1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >edge擱置標籤頁_如何在Microsoft Edge的新標籤頁上隱藏文章供稿

edge擱置標籤頁_如何在Microsoft Edge的新標籤頁上隱藏文章供稿



Microsoft Edge Logo

When you open a new tab in Microsoft Edge, you might be greeted with an “Informational” page full of tabloid-style news, local weather, and plenty of advertisements. If you’d rather not see this feed, it’s easy to disable. Here’s how.

當您在Microsoft Edge中開啟新選項卡時,可能會看到充滿小報樣式新聞,當地天氣和大量廣告的“資訊”頁面。 如果您不想看到此提要,可以輕鬆禁用它。 這是如何做。

First, open Edge and create a new tab by pressing Ctrl+T (or Command+T on Mac). On the “New Tab” page, locate the “gear” icon to the right of the search bar and click it. This is how you customize Edge’s New Tab page.

首先,開啟Edge並通過按Ctrl + T(在Mac上為Command + T)建立一個新標籤。 在“新標籤”頁面上,找到搜尋欄右側的“齒輪”圖示,然後單擊它。 這是

自定義Edge的New Tab頁面的方式

In Edge, click the gear beside the search bar to customize the New Tab page.

In the menu that pops up, you have several options. First, you will see that the “Page Layout” is probably currently set to “Informational” (although the other options also show a news feed further down the page).

在彈出的選單中,您有幾個選項。 首先,您會看到“頁面佈局”當前可能設定為“資訊性”(儘管其他選項也顯示了頁面下方的新聞提要)。

The New Tab customization menu in Microsoft Edge.

If you’d like to quickly choose a different style with a less intrusive news feed, click “Inspirational” (which is a search bar with quick links and a fancy photograph background), or “Focused” (a search bar with quick links and no photo background).


However, both of those options will still include a “My Feed” section if you scroll down below. To completely turn off the feed, choose “Custom” from the list.

但是,如果您向下滾動,這兩個選項仍將包括“我的提要”部分。 要完全關閉Feed,請從列表中選擇“自定義”。

In the Edge New Tab customization menu, select "Custom."

When the “Custom” menu appears, click the drop-down menu beside “Content” and select “Content off.” This will turn off the “My Feed” section of the New Tab page.

當出現“自定義”選單時,單擊“內容”旁邊的下拉選單,然後選擇“內容關閉”。 這將關閉“新標籤”頁面的“我的提要”部分。

Also, if you want to further simplify the New Tab page, turn off the switches beside “Show Quick Links” and “Image Of The Day.”


In Edge, select "Content off" in the New Tab customization menu.

After that, if you turned all the custom options off, you’ll be left with a plain Microsoft logo and a simple search bar.


A simplified New Tab in Microsoft Edge with all customizable options turned off.

Much less cluttered—now your mind can breathe again. Happy browsing!

不再那麼混亂—現在您的思想可以再次呼吸。 瀏覽愉快!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684466/how-to-hide-the-article-feed-on-microsoft-edges-new-tab-page/
