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為什麼要購買2020 MacBook Air

The 2020 MacBook Air with Magic Keyboard.

With the2020 MacBook Air, Apple has delivered the perfect laptop for everyday use. The Butterfly keyboard is gone, leading to an improved and more reliable typing experience. This is the Mac laptop most people should buy.

藉助2020年的MacBook Air ,蘋果已經為日常使用提供了完美的膝上型電腦。 蝴蝶鍵盤不見了,從而帶來了改進且更可靠的打字型驗。 這是大多數人應該購買的Mac膝上型電腦。

最後的一年 (The Year of Finally)

The 2020 MacBook Air is the first internal upgrade for this laptop, which was redesigned in 2018. The 2018 model came with a 13.3-inch Retina display, Butterfly keyboard, two USB-C ports, a Touch ID sensor, and the same, wedge-shaped design in an even lighter body, and a gold color option.

2020年的MacBook Air是此款膝上型電腦的首次內部升級,該膝上型電腦於2018年進行了重新設計。2018年的型號配備13.3英寸Retina顯示屏,蝴蝶鍵盤,兩個USB-C埠,一個Touch ID感測器和相同的楔形形的設計,機身更輕巧,還有金色選擇。

A MacBook Air with wallpaper on the screen.

However, the previous generation was a bit underwhelming. It was so close to being great, but it missed a couple of key aspects. With the 2020 MacBook Air, Apple seems to have checked all the following boxes:

但是,上一代人有點不知所措。 真是太棒了,但是卻錯過了幾個關鍵方面。 對於2020年的MacBook Air,蘋果似乎已經選中了以下所有框:

  • Price: At $999 for the base model, it’s $100 less than the previous one.


  • Magic Keyboard: The troublemaker, breaker of keys, and general nuisance, the Butterfly keyboard is gone! The new MacBook Air comes with scissor switches and 1mm of travel. It’s clicky, reliable, and awesome.

    魔術鍵盤:麻煩的製造者,按鍵破壞者和一般的麻煩,蝴蝶鍵盤不見了! 新款MacBook Air帶有剪刀式開關,行程為1mm。 它具有Clicky,可靠且超讚的功能。

  • 256 GB base storage: This is the first laptop in which Apple has doubled the base storage. After years of struggling with 128 GB, this is a welcome change. And if you need more, you can go all the way up to 2 TB.

    256 GB基本儲存空間:這是Apple首次將基本儲存空間增加一倍的膝上型電腦。 經過多年的128 GB苦苦掙扎,這是一個可喜的變化。 而且,如果您需要更多,則可以一直上升到2 TB。

  • Quad-core CPU options: While the base configuration includes a dual-core, Core i3 chip, you can spec it up with a quad-core, Core i5, or even i7, to get some serious performance in a small package. Plus, the new 10th-generation Intel chips are quite power efficient.

    四核CPU選件:雖然基本配置包括雙核Core i3晶片,但您可以將其與四核Core i5甚至i7搭配使用,以小巧的封裝獲得出色的效能。 另外,新的第10代Intel晶片具有很高的能效。

  • Intel Iris Pro graphics: The integrated Iris Pro graphics chip offers 80 percent better performance than the previous generation.

    英特爾Iris Pro圖形:整合的Iris Pro圖形晶片提供的效能比上一代提高了80%。

  • High-performance RAM: While you’re still stuck with the 8 and 16 GB RAM options, the RAM itself is faster. The new model features 3,733 MHz LPDDR4X memory (the previous model had 2,133 MHz LPDDR3, for comparison).

    高效能RAM:儘管您仍然選擇8 GB和16 GB RAM選項,但RAM本身速度更快。 新型號具有3,733 MHz LPDDR4X記憶體(為了比較,以前的型號具有2,133 MHz LPDDR3)。

  • 6K external monitor support: You can connect an external monitor with up to 6K resolution and run it at a smooth, 60 Hz refresh rate.

    6K外接顯示器支援:您可以連線最高6K解析度的外接顯示器,並以60 Hz的平穩重新整理率執行它。

So, finally, the MacBook Air can serve as the default option for most Mac-lovers. It’s priced right, the keyboard’s been fixed, the performance has improved, and the storage has doubled.

因此,最後,MacBook Air可以作為大多數Mac愛好者的預設選項。 價格合理,鍵盤固定,效能提高,儲存空間翻了一番。

On the surface, this all sounds like a great deal. However, before you press that Buy button, there are two questions we need to answer. Is it for you? And, if so, which configuration should you get?

從表面上看,這聽起來很多。 但是,在按下該“購買”按鈕之前,我們需要回答兩個問題。 是給你的嗎而且,如果是這樣,您應該獲得哪種配置?

誰應該購買2020 MacBook Air? (Who Should Buy a 2020 MacBook Air?)

A MacBook Air with video editor onscreen.

