1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >微軟windows10映象_微軟仍未測試Windows 10的明年10月更新

微軟windows10映象_微軟仍未測試Windows 10的明年10月更新



Microsoft just released a new Windows Insider build… of version 20H1, scheduled for release in 2020. Four months from its presumptive release, Microsoft still isn’t publicly testing 19H2, which will be Windows 10’s next October Update. What could go wrong?

微軟剛剛釋出了新的Windows Insider版本…版本20H1,計劃於2020年釋出。距推定版本四個月後,微軟仍未公開測試19H2,這將是Windows 10的下一個十月更新。 可能出什麼問題了?

These big Windows updates are generally finalized the month before release, which means Windows 10’s October 2019 Update should be finalized in September 2019. Microsoft has less than four months to go before the latest build is stabilized and we haven’t heard anything about it yet.

這些重要的Windows更新通常在釋出前一個月完成,這意味著Windows 10的2019年10月更新應在2019年9月完成。微軟離穩定最新版本還不到四個月的時間,我們對此尚未有任何訊息。 。

Windows 10’s October 2018 Update saw a standard testing process and was still packed with various bugs—even deleting people’s files. These updates need testing and it’s unclear how much public testing the next Windows 10 update will get before Microsoft unleashes it on Windows 10 PCs.

Windows 10的2018年10月更新

看到了一個標準的測試過程,但仍然充滿各種錯誤-甚至刪除了人們的檔案。 這些更新需要進行測試,目前尚不清楚,在Microsoft將其釋出到Windows 10 PC之前,將對下一個Windows 10更新進行多少公開測試。

Really, this is super strange—Microsoft has never handled a Windows 10 update like this before.

確實,這是非常奇怪的-微軟以前從未處理過Windows 10更新。

Prominent Windows journalist Mary Jo Foley believes that 19H2 will likely be a smaller update for Windows 10 and that any new features will be disabled by default. That’s what her sources say, anyway.

著名的Windows記者Mary Jo Foley認為19H2可能是Windows 10的較小更新,並且預設情況下將禁用任何新功能。 無論如何,這就是她的訊息來源所說的。

i think it really will be mostly like a service pack for 19H1. and rumor is if there are any new features they might be turned off by default

我認為這真的很像19H1的服務包。 謠言是如果有任何新功能,它們可能會預設關閉

— Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) June 5, 2019

-Mary Jo Foley(@maryjofoley) 2019年6月5日

However, Microsoft still hasn’t commented publicly on what to expect from 19H2. Back in February, a Microsoft blog post said “We will begin releasing 19H2 bits to Insiders later this spring”—but summer begins in two and a half weeks.

但是,微軟仍未公開發表對19H2的期望。 早在二月份,微軟的一篇部落格文章就說:“我們將在今年Spring晚些時候向業內人士釋出19H2鑽頭”,但夏季將在兩個半星期後開始。

Microsoft talked about a lot of changes to Windows 10’s development process after the October 2018 Update mess. Despite promising “transparency,” however, Microsoft still isn’t talking. Some more official communication from Microsoft would go a long way.

在2018年10月更新混亂之後,微軟談到了Windows 10開發過程的許多變化。 儘管承諾了“透明度”,但是微軟仍然沒有說話。 來自微軟的更多官方交流將有很長的路要走。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/423824/microsoft-still-isnt-testing-windows-10s-next-october-update/
