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宣佈新的羅斯林技術支援的.NET Framework參考源

.NET Framework Reference Source Site In 2007 ScottGu's team announced they were releasing the .NET Framework source code for reference. Just a little later, Microsoft made it possible to step through the .NET Framework Source code while debugging. This was announced to much fanfare, and for a while, it was very cool. It wasn't "Open Source" but it's definitely "Source Opened."
2007年,ScottGu的團隊宣佈 將釋出.NET Framework原始碼以供參考。 不久之後,Microsoft使除錯時 逐步瀏覽.NET Framework原始碼成為 可能。 宣佈此事大張旗鼓,有一段時間,它非常酷。 它不是“開源”,但絕對是“開源”。

However, as time passed, the original Reference Source website for the .NET Framework sucked for a number of reasons, mostly because it wasn't updated often enough.

但是,隨著時間的流逝,.NET Framework的原始參考源網站由於許多原因而陷入困境,主要是因為更新頻率不夠高。

Fast forward to today...we're back and the .NET team is launching the fresh new and updated .NET Reference Source site with a Roslyn-powered index!

時光倒流到今天...我們回來了, .NET團隊正在啟動全新的,更新的.NET參考源。 具有Roslyn支援的索引的網站!

The new beta site is at http://referencesource-beta.microsoft.com and it'll move over to replace the existing

http://referencesource.microsoft.com site soon.

新的Beta網站位於http://referencesource-beta.microsoft.com ,它將移至替換現有的http://referencesource.microsoft.com網站。

It's easy to browse the code, but if you'd prefer you can also download the .NET Framework source in a ZIP from the download link at the top of the site.

瀏覽程式碼很容易,但是如果您願意,也可以從站點頂部的下載連結以ZIP格式下載.NET Framework原始碼

Roslyn支援的.NET參考源瀏覽器 (The Roslyn-powered .NET Reference Source browser )

There's some very cool .NET-related stuff happening this year, and you'll be hearing about it all soon. The new "Roslyn" compiler-as-a-service replacements for the C# and VB compilers have had the "Big Switch" flipped. We're now getting an amazing totally-rewritten managed compiler that can enable features that weren't possible when .NET started over a decade ago.

今年發生了一些非常酷的與.NET相關的事情,您很快就會聽到。 C#和VB編譯器的新“ Roslyn ”即服務即編譯器替代產品已翻轉了“ Big Switch ”。 現在,我們得到了一個令人驚歎的完全重寫的託管編譯器,該編譯器可以啟用.NET十年前啟動時無法實現的功能。

Today there's a new team working on the .NET Reference Source, and Roslyn let the team generate a complete syntactic and semantic index of the .NET Framework Sources.

今天,有一個新的團隊致力於.NET參考源,而Roslyn讓該團隊生成.NET Framework Sources的完整語法和語義索引。

From the team: The version of the framework that we currently have indexed is .NET framework version 4.5.1. If this is something that folks agree is useful, our ongoing commitment towards this feature is to update this every major release i.e. an update for 4.5.2 and so on.

來自團隊的資訊:我們當前已索引的框架版本是.NET Framework 4.5.1。 如果人們都認為這是有用的,那麼我們對該功能的持續承諾是更新每個主要版本,例如4.5.2的更新,依此類推。

This is a crucial feature, IMHO, and they are recommitted to making it happen, and most importantly, keeping it fresh and updated. They are also thinking about maybe using the Monaco editor for the site as well.

這是一項至關重要的功能,恕我直言,並且他們致力於使其成為現實,並且最重要的是,使它保持最新和更新。 他們還考慮在該網站上也使用Monaco編輯器

Be sure to explore the browser and click on everything, as there's a lot more there than just "search box and results."


Here's a few cool things you can do with the URLS on the new site that you should explore. I like being able to reference a line number in the URL for tweeting or IM'ing.

您可以使用新網站上的URLS做一些有趣的事情。 我喜歡能夠在URL中引用行號以進行Twitter或IM'ing。

There's also a lot of flexibility in the search:


You can also actually click on types directly within the editor and find where they are referenced in the code.



They will switch the beta site at http://referencesource-beta.microsoft.com/ to take over the existing Reference Source site soon. Until then, use the Feedback link on the site and email the team directly! They are listening and actively working on this site.

他們將在http://referencesource-beta.microsoft.com/上切換Beta版站點,以很快接管現有的Reference Source網站。 在此之前,請使用網站上的“反饋”連結並直接向團隊傳送電子郵件! 他們正在聆聽並在此站點上積極工作。

The next thing the team is working on, and they are very close, is getting .NET Source Stepping (meaning you can just F11 into the .NET source code) to again work reliably when debugging, no matter what patch version you have of the .NET Framework on your local machine. Look for that in a few days on the .NET Team Blog.

團隊正在做的下一件事是,他們非常接近,這使.NET Source Stepping(意味著您只需將F11插入.NET原始碼)即可在除錯時再次可靠地工作,無論您使用的是哪個補丁程式版本。本地計算機上的.NET Framework。 幾天後在.NET Team Blog中查詢。

獎勵:社群Visual Studio擴充套件 (BONUS: Community Visual Studio Extension )

Here's an exciting bonus. Community member and fabulous coder Schabse Laks has created a Visual Studio extension for VS2010, 2012, and 2013! This extension sends calls to Go To Definition (or pressing F12 on a symbol) directly to the code online (when it's .NET Framework code, not yours).

這是令人興奮的獎金。 社群成員和出色的編碼員Schabse Laks為VS2010、2012和2013建立了Visual Studio擴充套件! 此副檔名直接將呼叫“轉到定義”(或在符號上按F12)的呼叫直接傳送到線上程式碼(如果是.NET Framework程式碼,而不是您的程式碼)。

You can download this companion "Ref12" Visual Studio Extension now! Just Goto Definition on any .NET type we have source for and it'll launch your default browser so you can explore the .NET Framework source yourself! Thanks Schabse!

您可以立即下載此配套的“ Ref12” Visual Studio Extension ! 只要找到我們擁有原始碼的任何.NET型別的Goto Definition,它就會啟動您的預設瀏覽器,因此您可以自己探索.NET Framework原始碼! 謝謝沙伯!

.NET參考原始碼許可已闡明 (.NET Reference Source Code Licensing Clarified )

Finally, the licensing before was originally the very straightforward Microsoft Reference Source License, but then started to get other caveats tacked on like "don't look at this if you aren't using Windows" until it wasn't really the MS-RSL at all.


They've changed that stuff. They're back to the straight MS-RSL which is easy to read and clear. This means that folks can now look at this Reference Source and not have to gouge their eyes out afterwards. Which is great!

他們已經改變了這些東西。 它們又回到了易於閱讀和清除的簡單MS-RSL 。 這意味著人們現在可以檢視此參考資料源,而後不必再大驚小怪了。 太好了!

We all hope you like the new site and the team looks forward to your comments!


Sponsor: Big thanks to Red Gate for sponsoring the blog feed this week! Easy release management: Deploy your SQL Server databases in a single, repeatable process with Red Gate’s Deployment Manager. There’s a free Starter edition, so get started now!

贊助商:非常感謝Red Gate本週贊助了部落格提要! 輕鬆的釋出管理:使用Red Gate的Deployment Manager在一個可重複的過程中部署SQL Server資料庫。 有一個免費的簡化版,請立即開始

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/announcing-the-new-roslynpowered-net-framework-reference-source