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如何計算iPhone和Apple Watch上的步數

iPhone showing the step count in the Health app.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

According to conventional wisdom, 10,000 steps a day equals a healthy life. No matter what your target is, though, you’ll need a reliable way to count your steps. The good news is you can do so on your iPhone or Apple Watch!

根據傳統觀點,每天10,000步等於健康生活。 但是,無論您的目標是什麼,都需要一種可靠的方法來計算步數。 好訊息是您可以在iPhone或Apple Watch上這樣做!

如何在iPhone上的Health App中計算步驟 (How to Count Steps in the Health App on iPhone)

Your iPhone has a sophisticated built-in step counter. It uses the accelerometer to calculate the steps you take. All this data is stored in the Health app, which you can back up and sync to iCloud, as well.

您的iPhone具有完善的內建步數計數器。 它使用加速度計來計算您要執行的步驟。 所有這些資料都儲存在“執行狀況”應用程式中,您也可以備份該應用程式並將其同步到iCloud。

Oddly, Apple doesn’t really advertise this feature. If you’ve never used the Health app, you might not know about it.

奇怪的是,Apple並未真正宣傳此功能。 如果您從未使用過“健康”應用程式,則可能對此一無所知。

To view your step count of the day, open the Health app. You can swipe down on the Home screen to bring up Spotlight Search, and then search for it if you can’t find it on your phone.

要檢視當天的步數,請開啟“健康”應用程式。 您可以在主螢幕上向下滑動以調出Spotlight搜尋,然後在手機上找不到它時進行搜尋。

Tap the Health app to open it from Spotlight search on iPhone.

Once you open the app, you see a summary of the day’s activities (on iOS 13 and higher). Here, locate the “Steps” section to see the steps you’ve taken throughout the day.

開啟應用程式後,您會看到當天活動的摘要(在iOS 13及更高版本上)。 在這裡,找到“步驟”部分,以檢視您整天執行的步驟。

Tap "Summary" to see the "Steps" section.

You can tap the item to expand the section. Here, you’ll see a chart of your step count mapped across the entire day. You can also switch to the weekly, monthly, or yearly data from the tabs on the top.

您可以點選該專案以展開該部分。 在這裡,您會看到一張全天對映的步數圖表。 您也可以從頂部的標籤切換到每週,每月或每年的資料。

The "Steps" section in the Health app.

如何向iPhone新增計步器小部件 (How to Add a Step Counter Widget to iPhone)

While the Health app shows your step count for the day, it takes a couple of taps to get there. Wouldn’t it be better if you could see the step count right from the Lock or Home screen on your iPhone?

當“健康”應用顯示您當天的步數時,需要輕按幾下才能到達目的地。 如果可以在iPhone的“鎖定”或“主螢幕”上看到正確的步數,這會更好嗎?

You can do this with the Pedometer++ widget. After you install and enable the widget, all you have to do is swipe right on the Lock or Home screen to view your current step count.

您可以使用Pedometer ++小部件執行此操作。 安裝並啟用視窗小部件後,只需在“鎖定”或“主螢幕”上向右輕掃即可檢視當前的步數。

After downloading the Pedometer++ app, open it, and give the app permission to access your fitness data. Once the app is set up, you’ll see the step count in the top section.

下載Pedometer ++應用程式後,將其開啟,並授予該應用程式訪問您的健身資料的許可權。 設定好應用程式後,您將在頂部看到步驟數。

The Pedometer++ app showing a step count.

Now, go to your iPhone’s Home screen and swipe right to reveal the “Today View” widgets screen. Here, swipe all the way to the bottom and tap “Edit.”

現在,轉到iPhone的主螢幕並向右輕掃以顯示“今日檢視”小部件螢幕。 在這裡,一直滑動到底部,然後點選“編輯”。

Tap "Edit."

Now, tap the plus sign (+) next to the “Pedometer” widget to add the infographic to the widgets screen.


Tap the plus sign (+).

You can now use the Handle icon to reorder the widgets. We suggest you put Pedometer++ at the top of the list. Tap “Done” to add the widget to your Lock and Home screens.