Given its price and form factor (it weighs just 2.8 pounds), the 2020 MacBook Air is a great option for students and frequent travelers. It’s also fantastic for people who primarily use their computers for surfing the web or performing basic tasks.

鑑於其價格和外形尺寸(重量僅為2.8磅),2020 MacBook Air是學生和常旅客的理想選擇。 對於主要使用計算機瀏覽網路或執行基本任務的人們來說,這也非常理想。

First, let’s look at this computer purely from the performance standpoint, and compare the Core i3 and i5 CPUs from the 2020 MacBook Air with the previous generation. Here are the results of the Geekbench 5 benchmark, which tests the system and CPU performance (via Six Colors and Apple Insider):

首先,讓我們從效能的角度來看這臺計算機,然後將2020年MacBook Air與上一代的Core i3和i5 CPU進行比較。 以下是Geekbench 5基準測試的結果,該基準測試了系統和CPU效能(通過Six ColorsApple Insider ):

  • 2020 MacBook Air (Core i3): Single-core: 1095. Multi-core: 2385.

    2020年MacBook Air(Core i3):單核:1095。多核:2385。

  • 2020 MacBook Air (Core i5): Single-core: 1047. Multi-core: 2658.

    2020年MacBook Air(Core i5):單核:1047。多核:2658。

  • 2018 MacBook Air (Core i5): Single-core: 790. Multi-core: 1628.

    2018 MacBook Air(Core i5):單核:790。多核:1628。

This makes things quite clear. Even though the new processor is a Core i3, the new, 10th-generation intel chips are much faster than the 8th-generation Core i5 in the previous model. Both single- and multi-core performance are significantly higher.

這使事情很清楚。 即使新處理器是Core i3,新的第10代Intel晶片也比以前型號中的第8代Core i5快得多。 單核和多核效能均明顯更高。

And the Core i5 upgrade (which costs just $100 extra) is better still.

Core i5升級(僅需多花100美元)就更好了。

While the base dual-core Core i3 chip is not the greatest, it should be enough for daily tasks. If you’ll use your MacBook Air to browse the web, write, email, or watch media, go with the $999 model.

基本的雙核Core i3晶片雖然不是最大的晶片,但足以應付日常任務。 如果您要使用MacBook Air瀏覽網頁,書寫,傳送電子郵件或觀看媒體,請選擇999美元的型號。

Coupled with the faster 8 GB RAM and 256 GB default storage option, the 2020 MacBook Air is the new choice for most Mac customers. If you just want a MacBook for everyday tasks and don’t have specific, high-performance needs, just get a MacBook Air.

結合更快的8 GB RAM和256 GB預設儲存選項,2020 MacBook Air是大多數Mac客戶的新選擇。 如果您只需要MacBook來執行日常任務,而又沒有特定的高效能需求,則只需購買MacBook Air。

Now, on to the second question. Which MacBook Air should you buy?

現在,進入第二個問題。 您應該購買哪種MacBook Air?

Core i5處理器的春天 (Spring for the Core i5 Processor)

Yes, the dual-core, Core i3 model performs surprisingly well. However, we still suggest you spend a little more and get the Core i5 for several reasons.

是的,雙核Core i3模型的效能出奇地好。 但是,出於多種原因,我們仍然建議您多花一點錢來購買Core i5。

First, it’s a quad-core chip, and when it comes to multitasking, this makes a huge difference. If you plan to shuffle between resource-intensive apps, like Chrome, Slack, Zoom, or Lightroom all day, those two extra cores will come in handy.

首先,它是四核晶片,在多工處理方面,這有很大的不同。 如果您打算整日在資源密集型應用(例如Chrome,Slack,Zoom或Lightroom)之間進行改編,那麼這兩個額外的核心將派上用場。

Upgrading from the base option also opens up possibilities. The Core i5 will easily allow you to do basic audio, video, and photo editing, or even software development, without too many issues. It might not work too well on heavy-duty tasks, but it’ll get you by in a pinch.

從基本選項進行升級也帶來了可能性。 Core i5可以讓您輕鬆進行基本的音訊,視訊和照片編輯,甚至進行軟體開發,而不會出現太多問題。 在執行繁重的任務時,它可能無法很好地工作,但是一定會幫助您。

The biggest reason to upgrade to the Core i5 model is that only costs an additional $100. That’s the best $100 you can spend to increase the overall lifespan of your computer.

升級到Core i5型號的最大原因是僅需多花100美元。 這是增加計算機整體使用壽命的最佳100美元。

推薦配置 (Recommended Configuration)

The MacBook Air comes in two models: the $999 base configuration, and the $1,299 build with the Core i5 chip and 512 GB storage.

MacBook Air有兩種型號:基本配置為999美元,以及採用Core i5晶片和512 GB儲存的1299美元。

This time around, all upgrades are available for both models. We suggest you go with the base model, and then add whatever is necessary.

