1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >開放式式商業模式_開放式和封閉式耳機之間有什麼區別,我應該得到什麼?




Over-the-ear headphones (or, for the terminology-loving, circumaural headphones) come in two primary flavors: open-back and closed-back. Before you sink some serious cash into a nice pair of headphones, it pays to know the difference.

耳掛式耳機(或熱愛術語的環耳式耳機)有兩種主要風格:開放式和封閉式。 在您花大量錢購買一副漂亮的耳機之前,先了解一下它們之間的區別是有必要的。

Open-back headphones are designed so that the outer shell of the earcovering is perforated in some fashion, typically with horizontal cutouts. Closed-back headphones have a solid outer shell with no perforations of any sort such that the shell effectively cups the entire ear. Think of open-back models as having a colander-like-shell (lots of openings) and closed-back models as having a mixing-bowl-shell (solid construction from edge to edge, no openings).

開放式耳機的設計使耳罩的外殼以某種方式打Kong,通常帶有水平切口。 封閉式耳機的外殼堅固,沒有任何形式的穿Kong,因此可以有效地罩住整個耳朵。 可以將開放式模型視為具有漏勺狀殼(有許多開口),將封閉式模型視為具有混合碗狀殼(從邊緣到邊緣的堅固構造,無開口)。

Now, while the terminology corresponds clearly to the physical design of the headphones, it doesn’t do a very good job indicating what exactly those designs provide in terms of listening experience. Let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of the two design types, starting with closed-back (the most common design).

現在,雖然術語顯然與耳機的物理設計相對應,但它不能很好地說明這些設計在聆聽體驗方面所提供的功能。 讓我們看一下這兩種設計型別的優缺點,從封閉式(最常見的設計)開始。

封閉式耳機 (Closed-back Headphones)

Closed-back headphones excel at isolating noise. Note, we’re not talking about active-noise-canceling technology (although there are plenty of closed-headphones that have that feature), but just the very physical structure of the closed-back over-the-head design: there’s a big pad that cups your ear and an insulated shell of plastic that covers your ears. By virtue of that alone, most closed-back over-the-ear headphones provide around 10dB of noise reduction. Once you plug the headphones in and turn up the music, the presence of the music combined with that light noise isolation does a pretty good job of, in most applications, dampening the sounds of the outside world and bringing the sounds of the music to the forefront.

封閉式耳機擅長隔離噪音。 請注意,我們並不是在談論主動降噪技術(儘管有很多具有這種功能的封閉式耳機),而只是封閉式頭戴式耳機設計的物理結構:可以罩住您的耳朵的護墊和覆蓋耳朵的塑料絕緣外殼。 僅憑這一點,大多數封閉式耳掛式耳機即可降低約10dB的噪音。 一旦插入耳機並開啟音樂,音樂的存在與光噪聲隔離的結合就可以很好地完成大多數應用中的外界聲音,並將音樂聲音帶入音樂環境。最前沿。

That right there is the primary benefit of closed-back over-the-ear headphones: they do a great job removing your from the noise of your environment and bathing your ears in the sound of the music. If you were, for example, sitting on your porch in the summertime listening to music with this style of headphones on all the light ambient noise around you (birds chirping, traffic in the distance, the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, and such) would be strongly dampened or entirely removed.

沒錯,封閉式耳罩式耳機的主要優點是:它們在將您從環境噪音中清除並使您的耳朵在音樂聲中發揮著出色的作用。 例如,如果您夏天坐在夏天的門廊上,戴著這種耳機聆聽音樂,就可以發現周圍的所有周圍環境噪音(鳥鳴,遠處的交通,風沙沙作響的聲音等等) )會被強烈潤溼或完全去除。

Audiophiles describe this experience as the music being “in your head” or, to describe it in a related fashion, it’s like you’re imagining the music and hearing it like your own thoughts: a sort of auditory dream.


Not only do many people like that sort of in-the-head intimacy, it’s also great when the listener needs to really focus on the technical aspects of the music (audio engineers doing studio work, for example, wear closed-back headphones for this reason) and it’s great when you don’t want to bother other people with your music. If you plan on using your headphones primarily while studying at the library, commuting on the subway, or any other place where the people sitting near you might not share your love of screamo music, it’s wise to use a pair of close-back headphones. Closed-back headphones are also good when you’re using a microphone for any purpose (gaming, video-conferences, etc.) as they prevent the sound from leaking out and creating feedback when picked up by the microphone.