現在,您可以使用“手柄”圖示對小部件進行重新排序。 我們建議您將Pedometer ++放在列表的頂部。 點選“完成”將小部件新增到“鎖定”和“主螢幕”中。

Tap to reorder the widgets, and then press "Done."

Now, when you swipe right on the Lock or Home screens, you’ll see your step count instantly from the “Today View” widgets screen.


The Pedometer widget on an iPhone.

如何在Apple Watch的活動應用程式中計算步數 (How to Count Steps in the Activity App on Apple Watch)

Your Apple Watch helps you count the calories you’ve burned during the day, and it’s great for tracking workouts. However, it can also count steps.

Apple Watch可幫助您計算白天消耗的卡路里,對於跟蹤鍛鍊非常有用。 但是,它也可以計算步驟。

If you wear your Apple Watch all day, it’s a better source for your step count than your iPhone, which you might put away sometimes.

如果您整天都佩戴Apple Watch,則它的步數比iPhone更好,後者有時可能會被丟棄。

To find your step count in the Activity app, press the Digital Crown button on your Apple Watch to open the app launcher.

要在“活動”應用程式中查詢步數,請按Apple Watch上的Digital Crown按鈕以開啟應用程式啟動器。

Press the Digital Crown button.

Here, select the “Activity” app. Scroll down to the “Total Steps” section to see your step count for the day.

在這裡,選擇“活動”應用。 向下滾動到“總步數”部分,以檢視當天的步數。

Select the "Activity" app, and then scroll down the "Total Steps" section.

如何向Apple Watch新增計步器併發症 (How to Add a Step Counter Complication to Apple Watch)

The quickest way to view information on your Apple Watch is on the watch face. Fortunately, you can add mini-widgets, called complications, to the watch face. These can include data from both first- and third-party apps.

表面上是檢視Apple Watch資訊的最快方法。 幸運的是,您可以在錶盤上新增稱為併發症的小配件。 這些可以包括來自第一方和第三方應用程式的資料。

This means, with the proper complication, you’ll be able to see your current step count whenever you lift your wrist to view the time. This is why using your Apple Watch to check your steps is much faster than looking at the Lock screen widget on your iPhone.

這意味著,通過適當的複雜處理,您只要抬起手腕來檢視時間,就可以檢視當前的步數。 這就是為什麼使用Apple Watch檢查步速比檢視iPhone上的“鎖定螢幕”小部件要快得多的原因。

Two Apple Watches showing step counts on the watch faces.

To do this, we’ll again use the Pedometer++ app. If you already have the iPhone app, it’s installed on your Apple Watch automatically. However, you can also install the app on your Apple Watch from the new App Store appthat was introduced on watchOS 6.

為此,我們將再次使用Pedometer ++應用程式。 如果您已經擁有iPhone應用程式,它將自動安裝在Apple Watch上。 但是,您還可以通過watchOS 6上引入的新App Store應用程式在Apple Watch上安裝該應用程式。

After you install the app, open it once to make sure it’s working. From there, go to the watch face on your Apple Watch’s Home screen. Press and hold the display, and then tap “Customize.”

安裝應用程式後,請開啟一次以確保其正常執行。 從那裡轉到Apple Watch主螢幕上的錶盤。 按住顯示屏,然後點選“自定義”。

Now, swipe left to switch to the complication editing view. Here, tap the complication you want to change, and then turn the Digital Crown until you see the Pedometer++ complication. You can now press the Digital Crown to save the layout and return to the watch face.

現在,向左滑動即可切換到併發症編輯檢視。 在這裡,點選要更改的併發症,然後轉動“數字表冠”,直到看到Pedometer ++併發症。 現在,您可以按數字表冠以儲存佈局並返回錶盤。

Three Apple Watches with the Pedometer++ complication on the face.

The next time you check your Apple Watch, you’ll see your step count right on its face!

下次檢查Apple Watch時,您會立即在其表面看到步數!

New to the Apple Watch? Don’t miss our top 20 Apple Watch tips and tricks!

Apple Watch的新手? 不要錯過我們的20大Apple Watch技巧和竅門

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668475/how-to-count-steps-on-iphone-and-apple-watch/