1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >極客時間和極客學院_詢問操作方法極客:阻止文字訊息,確定Wi-Fi連線的優先順序和使Windows 6手機恢復活力...

極客時間和極客學院_詢問操作方法極客:阻止文字訊息,確定Wi-Fi連線的優先順序和使Windows 6手機恢復活力...




You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we highlight how to block unwanted and spam text messages, how to teach Windows 7 to prioritize Wi-Fi connections, and how to revitalize your aging Windows Mobile phone.

您有問題,我們有答案。 今天,我們重點介紹如何阻止不需要的垃圾郵件訊息,如何教Windows 7優先處理Wi-Fi連線以及如何使老化的Windows Mobile電話恢復活力。

阻止不需要的簡訊 (Blocking Unwanted Text Messages)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I occasionally get unwanted text messages from a variety of sources: old SMS notification lists I can’t figure out how to unsubscribe from, random spammy ringtone purchases requests that are probably my fault from past lapses in judgment on my phone, and that kind of stuff. Unlike my email inbox there seems to be no easy or obvious way to filter these text messages? What can I do? For what it’s worth I’m not as much worried about getting billed for texts I don’t want (I’ve got a pretty hefty SMS plan) but I don’t like getting alerts for messages I don’t want to read!

我偶爾會從各種來源收到不想要的簡訊:舊的SMS通知列表我無法弄清楚如何退訂,隨機垃圾郵件鈴聲購買請求可能是我過去在手機判斷上的失誤所致,東東。 與我的電子郵件收件箱不同,似乎沒有簡單或明顯的方法來過濾這些簡訊? 我能做什麼? 對於它的價值,我不必擔心為不需要的文字付費(我有一個非常龐大的SMS計劃),但是我不喜歡收到不想要閱讀的訊息的警報!

Texts from the S.S. Spamalot

SS Spamalot的文字

Dear Spamalot,


Surely many readers, and several of us on staff, can relate to your situation. There are several things you can do to deal with spam and unwanted text messages. You block them at the provider level, assuming that your cellular provider has such measures in place. You can also block them at the handset level if you have a phone like the iPhone or an Android phone that allows you install third-party SMS applications. Check out

our guide to blocking annoying text messages here for step by step instructions to accomplishing both ends and get back to enjoying only relevant and wanted text messages.

當然,很多讀者以及我們當中的一些員工都可能與您的情況有關。 您可以採取多種措施來處理垃圾郵件和不需要的簡訊。 假設您的蜂窩網路提供商已採取此類措施,則可以在提供商級別阻止它們。 如果您擁有允許安裝第三方SMS應用程式的iPhone或Android手機之類的手機,也可以在手機級別阻止它們。 在這裡檢視我們的指南,以阻止煩人的簡訊,以獲取實現這兩個目標的逐步說明,然後回到僅享受相關和想要的簡訊的狀態。

優先考慮Windows 7 Wi-Fi連線 (Prioritizing Windows 7 Wi-Fi Connectivity)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

At work my laptop can see dozens of Wi-Fi access points. Those for my company, those for the bakery below us, those for the coffee shop across the street, and so on. Often times Windows will automatically connect to one of these many Wi-Fi points before it connects to my company’s hot spots. Also, even when it connects to my company’s network it often picks a Wi-Fi node that I end up changing anyway (knowing that the particular node is kind of flaky or weak where I spend most of my day in the office). Is there anything I can to do make Windows pick one over the other? My work laptop is running Windows 7.

在工作中,我的膝上型電腦可以看到數十個Wi-Fi接入點。 適用於我公司的產品,適用於我們下面的麵包店的產品,適用於馬路對面的咖啡店的產品,等等。 通常,Windows在連線到我公司的熱點之前會自動連線到許多Wi-Fi點之一。 而且,即使它連線到我公司的網路時,也經常會選擇一個我最終還是要更改的Wi-Fi節點(知道在我大部分時間都在辦公室裡工作的那個特定節點有些脆弱或脆弱)。 有什麼我可以做的讓Windows選擇另一個? 我的工作膝上型電腦正在執行Windows 7。

Wi-Fi Jumping in Georgia


Dear Wi-Fi,


You’re in luck. You won’t need to install any extra software or do any crazy hacking to achieve your goal. Windows supports Wi-Fi prioritization right out of the box. You need to do two things to make your Wi-Fi utopia come about. First you need to jump into the Network and Sharing center to manage your wireless networks and assign priority to the hotspots in your office and then you need to turn off the automatic connection feature for the free wi-fi spots from the bakery and coffee shop. Read how to do both of these things here. Once you’ve prioritized the Wi-Fi nodes you want to use and turned off the automatic connection of the ones you don’t it should be smooth sailing in Wi-Fi land.

你真幸運。 您無需安裝任何其他軟體或進行任何瘋狂的黑客攻擊即可實現自己的目標。 Windows開箱即用地支援Wi-Fi優先順序。 您需要做兩件事才能使Wi-Fi烏托邦成為現實。 首先,您需要進入網路和共享中心來管理無線網路,併為辦公室中的熱點分配優先順序,然後您需要關閉自動連線功能,以獲取麵包店和咖啡店的免費wi-fi點。 在這裡閱讀如何做這兩個事情。 在確定了要使用的Wi-Fi節點的優先順序之後,關閉了不需要的Wi-Fi節點的自動連線後,在Wi-Fi領域中應該會順暢執行。

振興舊的Windows手機 (Revitalizing an Old Windows Mobile Phone)

Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I’m rocking a Windows 6 mobile phone. It’s not in my budget to upgrade the actual phone and the upgrades through my phone provider and service provider have long since dried up. What can I do to update and modernize my phone a little? I know you can’t magically turn a 3-year-old Windows Mobile 6 phone into a brand new Windows 7 phone, but I’m open for anything! Help!

我正在搖Windows 6手機。 升級實際的電話不在我的預算之內,並且通過電話提供商和服務提供商進行的升級早已枯竭。 我該怎麼做才能稍微更新和現代化手機? 我知道您無法神奇地將3歲的Windows Mobile 6手機變成全新的Windows 7手機,但我可以接受任何東西! 幫幫我!

Technobummin’ in Nebraska


Dear Technobummin’,


Around here we know all too well the push to try to keep phones cutting edge. Carriers are so quick to abandon upgrades on phones in favor of encouraging consumers to buy entirely new handsets! Fortunately you’re not alone in your desire to squeeze life out of your old phone. You can do several things to freshen up your phone including installing Custom ROMs, install some new and popular apps that replicate the experience of working with a more modern phone, and even (if you’re feeling adventurous) installed Android on your Windows Mobile device. Check out all these options and how to enable them here.

在這裡,我們非常瞭解試圖保持手機領先的推動力。 運營商們如此Swift地放棄了手機的升級,以鼓勵消費者購買全新的手機! 幸運的是,您並不孤單,希望將生活從舊手機中擠出來。 您可以做一些事情來使手機煥然一新,包括安裝自定義ROM,安裝一些新的和流行的應用程式,這些應用程式可以複製使用更現代的手機的體驗,甚至(如果您感到冒險)也可以在Windows Mobile裝置上安裝Android。 。 在此處檢視所有這些選項以及如何啟用它們

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您想向How-To Geek員工提出問題嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件至 [email protected] and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. [email protected] ,然後在Ask How-To Geek專欄中關注解決方案。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/44689/ask-how-to-geek-blocking-text-messages-prioritizing-wi-fi-connections-and-revitalizing-a-windows-6-phone/
