1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何將回聲按鈕變成主頁鎖定按鈕


Echo Buttons are simple Bluetooth devices that connect to anAmazon Echo. Until now, they’ve been relegated to simple buzzer-like buttons for use in games. Recently Amazon added the ability to connect an Echo Button to a routine, opening up an entire world of possibilities.One simplestraight-forward use is as a lockdown button for when the last person leaves the house.

迴音按鈕是連線到Amazon Echo的簡單藍芽裝置。 到現在為止,它們已經淪為簡單的類似於蜂鳴器的按鈕,可以在遊戲中使用。 最近,亞馬遜增加了將Echo Button連線到例程的功能,從而打開了無限的可能性。 一種簡單明瞭的用法是當最後一個人離開房屋時用作鎖定按鈕。

To createa routine for an Echo Button, you’ll first need to pair that Button to an Echo—a quick and painless process. And if you’ve evercreated a routine with your Alexa app before, you’ll be in familiar territory creating a lockdown routine for your Button. Essentially, this is a button that the last person who leaves home can give a quick press to turn off all your smart lights, lock your doors, turn down your thermostat, disable smart plugs, or whatever else you want.

要為Echo Button建立例程,您首先需要將該Button與Echo配對-一個快速而輕鬆的過程。 而且,如果您曾經使用Alexa應用程式建立過例程,那麼您將在熟悉的領域中為Button建立鎖定例程。 本質上,這是一個按鈕,最後一個離開家的人可以快速按下以關閉所有智慧燈,鎖上門,關閉恆溫器,禁用智慧插頭或其他所需的按鈕。

建立一個按鈕例程 (Creating a Button Routine)

You’ll need to fire up the Alexa app to create a routine. On the app’s main page, tap the hamburger button.

您需要啟動Alexa應用程式以建立例程。 在應用程式的主頁上,點選“漢堡包”按鈕。

On the list of settings, tap the “Routines” option.


Tap the “+” button to add a new routine.

點選“ +”按鈕新增一個新的例程。

Tap the “When this happens” option to set up a trigger for the routine.


Tap the “Echo Button” option.


When prompted, press on the Echo Button you want to use with the routine. This is a necessarystep since you can have more than one Echo Button paired with a single Echo. After pressing the Echo Button and making sure the Alexa app properly recognizes it, tap the “Add” button in the Alexa app.

出現提示時,按一下您想在例程中使用的回聲按鈕。 這是必要的步驟,因為您可以將多個回聲按鈕與一個回聲配對。 在按下“回聲”按鈕並確保Alexa應用正確識別它之後,請點選Alexa應用中的“新增”按鈕。

Now that you’ve selected the Button as the trigger, you can set up actions for that trigger to perform. Tap the “Add Action” option.

既然已經選擇了Button作為觸發器,那麼就可以為該觸發器設定要執行的操作。 點選“新增操作”選項。

Select the Smart Devices you want to connect to the routine. If you create groups for your lights, locks, and other smart devices this will help cut down the number of devices you need to add. You even can use a combination of groups and single devices. That would let you do things like turn off most lights, but leave a particular light on—on the porch or in a pet’s room, for example.

選擇要連線到例程的智慧裝置。 如果為燈,鎖和其他智慧裝置建立組,這將有助於減少您需要新增的裝置數量。 您甚至可以組合使用組和單個裝置。 這樣一來,您就可以執行諸如關閉大多數照明燈的操作,而在門廊上或寵物房中保持特定的照明狀態。

Once you have your devices set, click the “Create” button.


Now, pressing the Echo Button will turn off lights, lock doors, and control any other devices as you specified. Just place the Echo Button somewhere convenient to press on the way out of your home.

現在,按“回聲”按鈕將關閉燈光,鎖定門並控制您指定的任何其他裝置。 只需將“回聲”按鈕放在方便的地方,即可在出門時按一下。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395753/how-to-turn-an-echo-button-into-a-home-lockdown-button/