1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >smartscreen 關_如何向Internet Explorer 9中的SmartScreen篩選器報告惡意網站

smartscreen 關_如何向Internet Explorer 9中的SmartScreen篩選器報告惡意網站

smartscreen 關

smartscreen 關


One of Microsoft’s leading technologies that protect us from the dangerous web is the SmartScreen filter in Internet Explorer. Since the filter is crowd-sourced, it helps tremendously if you do your part, so let’s take a look at how to report a malicious website.

保護我們免受危險網路侵害的Microsoft領先技術之一是Internet Explorer中的SmartScreen篩選器。 由於篩選器是眾包的,因此如果您發揮自己的作用,則將極大地幫助您,因此讓我們看一下如何報告惡意網站。

Reporting a website in Internet Explorer is made extremely easy and can be done from the Tools menu.

在Internet Explorer中報告網站非常容易,可以通過“工具”選單完成。


Navigate over to the safety section.



Now click on the Report unsafe website option.



This will open a new page where you will be asked if you think the site is performing a

phishing attack or distributing malware respectively. Check the box most appropriate to your situation or both if necessary, fill in the CAPTCHA and hit the submit button.

這將開啟一個新頁面,將詢問您是否認為該站點正在執行網路釣魚攻擊分發惡意軟體。 選中最適合您情況的框,或在必要時選中兩者,請填寫驗證碼並單擊提交按鈕。


That’s all it takes to do your part if you stumble upon a malicious website, providing you use Internet Explorer of course.

如果您偶然使用了惡意網站,那麼只要您使用Internet Explorer,這就是您要做的一切。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/105138/how-to-report-a-malicious-website-to-the-smartscreen-filter-in-internet-explorer-9/

smartscreen 關