1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >開源bi工具github_.NET CoreCLR現在是開源的,因此我通過Microsoft Power BI運行了GitHub儲存庫...

開源bi工具github_.NET CoreCLR現在是開源的,因此我通過Microsoft Power BI運行了GitHub儲存庫...



The hits keep on coming, Dear Reader. Just as we announced a few months back, .NET Core is open source. We said it would run on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but then the work of doing it has to actually happen. ;)

親愛的讀者,熱門歌曲不斷上演。 正如我們幾個月前宣佈那樣,.NET Core是開源的。 我們說它可以在Windows,Mac和Linux上執行,但是這樣做實際上必須完成。 ;)

Go check out the .NET Framework Blog. Today the .NET team put the Core CLR up on GitHub. It's open source and it's under the MIT License. This includes the Core CLR source, the new RyuJIT, the .NET GC, native interop and everything you need to fork, clone, and build your own personal copy of the .NET Core CLR.

What a cool day, and what an immense amount of work (both technical and legal) to make it happen. Years in the making, but still lots of work to do.

前往.NET Framework Blog。 今天,.NET團隊將Core CLR安裝在GitHub上。 它是開源的,並且受MIT許可。 這包括Core CLR原始碼,新的RyuJIT,.NET GC,本機互操作,以及您需要進行分叉,克隆和構建.NET Core CLR個人副本的所有操作。 多麼美好的一天,以及要實現這一目標需要進行的大量工作(技術和法律工作)。 經過多年的努力,但仍有許多工作要做。

The GitHub repo has 2.6ish MILLION lines of code. They say when it's all said and done.NET Core will be about 5 MILLION lines of open source code.

GitHub儲存庫中有2.6百萬條程式碼行。 他們說,一切都說定了。NETCore大約有500萬行開原始碼。

The .NET Blog did a nice pie chart, but honestly, I found it to be not enough. It basically was a big grey circle that said "other 2.2M." ;)

.NET部落格的餅圖很好,但是說實話,我發現這還不夠。 基本上是一個大灰圈,上面寫著“其他2.2M”。 ;)

I'd like a little more insight, but I don't know if I have the compute power, or the patience, frankly, to analyze this code repository. Or do I?

我想要更多的見解,但是坦白地說,我不知道我是否具有計算能力或耐心來分析此程式碼儲存庫。 還是我

I decided to import the repository into Microsoft Power BI preview. Power BI (BI means "Business Intelligence") is an amazing service that you can use (usually for FREE, depending on your data source) to pull in huge amounts of data and ask questions of that data. Watch for a great video on this at http://friday.azure.com this week or next.

我決定將儲存庫匯入Microsoft Power BI預覽。 Power BI(BI表示“商業智慧”)是一項了不起的服務,您可以使用它(通常是免費的,具體取決於您的資料來源)來提取大量資料並詢問該資料問題。 本週或下週在http://friday.azure.com上觀看有關此視訊的精彩視訊。

I logged into http://powerbi.com (It's US only for the preview, sorry) and clicked Get Data. I then selected GitHub as the source of my data and authorized Power BI to talk to GitHub on my behalf. Crazy, AMIRITE?

我登入http://powerbi.com (抱歉,僅在美國使用),然後單擊“獲取資料”。 然後,我選擇GitHub作為資料來源,並授權Power BI代表我與GitHub進行交談。 瘋狂,AMIRITE?

Screenshot (10)

關於.NET團隊的“ CoreCLR” GitHub儲存庫,Power BI告訴我什麼? (What does Power BI tell me about the .NET Team's "CoreCLR" GitHub repository?)

Here's what Power BI told me.

這是Power BI告訴我的。


Let's dig in. Looks like Stephen Toub has worked on a LOT of this code. He's super brilliant and very nice, BTW.

讓我們深入研究。看起來Stephen Toub從事了很多這樣的程式碼。 他非常聰明,非常友善,順便說一句。


Editing the query and looking at Dates and Times, it seems the .NET Team commits code at ALL hours. They are really feeling "committable" around 3 to 4 pm, but they'll even put code in at 4 in the morning!

編輯查詢並檢視日期和時間,.NET團隊似乎在所有時間都提交程式碼。 他們真的在下午3點到4點感到“值得”,但是他們甚至會在凌晨4點輸入程式碼!


Here's a more intense way to look at it.



One of the insanely cool things about Power BI is the ability to ask your data questions in plain English. Given that my SQL abilities have atrophied to "Select * from LittleBobbyTables" this is particularly useful to me.

關於Power BI的一個很酷的事情之一就是能夠用簡單的英語問資料問題 鑑於我SQL功能已經無法使用“從LittleBobbyTables中選擇*”,這對我特別有用。

I asked it "issues that are open sorted by date" and you'll notice that not only did it work, but it showed me what I meant underneath my query.



What about issues closed by a certain person?



I'm running around in this tool just building charts and asking questions of the repo. It's all in HTML5 but it's just like Excel. It's amazing.

我在這個工具中跑來跑去,只是建立圖表並詢問回購交易的問題。 所有內容都在HTML5中,但就像Excel。 太奇妙了。


Open issues from last year?



Average time to close an issue in hours?



It's amazing to be running queries like this on something as significant as the now open-sourced .NET Core CLR. I didn't need to be an employee to do it. I didn't need special access, I just did it. I'm enjoying this new Microsoft, and very much digging Power BI. Next I'm going to put my Blood Sugar and Diabetes Data in Power PI and encourage others to do the same.

像現在開放原始碼的.NET Core CLR一樣重要的事情上執行這樣的查詢真是太神奇了。 我並不需要成為一名僱員。 我不需要特殊的訪問許可權,而已。 我很喜歡這個新的Microsoft,並且非常喜歡Power BI。 接下來,我將把血糖和糖尿病資料放入Power PI中,並鼓勵其他人也這樣做。

P.S. Check out the code for the Core CLR Hello World app. When was the last time you saw an ASCII Art Linux Penguin in Microsoft Source code? ;)

PS檢視Core CLR Hello World應用程式的程式碼。 是什麼時候最後一次在Microsoft原始碼中看到ASCII Art Linux Penguin ? ;)

Sponsor: Big thanks to Infragistics for sponsoring the feed this week! Responsive web design on any browser, any platform and any device with Infragistics jQuery/HTML5 Controls. Get super-charged performance with the world’s fastest HTML5 Grid – Download for free now!

贊助商:非常感謝Infragistics本週贊助了feed! 帶有Infragistics jQuery / HTML5控制元件的任何瀏覽器,任何平臺和任何裝置上的響應式Web設計。 使用世界上最快HTML5網格獲得超強的效能-立即免費下載!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-net-coreclr-is-now-open-source-so-i-ran-the-github-repo-through-microsoft-power-bi
