1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >用SmarterFox替換Internet Explorer的“加速器”

用SmarterFox替換Internet Explorer的“加速器”

If you’ve had to use Internet Explorer 8, you’ll have noticed a couple of things. It’s getting much easier to use due to its growing number of similarities to Firefox, and it uses a clever feature called the “Accelerator” to try and give it a leg up over its chief competitor.

如果必須使用Internet Explorer 8,您會注意到兩件事。 由於它與Firefox的相似性越來越高,它的使用變得越來越容易,並且它使用稱為“加速器”的巧妙功能來嘗試使其比其主要競爭對手更強大。

SmarterFox adds the same functionality as the IE Accelerator to everyone’s favourite browser.


Install the extension by clicking Add to Firefox.



Then simply follow the prompts.



Once this is complete you’ll need to restart your browser. Then you’ll want to get some text on screen and highlight it to see the difference.

完成此操作後,您將需要重新啟動瀏覽器。 然後,您將需要在螢幕上顯示一些文字並將其突出顯示以檢視區別。


Note the extra buttons. You get a few options for search engines, but unfortunately it’s not open ended. Even so, the ability to search phrases so easily is incredibly useful, as the program automatically opens each phrase in a new tab. To add or remove buttons, go to Tools, SmarterFox.

請注意額外的按鈕。 您可以為搜尋引擎提供一些選擇,但不幸的是它不是開放式的。 即便如此,如此容易地搜尋短語的功能還是非常有用的,因為該程式會自動在新選項卡中開啟每個短語。 要新增或刪除按鈕,請轉到“工具”,“ SmarterFox”。


Click the Popup bubble tab, and add or remove search engines by checking/unchecking the boxes.



You’ll also have likely noticed the qLauncher tab. Change your qLauncher shortcut to something usable.

您可能還會注意到qLauncher選項卡。 將您的qLauncher快捷方式更改為可用的內容。


Now click OK and then enter in your shortcut. Immediately, you are taken to this menu, where you can search.

現在,單擊確定,然後輸入您的快捷方式。 隨即,您將進入此選單,可以在這裡進行搜尋。


Here you can either type your search term into Google, in which case you’ll be presented with a list of options, or simply choose a website to navigate to. It’s a little like a quick shortcut. These also open in new tabs.

在這裡,您可以在Google中輸入搜尋字詞(在這種情況下,您會看到一系列選項),也可以選擇要瀏覽的網站。 這有點像快捷鍵。 這些也會在新標籤頁中開啟。


One thing that is lacking from SmarterFox is the ability to search maps from the Popup Bubble. Where IE allows the user to search an address and even view an immediate thumbnail from LiveSearch Maps, SmarterFox lacks this entirely. Hopefully in time to come the ability to search Google Maps in the same way will become available. Until then, however, the extra features of SmarterFox will have to suffice for the avid Firefox user.

SmarterFox缺少的一件事是能夠從Popup Bubble中搜索地圖。 在IE允許使用者搜尋地址甚至從LiveSearch Maps檢視即時縮圖的地方,SmarterFox完全沒有此功能。 希望能夠及時以相同的方式提供搜尋Google地圖的功能。 但是,在那之前,SmarterFox的其他功能必須足以滿足狂熱的Firefox使用者的需要。

Download and Install SmarterFox


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/replace-internet-explorers-accelerators-with-smarterfox/