1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >facebook資料_Facebook的“下載資料”功能遺漏了很多




Facebook lets you download a ZIP file with all of your data—in theory. Turns out a lot of information isn’t included.

理論上講,Facebook可讓您下載包含所有資料的ZIP檔案。 事實證明,其中不包含很多資訊。

Here’s Nitasha Tiku, writing for Wired:

這是Nitasha Tiku,為Wired撰寫:

Among the information not included:


  • information Facebook collects about your browsing history

  • information Facebook collects about the apps you visit and your activity within those apps

  • the advertisers who uploaded your contact information to Facebook more than two months earlier

  • ads that you interacted with more than two months prior


A lot of people have downloaded their ZIP file only to be shocked at how extensive it is—the Facebook Android app was logging who people called and texted, for example.

許多人下載了ZIP檔案後,才被它的龐大程度所震驚-例如,Facebook Android應用程式正在記錄人們給誰打電話和發簡訊的資訊。

Creepy as it is, though, this is just the tip of the iceberg, because the ZIP file doesn’t reveal anything about the hidden user data that enables targeted ads. This is understandable on one level: Facebook’s entire business model rests on serving up targeted ads better than anyone else, and revealing too much about how that works would compromise that advantage. But users are left seeing only a fraction of the information Facebook has on them.

不過,這真是令人毛骨悚然,這只是冰山一角,因為ZIP檔案不會顯示有關啟用目標廣告的隱藏使用者資料的任何資訊。 這在一個層面上是可以理解的:Facebook的整個商業模式都依賴於比其他任何人都更好地提供目標廣告,並且過多地透露其工作方式會損害這一優勢。 但是使用者只能看到Facebook掌握的資訊的一小部分。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebooks-download-your-data-feature-leaves-out-a-lot/