許多人不僅喜歡這種與頭戴式的親密關係,而且當聆聽者需要真正專注於音樂的技術方面時(例如,從事錄音室工作的音訊工程師為此戴上封閉式耳機),這也很棒。原因),當您不想用音樂打擾其他人時,這很棒。 如果您打算主要在圖書館學習,乘地鐵上下班或在附近其他地方可能無法分享您對尖叫音樂的喜愛的任何其他地方使用耳機,明智的做法是使用一對封閉式耳機。 當您將麥克風用於任何目的(遊戲,視訊會議等)時,封閉式耳機也很不錯,因為它們可以防止聲音洩漏並在被麥克風拾起時產生反饋。

Our two example headphones, seen in the image above, are the Sony MDR7506 and thehttps://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50x-Professional-Monitor-Headphones/dp/B00HVLUR86/ref=dp_ob_title_ceAudio-Technica ATH-M50x. The Sony model is an industry workhorse (once you recognize the shape and styling of it, you’ll see it everywhere) and a great value at $80; the Audio-Technica model is also a great value with excellent sound reproduction for only around $140.

如上圖所示,我們的兩個示例耳機是Sony MDR7506和https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50x-Professional-Monitor-Headphones/dp/B00HVLUR86/ref=dp_ob_title_ceAudio-Technica ATH-M50x。 索尼的型號是工業的主力軍(一旦您意識到它的形狀和樣式,便會在任何地方看到它),並且價格高達80美元; Audio-Technica型號也很有價值,而且聲音再現效果很好,僅售140美元左右。

後置式耳機 (Open-back Headphones)

If the strong point of closed-back headphones is that they both isolate the outside noise and capture (and reflect) the noise created by the headphones themselves, the strong point of open-back headphones is exactly the opposite. The perforations/grills on open-back headphones allow air and sound to pass freely in and out of the headphone cups.

如果封閉式耳機的優點是它們既可以隔離外界噪聲並捕獲(並反射)耳機本身產生的噪聲,則開放式耳機的優點正好相反。 開放式耳機上的Kong眼/格柵使空氣和聲音自由進出耳機罩。

The benefit of this design is that it significantly alters the listening experience. Instead of the “in your head” experience that closed-back headphones provide (because they isolate you from the ambient noise), open-back headphones provide a “in the world around me” listening experience. Let’s return to that summer porch to highlight how that experience plays out. When you sit on the porch with your closed-back headphones the sounds around you are dampened or completely removed; it’s as if you were plucked from your porch swing and stuck right into the listening booth at the studio with the audio engineers. When you sit on the porch with open-back headphones, the sounds around you bleed into the headphones. The cars in the distance, the birds chirping, and the rustle of the wind all travel to your ear just like they would if the headphones were off your head.

這種設計的好處在於,它極大地改變了聆聽體驗。 封閉式耳機提供了“我周圍的世界”的聆聽體驗,而不是封閉式耳機提供的“在您頭上”的體驗(因為它們使您與周圍的噪音隔絕了)。 讓我們回到那個夏天的門廊,重點介紹一下這種體驗如何發揮。 當您戴著封閉式耳機坐在門廊上時,周圍的聲音會被減弱或完全消除。 彷彿您從走廊的Swing上拔了下來,並與音訊工程師一起被困在錄音室的監聽室中。 當您坐在帶有開放式耳機的門廊上時,周圍的聲音會滲入耳機。 遠處的汽車,鳴叫的鳥叫聲以及沙沙作響的沙沙聲都在耳邊傳播,就像頭戴耳機掉在頭上一樣。

Now, for those who have used in-ear or closed-back over-the-ear headphones their entire lives (and have grown used to the lost-in-my-headphones effect those kind of headphones provide) the idea of sound leaking into the headphones might sound awful. The benefit of such a design, however, is a feeling of an increased space. Instead of feeling like you’re right there in the studio booth, it feels like the musicians are sitting around you on the porch, right there in your environment playing. This openness and sense that the music is around you and not in your head makes open-back headphones a popular choice for serious listeners looking to maximize their enjoyment listening to albums at home.

現在,對於那些一生都使用入耳式或封閉式入耳式耳機的人(並且已經習慣了這類耳機所提供的“迷失在我的耳機中”的效果),聲音洩漏的想法就變成了耳機可能聽起來很糟糕。 但是,這種設計的好處是增加了空間。 感覺就像音樂家們坐在門廊周圍,就在您所處環境中的演奏中,而不是讓您感覺自己像在錄音室的展位裡一樣。 這種開放性和音樂在您身邊而不是在您頭上的感覺,使後置式耳機成為認真聆聽者的熱門選擇,這些聆聽者希望最大程度地享受在家中欣賞專輯的樂趣。

We framed that last sentence in terms of “at home” because the leaky nature of the open-back headphone makes them very poor for places outside your home or private spaces (like an office at work with closed door). You canclearly hear the audio from open-back headphones outside the headphones, especially in a quiet environment. Although the listening experience with open-back headphones is pretty fantastic, it’s also far too open for the library, commuting, or anywhere else it would be inappropriate to, say, use your cellphone’s speaker or a portable Bluetooth speaker to blast your tunes.