這次,所有升級都適用於兩種型號。 我們建議您使用基本模型,然後新增任何必要的內容。

We recommend the following:


  • Processor: We’ve already made the case for the Core i5 upgrade. The faster multitasking and future-proofing are worth the extra $100. The $250 Core i7 upgrade, though, is overkill for most people.

    處理器:我們已經為Core i5升級做好了準備。 更快的多工處理和麵向未來的開發值得額外的100美元。 250美元的Core i7升級對大多數人來說算是過高了。

The MacBook Air 2020 Processor options.
  • Memory: For most, the fast, 3733 MHz LPDDR4X RAM is going to be enough, as macOS is very good at memory management. However, if you do professional-level editing work, you might want to spring for the 16 GB RAM upgrade ($200). Unfortunately, you can’t upgrade this later.

    記憶體:對於大多數人來說,快速的3733 MHz LPDDR4X RAM就足夠了,因為macOS非常擅長記憶體管理。 但是,如果您進行專業級的編輯工作,則可能需要16 GB RAM升級(200美元)。 不幸的是,您以後不能升級它。

The MacBook Air 2020 Memory options.
  • Storage: Even here, the base configuration is going to be enough for most people. If youstruggled with the base, 128 GB storage on a previous MacBook, though, get the 512 GB SSD upgrade for $200. It’s not easy to add more storage down the line.

    儲存:即使在這裡,基本配置對於大多數人來說也足夠了。 如果你掙扎與底座,128 GB儲存在以前的MacBook,雖然得到了512 GB SSD升級為$ 200。 沿線新增更多儲存並不容易。

The MacBook Air 2020 Storage options.

Again, for most people, we recommend you add the Core i5 upgrade and call it a day. You’ll be getting a very fast, lightweight, capable computer for $1,099. If you have the money to spare, we also recommend adding the 512 GB SDD option, which brings the total to $1,299.

同樣,對於大多數人來說,我們建議您新增Core i5升級並每天進行升級。 您將以1,099美元的價格獲得一臺非常快速,輕巧,功能強大的計算機。 如果您有足夠的錢,我們還建議您新增512 GB SDD選項,使總價達到1,299美元。

MacBook Pro問題 (The MacBook Pro Problem)

A 2019 MacBook Pro.

If you’re configuring your MacBook Air with a Core i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and 512 GB storage, you might realize you’re creeping up into MacBook Pro territory. So, why not just buy a MacBook Pro?

如果您要使用Core i7處理器,16 GB RAM和512 GB儲存空間配置MacBook Air,您可能會意識到自己正步入MacBook Pro領域。 那麼,為什麼不只購買MacBook Pro呢?

Well, the answer has much to do with value, timing, and thermal limits.


The 13-inch MacBook Pro starts at $1,299 and offers only 128 GB storage. The 256 GB version (which comes standard on the $999 MacBook Air) costs $1,499. Even then, the MacBook Pro comes with an 8th generation processor and that troublesome Butterfly keyboard.

13英寸MacBook Pro的起價為1,299美元,僅提供1​​28 GB的儲存空間。 256 GB版本(999美元MacBook Air的標準配置)價格為1,499美元。 即便如此,MacBook Pro還是配備了第8代處理器和麻煩的Butterfly鍵盤。

Also, since Apple already refreshed the 16-inch MacBook Pro with a new Magic Keyboard, we should see a new 14-inch model soon. Hopefully, it will have 256 GB storage in the $1,299 base model.

另外,由於Apple已經用新的Magic Keyboard更新了16英寸MacBook Pro ,因此我們很快就會看到新的14英寸機型。 希望它在$ 1,299基本型號中將具有256 GB的儲存空間。

The one thing the MacBook Pro has going for it, though, is the thermal headroom. It has better, faster processors that can sustain a heavy workload for longer. The MacBook Air, on the other hand, just doesn’t have the thermal headroom for it.

MacBook Pro要做的一件事是散熱空間。 它擁有更好,速度更快的處理器,可以長時間承受繁重的工作量。 另一方面,MacBook Air卻沒有散熱空間。

So, if you push the MacBook Air too much (even with the Core i5 or i7 CPU), it will overheat and start throttling the CPU. This means your apps might start lagging or crash altogether.

因此,如果將MacBook Air推得太多(即使使用Core i5或i7 CPU),它也會過熱並開始限制CPU。 這意味著您的應用程式可能會開始滯後或完全崩潰。

Now, granted, this won’t happen unless you’re really doing something heavy, like editing a 4K video. If you do plan to do that kind of work, though, you should get a MacBook Pro, instead.

當然,除非您確實要做一些繁重的工作,例如編輯4K視訊,否則這不會發生。 但是,如果您打算進行此類工作,則應該購買MacBook Pro。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666121/should-you-buy-the-2020-macbook-air/