絡人列表中提取聯絡人),以包括您在Google+上關注的所有人。 這意味著當您編寫電子郵件並開始輸入名稱或地址時,自動完成設定將不僅包括您的聯絡人列表中的人員,還包括您的Google+圈子中的人員:

When framed in the context of you reaching out to someone you follow on Google+, it seems sort of useful. Reframe that from the reverse perspective, however, and you see that in the default setting anyone

who follows you on Google+ can now email you.

在與您在Google+上關注的人聯絡時,這種框架似乎很有用。 但是,從相反的角度進行重新構架,您會發現在預設設定下,任何在Google+上關注您的現在都可以通過電子郵件給您傳送電子郵件。

Now, in fairness to Google, it suggests the name of the person from Google+ but doesn’t immediately reveal their actually email address (the Google+ system sends the email on your behalf and the recipients email remains hidden unless they reply to you). Still, this provides a channel for people you’ve never shared your contact information with to contact you.

現在,為了對Google公平起見,它會建議來自Google+的人員姓名,但不會立即透露其實際電子郵件地址(Google+系統會代表您傳送電子郵件,除非收件人回覆您,否則收件人的電子郵件將保持隱藏狀態)。 儘管如此,這仍然為您從未與您共享聯絡資訊的人提供聯絡的渠道。

如何調整或禁用它 (How to Adjust or Disable It)

Fortunately Google hasn’t been particularly sneaky about it. (Although defaulting you to the least private setting is really poor form.) Assuming you check your email frequently and read the announcements the Gmail team ships out, you have time to turn it off before it becomes a nuisance.

幸運的是,Google並不是特別偷偷摸摸。 (儘管預設情況下將您的隱私設定設定為最低)的情況確實很差。)假設您經常檢查電子郵件並閱讀Gmail小組釋出的公告,那麼您有時間將其關閉,以免造成麻煩。

Log into your Gmail account and navigate to Settings -> General. Scroll down until you see Email via Google+. Use the drop down menu to adjust how the feature works or turn it off completely:

登入您的Gmail帳戶,然後導航至設定->常規。 向下滾動,直到看到通過Google+傳送電子郵件。 使用下拉選單調整功能或完全關閉功能:

You can leave it on the default “Anyone on Google+”, restrict it to “Extended Circles”, anyone in your circles or the circles of the people you follow, “Circles”, just the people you personally follow, or “No One”. We opted for “No One”, but if you use Google+ like a Facebook replacement wherein only your personal friends are in your Circles, you might find it useful to adjust the privacy settings to reflect that. Regardless of the setting you choose, make sure to click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the Settings window to apply your choice.

您可以將其保留為預設的“ Google+上的所有人”,將其限制為“擴充套件的圈子”,您圈子中的任何人或您所關注的人的圈子,“圈子”,僅您個人所關注的人或“無人” 。 我們選擇了“無人”,但是如果您將Google+用作Facebook的替代品(其中只有您的私人朋友在您的圈子中),您可能會發現調整隱私設定以反映這一點很有用。 無論您選擇什麼設定,請確保單擊“設定”視窗底部的“儲存更改”以應用您的選擇。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/179669/google-now-allows-people-to-email-you-learn-how-to-opt-out-here/

google hdr+