1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ipad電池餓死啟用方法_詢問操作方法:iPad電池壽命,批量調整照片大小以及同步大量音樂收藏...





Christmas was good to many of you and now you’ve got all sorts of tech questions related to your holiday spoils. Come on in and we’ll clear up how to squeeze more life out of your iPad, resize all those photos, and sync massive music collections to mobile devices.

聖誕節對你們許多人來說都是件好事,現在您遇到了各種各樣與假期假期有關的技術問題。 快來吧,我們將解決如何從iPad壓縮更多生活,調整所有照片的大小以及將大量音樂收藏同步到移動裝置。

Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag and help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you in the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每週一次,我們浸入讀者的郵袋,並幫助讀者解決問題,並在此過程中與您分享有用的解決方案。 請繼續閱讀以瞭解本週讀者困境的修復方法。

延長iPad的電池 (Extend Your iPad’s Battery)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I got an iPad for Christmas (and it’s totally sweet!). I’m wondering what I can do to extend the life of the battery? Don’t get me wrong, the battery life is great for a device with such a big screen, but with intensive use it’s definitely not getting the full 10 hours everyone has been raving about. What can I do to increase the life?

我有一個iPad用來過聖誕節(這太甜了!)。 我想知道如何才能延長電池壽命? 別誤會我的意思,對於擁有如此大螢幕的裝置而言,電池續航時間非常長,但是如果大量使用它,肯定不能讓每個人都花整整十個小時。 我該如何增加壽命?



iPad Tweakin’


Dear Tweakin’,


The key to maximizing your battery life is to reduce the power needs of your iPad when possible. Yes you’ll burn up more battery playing a super graphics intensive game than reading your email but the real culprit is all the components sucking up power when you’re not using them. Dim the screen when you don’t need it at full brightness, turn on Airplane mode when you don’t need internet access to turn off the Wi-Fi and Cellular radios (both huge power hogs), and disable unnecessary updates and notifications.

最大化電池壽命的關鍵是在可能的情況下減少iPad的電源需求。 是的,與閱讀電子郵件相比,您在玩超級圖形密集型遊戲時會消耗更多的電池,但真正的罪魁禍首是所有不使用它們時消耗功率的元件。 當不需要全亮度時將螢幕調暗;當不需要網際網路時,請關閉飛航模式,以關閉Wi-Fi和Cellular無線電(都是大功率豬),並禁用不必要的更新和通知。

When you compound all the energy savings from lots of little power savers you’ll likely squeeze an extra hour or more of battery life out of your iPad. Read our guide to maximizing battery life for iOS devices here.

當您將大量小功率節電器的所有節能措施綜合起來時,可能會使iPad的電池壽命增加一小時或更長時間。 在此處閱讀我們的指南,以最大限度地延長iOS裝置的電池壽命

使用XnView批量調整照片大小 (Batch Resize Photos with XnView)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I took a ton of photos with my new digital camera over the Holidays and the file sizes are huge. That’s great for archiving them and what not but it’s awful for easy emailing and loading onto my phone. I don’t want to edit all these photos by hand just to email them to my Grandma and put them on my portable devices. What can I do?

在假期期間,我用新的數碼相機拍了很多照片,檔案大小很大。 這對於存檔它們非常有用,而對於不存檔則非常方便,因此很容易通過電子郵件傳送並載入到我的手機中。 我不想手動編輯所有這些照片,只是將它們通過電子郵件傳送給我的奶奶,然後將其放在行動式裝置上。 我能做什麼?



Shutterbug from Cincinnati


Dear Shutterbug,


Your dilemma allows us to highlight one of the greatest time saving tools computers have to share with us: batch processing. There are plenty of reasons to want to hand crop and tweak photos (like wanting to get the maximum wow factor for the resolution and size of a digital picture frame) but when you’re crunched for time and you’ve got a few hundred photos you want to resize you can’t beat a good batch tool. Batch processing allows you to automate a task like renaming files or cropping photos so you don’t have to sit there and click, type, and crop your way through the process.

您的困境使我們著重強調了計算機必須與我們共享的最省時的工具之一:批處理。 有很多理由想要裁剪和調整照片(例如想要獲得最大的哇係數以適應數碼相框的解析度和大小),但是當您時間緊迫而您卻擁有幾百張照片時您想要調整大小,您將無法擊敗優質的批處理工具。 批處理允許您自動執行諸如重新命名檔案或裁剪照片之類的任務,因此您不必坐在那裡單擊,鍵入和裁剪整個過程。

We recommend you check out our guide to batch image processing with XnView. If you have a favorite image application you’re really comfortable with make sure to hit up Google and search for something like “FaveImageApp batch image resizing”; if your application supports batch resizing you’ll surely find a tutorial out there.

我們建議您查閱有關使用XnView進行批處理影象的指南。 如果您有喜歡的影象應用程式,那麼您一定會習慣使用Google,並搜尋“ FaveImageApp批處理影象調整大小”之類的內容; 如果您的應用程式支援批量調整大小,那麼您一定會在此找到教程。

將您的音調同步到Android和iOS裝置 (Sync Your Tunes to Android and iOS Devices)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

My wife upgraded my old clam-shell phone to a shiny new iPhone this Christmas. Even with the massive storage available on the iPhone I can’t possibly fit all my music on it (and I’m a guy who loves his music collection). What can I do? I know it’s kind of silly to want to carry around every single song I own in my pocket at one time but it’s 2010 and I like to think I live in the future the Popular Science issues of my youth promised me. What can I do?

我的妻子在聖誕節期間將舊的翻蓋手機升級為閃亮的新iPhone。 即使iPhone擁有大量可用的儲存空間,我也無法在其中儲存所有音樂(而且我是一個喜歡音樂收藏的人)。 我能做什麼? 我知道一次只能隨身攜帶我口袋裡的每一首歌都是很愚蠢的,但是現在是2010年,我想我將來會生活在我青年時代的科普問題中。 我能做什麼?



Jonesin’ for the Future


Dear Jonesin’,


If there’s no chance of you fitting your music collection onto your device then you’ll need to look for solutions for outside storage. You’ve already got all that music stored at home on your home computer, presumably, so it’s not a big leap to go from having it stored at home to connecting it to your iPhone. If you want to get up and running with the minimal amount of fuss we’d suggest running a Subsonic server and using it to stream music to your phone. Even if you have a whole terabyte drive filled with tunes you can listen to all of them wherever you are. Check out our guide to setting up a Subsonic server with Android and iOS devices here.

如果您沒有機會將音樂收藏安裝到裝置上,則需要尋找外部儲存解決方案。 據推測,您已經將所有音樂在家中儲存在家用計算機上,因此從將音樂在家中儲存到將其連線到iPhone並不是一個很大的飛躍。 如果您想以最小的花費來啟動和執行,我們建議您執行Subsonic伺服器,並使用它將音樂流式傳輸到您的手機。 即使您有一個充滿音樂的完整的TB驅動器,無論您身在何處,都可以收聽所有音樂。 在此處檢視我們的指南,以使用Android和iOS裝置設定Subsonic伺服器

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at
您想向How-To Geek員工提出問題嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件至 [email protected] and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. [email protected] ,然後在Ask How-To Geek專欄中關注解決方案。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39450/ask-how-to-geek-ipad-battery-life-batch-resizing-photos-and-syncing-massive-music-collections/