我們將最後一句話用“在家”來圈定,因為開放式耳機的漏氣特性使其在您家外或私人空間(例如辦公室中有密閉的辦公室)中變得非常差。 您可以清晰地聽到耳機外的後置式耳機的音訊,尤其是在安靜的環境中。 儘管使用後置式耳機的聆聽體驗非常棒,但對於圖書館,通勤或其他不適合使用手機揚聲器或行動式藍芽揚聲器播放音樂的地方來說,它也是如此開放。

Our two example headphones, seen in the photo above are the Beyerdynamic DT-990 and the Audio-Technica ATH-AD900x. The Beyerdynamic model is a personal favorite of ours: the headphones are astonishingly comfortable, sound great, and are a fantastic value as they can typically be snapped up for $125-150.

如上圖所示,我們的兩個耳機示例為Beyerdynamic DT-990Audio-Technica ATH-AD900x 。 Beyerdynamic型號是我們個人最喜歡的:耳機令人驚訝的舒適,聽起來很棒,而且物有所值,因為通常可以125-150美元的價格購得。

買哪個? (Which to Buy?)

Now that we’ve learned a little about the differences between the two headphones types, we’re back to your original concern: which type to buy. Although listening enjoyment should always be the primary concern in terms of headphone purchases, this particular open-versus-closed debate actually shifts another consideration to the forefront. Your primary concern should bewhere you’re going to be using the headphones. Open-back headphones, for all their awesome open sound, are a terrible choice if you’re frequently going to be in mixed company (an open-floor office, commuting on the subway, etc.); no matter how great they sound there’s no way to get around how rude it is to blast your tunes off your head like you’re wearing some sort of speaker-studded helmet.

現在我們已經瞭解了兩種耳機型別之間的區別,我們回到了您最初的擔心:要購買哪種型別。 儘管就耳機的購買而言,聆聽樂趣應該始終是首要關注的問題,但這種特殊的開放與封閉的辯論實際上將另一個考慮因素轉移到了最前沿。 你最關心的應該是你要去的地方要使用耳機。 如果您經常要在混合公司(露天辦公室,在地鐵上下班等)中,開放式耳機具有出色的開放聲音,是一個糟糕的選擇。 不管它們的聲音多麼好聽,都無法繞開像戴著頭戴揚聲器的頭盔之類的聲音將它從頭頂吹出來是多麼粗魯。

Once you’ve considered the primary use location, then it becomes a personal preference. Some people love the isolation the in-your-head effect of closed-back headphones provide and they want to be able to close their eyes and get lost in the music wherever they are. Other people prefer the (we think rather magical) effect of wearing open-back headphones and feeling as if the band they’re listening to has been transported right to the room they’re sitting in.

一旦考慮了主要使用位置,便成為個人喜好。 某些人喜歡封閉式耳機在您的頭上產生的隔離效果,因此他們希望能夠閉上眼睛,無論身在何處,都會迷失在音樂中。 其他人更喜歡戴著開放式耳機的效果(我們認為這很神奇),並且感覺好像他們正在收聽的樂隊已被直接傳送到他們所坐的房間。

Before committing to a pair of headphones one way or the other, however, we’d strongly suggest branching out beyond your big box electronics store shopping experience and seeing if there are any small-time record shops, music stores, instrument stores, or other shops in your area that are both more knowledgeable about headphones and will have a variety of headphones for you to try out. Good luck in your quest for the perfect cans!

但是,在以一種或另一種方式配戴一副耳機之前,我們強烈建議您擴充套件到大型電子產品商店的購物體驗之外,並檢視是否有任何小型唱片店,音樂商店,樂器商店或其他您所在地區的商店都比較瞭解耳機,並且會提供各種耳機供您試用。 祝您尋找完美的罐頭好運!

Have a pressing tech question about headphones, computers, or any other geeky pursuit you’re curious about? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

對耳機,計算機或您好奇的其他怪異事物有迫切的技術問題嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件至[email protected],我們將盡力答覆。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/191416/ask-htg-whats-the-difference-between-open-back-and-closed-back-headphones-and-which-should-i-get/
