1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >10年和超過520集播客-科技是一場馬拉松,而不是短跑



I try not to be prideful, as a rule, but darnit, I'm REALLY proud of my podcast. As of this writing I've done 526 episodes. Each one 30 minutes long. Every Thursday, for the last decade. That's over 250 hours of technology talk that promises not to waste your time.

通常,我儘量不以驕傲為榮,但是達尼特,我為自己的播客感到非常自豪。 在撰寫本文時,我已經完成了526集。 每個30分鐘長。 過去十年的每個星期四。 超過250個小時的技術交流承諾不會浪費您的時間。

I started Hanselminutes: Fresh Air for Developers almost as a joke. Podcasting was just starting up and I felt at the time that it was largely kind of a vapid copy of talk radio. Hours of directionless rambling. I said to my buddy Carl Franklin that a show shouldn't waste your time and force you to fast-forward 20 minutes in to get to the meat. He said, you should start a show. I laughed, and I did.

我剛開玩笑就開始了Hanselminutes:《為開發人員提供新鮮空氣》。 播客才剛剛起步,當時我覺得這在很大程度上是談話廣播的一種模糊複製。 數小時無方向的漫遊。 我對我的好友卡爾·富蘭克林說,一場演出不應該浪費您的時間,也不應該強迫您快進20分鐘才能吃到肉。 他說,你應該開始表演。 我笑了,我做到了。


I talk to anyone and everyone about all things tech. The show started before I went to work at Microsoft and will continue long after, I'm sure. It's a non-denominational technology show.

我與任何人和所有人談論技術的一切。 可以肯定,該節目在我去微軟工作之前就開始了,並將持續很長時間。 這是一個非教派的技術展覽。

The show also aims to be intentionally inclusive without being heavy-handed. Showcasing diversity in technology isn't about "hey, we need a Black guy this week, know anyone?" That's insulting to everyone. Instead, I've cultivated an amazing network of amazing people from all over the world, and I talk to them about what they love to do. This has some wonderful side effects when recently without planning, 7 of the last 8 shows featured women!

該節目的目的還在於故意做到包容而又不費力。 展示技術的多樣性與“嘿,我們這周需要一個黑人,認識任何人嗎?” 那是對所有人的侮辱。 相反,我建立了一個由來自世界各地的傑出人士組成的驚人網路,並與他們談論他們喜歡做什麼。 當最近沒有計劃時,這會產生一些奇妙的副作用,最近8場演出中有7場是精選女性!

The faces on this archive page go on and on. I'd encourage you to scroll and explore the wall of topics. There's hundreds of highlights, but here's a few favorites:

此存檔頁面上的面Kong會不斷出現。 我鼓勵您滾動瀏覽主題牆。 有成百上千的亮點,但這裡有一些最愛:

I am also proud of the show talking to people before (sometimes) they went mainstream or got famous. From interviews with Tim Ferriss in 2007, Kimberly Bryant from BlackGirlsCode in 2012, Baratunde Thurston in 2010, Dr. Michio Kaku, author Lauren Beukes, as well as the now legendary show on Geek Relationship Tips with my wife, I've got you covered! You'll often hear it here first.

我也為節目在人們成為主流或成名之前(有時)與人們交談而感到自豪。 從2007年Tim Ferriss的採訪, 2012BlackGirlsCode的Kimberly Bryant ,2010年的Baratunde Thurston的採訪Michio Kaku博士作家Lauren Beukes的採訪,以及現在與我的妻子的極客關係技巧**節目中,我都可以理解! 您經常會首先在這裡聽到它。

We were also one of the first podcasts to have a transcriptions/PDFs of the show for the hard of hearing and folks who like to read along while they listen. I struggle with keeping transcripts up to date and we're about a year behind but I'm looking for sustainable solutions. I'd like to get the transcripts available in HTML and posted on the side next to the shows so they'd be more easily searchable.

我們還是首批擁有該節目的轉錄本/ PDF的播客之一,以幫助聽覺和喜歡聽的人一起聽。 我一直努力保持成績單的最新狀態,但我們已經落後了大約一年,但我正在尋找可持續的解決方案。 我想以HTML格式提供成績單,並將其張貼在演出旁邊的側面,以便於搜尋。

I want to thank you and remind you and yours that the show exists and continues weekly in earnest, every week with amazing topics and powerful guests. Above all, don't just keep listening, but please, share episodes socially and do encourage your friends and colleagues to listen and subscribe. Your letters and your kindness (as well as your guest suggestions) keep me going.

我要感謝您,並提醒您和您本次演出的存在,並每週認真地進行下去,每週都有精彩的話題和強大的嘉賓。 最重要的是,不僅要繼續聽,還請在社交上分享片段,並鼓勵您的朋友和同事聽和訂閱。 您的來信和友善(以及您的客人建議)使我不斷前進。


Thanks everyone for your support and help over the last decade. Here's to another ten years, eh?

感謝大家在過去十年中的支援和幫助。 再過十年吧?

Sponsor: Big thanks to SQL Prompt for sponsoring the feed this week! Have you got SQL fingers? Try SQL Prompt and you’ll be able to write, refactor, and reformat SQL effortlessly in SSMS and Visual Studio. Find out more.

贊助商:非常感謝SQL Prompt本週贊助了這個提要! 你有SQL手指嗎? 嘗試使用SQL Prompt ,您將可以在SSMS和Visual Studio中輕鬆編寫,重構和重新格式化SQL。 瞭解更多

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/10-years-and-over-520-episodes-of-podcasting-tech-is-a-marathon-not-a-sprint