1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在Android上通過簡訊共享聯絡人


“Hey man, do you have Dan’s number? I need to give him a shout about a thing.” (Stupid Jerry, he never saves numbers to his phone.) You could look it up and just type it in a message…or you could share Dan’s full contact card, to make it easier on Jerry.

“嘿,你有丹的電話嗎? 我需要對他大喊大叫。” (愚蠢的傑裡,他從來沒有將號碼儲存到他的手機中。)您可以查詢它,然後在訊息中鍵入它……或者您可以共享Dan的完整聯絡卡,從而使他在傑裡上更輕鬆。

Sharing contact cards is actually the easiest way to handle situations like that—there’s no hassle of looking the number up, trying to remember it while you type it in (or jumping back and forth between apps to get it right), and then sending it. Instead, sendingall of Dan’s information with a few taps is the way to go—and that way, your recipient can add them to their contacts instantly.

共享聯絡人卡片實際上是處理此類情況的最簡單方法-無需麻煩查詢號碼,在輸入時嘗試記住該號碼(或在應用程式之間來回跳轉以使其正確無誤)然後傳送。 相反,只需輕點幾下即可傳送Dan的所有資訊,這樣您的收件人就可以立即將其新增到他們的聯絡人中。

The easiest way to do this on Android is from the Contacts app, which every phone under the sun should have installed.


Note: The process may be slightly different depending on your phone’s manufacturer, but I’ll highlight how to do it on stock Android and Galaxy devices. Other should be similar enough that this will get you in the vicinity.

注意:具體過程可能會有所不同,具體取決於您手機的製造商,但我將重點介紹如何在庫存的Android和Galaxy裝置上執行此操作。 其他應該足夠相似,這樣您才能在附近。

With the contacts app open, go ahead and find the one you want to share. I find it easiest to use the search function, but you do whatever you want.Once you find the contact, click on the entry to open their contact card.

開啟通訊錄應用後,繼續查詢您要共享的聯絡人。 我發現使用搜索功能最簡單,但是您可以隨心所欲。 找到聯絡人後,單擊條目以開啟其聯絡人卡。

If you’re using stock Android, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner, then choose “Share.”


On Galaxy devices, there’s a dedicated share button on the contact page.


This will open the share dialog. Just choose how you’d like to send the card. If you choose to send it over MMS (which is the most likely situation), it will automatically attach to a message and you’re good to go. The same applies to email.

這將開啟共享對話方塊。 只需選擇您要如何傳送卡即可。 如果您選擇通過MMS傳送郵件(這是最可能的情況),它將自動附加到郵件上,您可以使用。 電子郵件也是如此。

Bam. Done. Now tell Jerry to stop bugging you for Dan’s number. Ugh, Jerry.

am 做完了現在告訴傑裡,不要再煩您丹的電話號碼了。 gh,傑瑞。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/334085/how-to-share-a-contact-over-text-message-on-android/