1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >火狐 新增標籤 一直載入_在Firefox的新標籤頁中載入最後標籤頁的URL

火狐 新增標籤 一直載入_在Firefox的新標籤頁中載入最後標籤頁的URL

火狐 新增標籤 一直載入

火狐 新增標籤 一直載入

Yeah, you’re pretty sure that you’re the master of all things Firefox. I mean, why else would you be reading this article? So, we’ve got to ask, have you ever seen this one before?

是的,您很確定自己是Firefox的所有人。 我的意思是,您為什麼還要閱讀這篇文章? 所以,我們不得不問,您以前看過嗎?

So here’s how it works… you’ll have to start off with hitting the Ctrl+T hotkey to open a new blank tab:

所以這是它的工作原理……您必須先按Ctrl + T熱鍵開啟一個新的空白標籤:


Then just hit the Ctrl+Z hotkey, and just like that, the last URL from the last tab you were on will be sitting in your address bar.

然後只需按Ctrl + Z熱鍵,就這樣,您所在的最後一個選項卡中的最後一個URL將位於您的位址列中。


You’ll notice in the above screenshot that the last tab was HTG, and the below screenshot was taken with Lifehacker as the last open tab.



The only real use that we can think of for this is a way to quickly duplicate the current tab—just hit Ctrl+T, then Ctrl+Z, then Enter.

我們可以想到的唯一真正的用途是快速複製當前選項卡的方法-只需按Ctrl + T,然後按Ctrl + Z,然後按Enter。

Other than that, it’s really just a stupid geek trick.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5063/stupid-geek-tricks-the-firefox-hotkey-you-might-not-know/

火狐 新增標籤 一直載入