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將Apple Watch用作對講機,將於今年晚些時候上市

Walkie-Talkie mode on the Apple Watch, coming later this year, will let you send short voice messages directly from your Watch to another Watch user.

Apple Watch的Walkie-Talkie模式將於今年晚些時候推出,您可以通過它直接從Watch向其他Watch使用者傳送語音訊息。

The Apple Watch is all about making simple actions easily accessible with a single tap or putting notifications at a glance. And while that’s cool for text messages and whatnot, sometimes it’s easier tosay

what you want to. And with the upcoming Walkie-Talkie feature, which will be included with watchOS 5, you’ll be able to do just that.

Apple Watch旨在通過單擊或使通知一目瞭然地輕鬆執行簡單的操作。 雖然這對文字訊息之類的東西很酷,但有時候說出您想要的內容則更容易。 有了watchOS 5隨附的即將推出的Walkie-Talkie功能,您將能夠做到這一點。

It appears to be pretty simple: you fire up the Walkie-Talkie feature, tell it who you want to connect to, and send them a short voice clip. They’ll get a notification on their end, where they’ll hear the message and be able to respond. Think of it like voice messages in iMessage…but simpler and on your wrist. Very cool.

它看起來非常簡單:啟動Walkie-Talkie功能,告訴它要連線的人,然後向他們傳送一個簡短的語音剪輯。 他們將在其端收到通知,在那裡他們將聽到訊息並能夠做出響應。 可以將它想像為iMessage中的語音訊息……但更簡單,也可以戴在手腕上。 很酷。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/use-your-apple-watch-as-a-walkie-talkie-coming-later-this-year/