1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Ubuntu 10.10使上網本具有新穎的外觀[截圖瀏覽]

Ubuntu 10.10使上網本具有新穎的外觀[截圖瀏覽]

Workspace 1_007

Ready to breathe new life into your netbook? Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 includes an innovative new look and feel and support for most netbooks without any extra configuration. Let’s take a look at the newest features.

準備為您的上網本注入新的活力嗎? Ubuntu上網本版本10.10包含創新的外觀,並支援大多數上網本,而無需進行任何額外配置。 讓我們看一下最新功能。

新的Unity介面 (
New Unity Interface)

Linux has been a stable and useful OS for many years, but has often been lacking in innovative UI touches. Ubuntu has always been focused at making Linux more consistent and easy to use, and we found their netbook edition to be very polished and easy to use in our previous look at Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04


Linux多年來一直是穩定且有用的OS,但通常缺乏創新的UI風格。 Ubuntu一直致力於使Linux更加一致和易於使用,並且在先前的Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04中,我們發現他們的上網本版本非常精美並且易於使用。

The latest 10.10 netbook edition takes this even further. When you first start Ubuntu 10.10, you’ll see a dock-style bar on the left with common applications, as well as the standard Ubuntu bar across the top.

最新的10.10上網本版本進一步擴充套件了這一功能。 首次啟動Ubuntu 10.10時,您會在左側看到帶有常用應用程式的停靠樣式的欄,並且在頂部看到標準的Ubuntu欄。


Simply click one of the app icons in the launcher to start it. You’ll see a caret indicator on the left side of the icons of apps that are currently running, as well as a caret on the right if the app is the active program.

只需單擊啟動器中的應用程式圖示之一即可啟動它。 您會在當前正在執行的應用程式圖示的左側看到一個插入符號指示符,如果該應用程式是活動程式,則將在右側顯示一個插入符號。


If you’ve got several windows open from an application, you’ll see each of the windows in an exposé style overview. Select the window you want, and you’ll be quickly back to work.

如果您從某個應用程式打開了多個視窗,則將在曝光樣式概述中看到每個視窗。 選擇所需的視窗,您將很快恢復工作。

Right-click on an icon to quit the program or remove it from the launcher.



If you’d like to rearrange the launcher apps, simply click and hold then drag to the position you want. Alternately, you can drag an icon off the launcher to remove it.

如果您想重新排列啟動器應用程式,只需單擊並按住然後將其拖動到所需位置即可。 或者,您可以將圖示拖離啟動器以將其刪除。


As your launcher fills up, the icons at the top and bottom will fold up accordion style. Then they’ll return to normal size when you mouse over the launcher. You can scroll or drag the icons up and down to see those that are lower down or higher up on the bar. Amazingly, when you mouse-over the icons, it expands starting at the one you hovered over, so often you’ll get the app you want without having to scroll through icons. This works really nicely for organizing a large number of apps on a small netbook display, and would be very nice on a tablet interface.

啟動器填滿時,頂部和底部的圖示將摺疊成手風琴樣式。 然後,當您將滑鼠懸停在啟動器上時,它們將恢復為正常大小。 您可以上下滾動或拖動圖示,以檢視欄上較低或較高的圖示。 令人驚訝的是,當您將滑鼠懸停在圖示上時,它會從您懸停的圖示開始展開,因此通常無需滾動圖示即可獲得所需的應用程式。 這對於在小型上網本顯示器上組織大量應用程式非常有效,在平板電腦介面上也非常好。


快速訪問您喜歡的應用程式和檔案 (Quickly access your favorite apps and files)

If you click the Ubuntu button, you’ll be greeted with quick-launch icons for popular Ubuntu tasks and destinations, such as Internet and More Apps. These large, high-quality icons could easily be mistaken for iOS on an iPad.

如果單擊“ Ubuntu”按鈕,將為您快速啟動流行的Ubuntu任務和目的地(例如Internet和More Apps)的圖示。 這些大而高質量的圖示很容易被誤認為是iPad上的iOS。


The Ubuntu launcher page includes a search box at the top. Enter the name of any application or file on your netbook to quickly find it. It’ll even show results for apps from the Ubuntu Software Center that you may not have installed yet.

Ubuntu啟動器頁面的頂部包括一個搜尋框。 輸入上網本上任何應用程式或檔案的名稱,以快速找到它。 它甚至會顯示尚未安裝的Ubuntu軟體中心應用程式的結果。


The new Files and Folders link works similarly, showing recent files and favorite folders with a search box on the top. This makes it easy to browse to your profile folders and the files you’re most likely to need with just a few clicks.

新的“檔案和資料夾”連結的工作原理類似,顯示最近的檔案和收藏夾資料夾,並在頂部帶有搜尋框。 只需單擊幾下,便可以輕鬆瀏覽到您的配置檔案資料夾和您最可能需要的檔案。


If you find you need more direct access to your file system, click the folder icon to open that folder in Nautilus.



其他增強 (Other Enhancements)

Ubuntu Netbook Edition now includes an easy to use multiple desktop option with Workspaces. Click the purple Workspaces icon to quickly switch between running applications in different desktops. Since most application run full screen by default on netbooks, you can slick the app’s screenshot directly in the workspace to switch to that app.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition現在在Workspaces中包括一個易於使用的多個桌面選項。 單擊紫色的工作區圖示以在不同桌面中正在執行的應用程式之間快速切換。 由於預設情況下大多數應用程式在上網本上全屏執行,因此您可以直接在工作區中滑動應用程式的螢幕快照以切換到該應用程式。


Additionally, all programs now put their file menu in the top Ubuntu bar on netbooks. Even smaller applications such as calculator will have their File menu options on the top, similar to OS X. The menus all look beautiful thanks to the new Ubuntu fonts.

此外,所有程式現在都將其檔案選單放在上網本的頂部Ubuntu欄中。 與OS X相似,甚至計算器等較小的應用程式也將在其頂部具有“檔案”選單選項。由於使用了新的Ubuntu字型,因此選單看起來都很漂亮。


To top it off, this version includes most of the enhancements you’ll find in the standard desktop edition of Ubuntu 10.10, including the updated Software Center and integrated Rhythmbox in the volume control.

最重要的是,此版本包含您在標準桌面版Ubuntu 10.10中可以找到的大多數增強功能,包括更新的軟體中心和音量控制元件中整合的Rhythmbox。


Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 ran great on our relatively new netbook, a Samsung N150, and recognized the wifi, touchpad, and webcam without any extra configuration. We were very impressed with the performance, and the new launcher made it fun and easy to use. With the new app center, the dock-like launcher, and integrated file menus, Ubuntu Netbook Edition feels more like OS X than ever. It’s very polished, so give it a try and see if linux is finally ready for you.

Ubuntu上網本10.10版在我們相對較新的上網本Samsung N150上執行良好,無需任何額外配置即可識別wifi,觸控板和網路攝像頭。 效能給我們留下了深刻的印象,新的啟動器使它變得有趣且易於使用。 有了新的應用程式中心,類似碼頭的啟動器和整合的檔案選單,Ubuntu Netbook Edition感覺比以往更像OSX。 它非常優美,因此請嘗試一下,看看Linux是否終於為您準備好了。

Download Ubuntu Netbook Edition


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31664/ubuntu-10.10-gives-netbooks-an-innovative-new-look/