1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何還原桌面圖示_如何為Windows 10桌面圖示還原或更改文字的預設外觀?

如何還原桌面圖示_如何為Windows 10桌面圖示還原或更改文字的預設外觀?




For whatever reason, sooner or later we all have someone or something mess around with our keyboards and create ‘interesting’ results. With that in mind, today’s SuperUser Q&A post has a simple and elegant way to help a frustrated reader restore his desktop icon text back to the default appearance.

不論出於何種原因,我們遲早都會有人在鍵盤上擺弄一些東西,從而產生“有趣的”結果。 考慮到這一點,今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子提供了一種簡單而優雅的方法來幫助沮喪的讀者將其桌面圖示文字恢復為預設外觀。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“問答”環節由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一個分支,該社群是由社群驅動的Q&A網站分組。

Screenshot courtesy of Lucius Hipan (SuperUser).

螢幕快照由Lucius Hipan(SuperUser)提供

問題 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Lucius Hipan wants to know how to restore the default appearance of the text for Windows 10 desktop icons:

超級使用者閱讀器Lucius Hipan想要知道如何為Windows 10桌面圖示還原文字的預設外觀:

A cat slept on my computer’s keyboard and all of my desktop icons now look like what is shown in the picture below. There are three lines of text on the right side of each of the desktop icons. How can I fix it so that the normal appearance (one line of text below the icons) is restored?

一隻貓睡在我的計算機鍵盤上,所有桌面圖示現在看起來都如下圖所示。 每個桌面圖示的右側有三行文字。 如何修復它,以便恢復正常外觀(圖示下方的一行文字)?

Note: Trying Ctrl + Mouse Wheel did not help.

注意:嘗試使用Ctrl +滑鼠滾輪沒有幫助。


How do you restore (or change) the default appearance of the text for Windows 10 desktop icons?

如何為Windows 10桌面圖示還原(或更改)文字的預設外觀?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Jonno has the answer for us:


I am not sure how your cat managed to do this since the keyboard shortcut for this is Ctrl + Shift + 8. However, to restore it back to the normal default style, right click anywhere on the desktop, go to (click) View, followed by clicking on any of the available options (i.e. Medium Icons).

我不確定您的貓是如何做到這一點的,因為它的鍵盤快捷鍵是Ctrl + Shift + 8 。 但是,要將其恢復為正常的預設樣式,請右鍵單擊桌面上的任意位置,進入(單擊)“檢視” ,然後單擊任何可用選項(即“中號圖示” )。

Since there has been a bit of interest in this, Ctrl + Shift + number (listed below) produces different views when used on any folder (including the Windows Desktop).

由於對此有一些興趣,因此在任何資料夾(包括Windows桌面)上使用Ctrl + Shift +數字(在下面列出)時,都會產生不同的檢視。

  1. Extra Large Icons

  2. Large Icons

  3. Medium Icons

  4. Small Icons

  5. List View

  6. Details

  7. Tiles

  8. Content


This has been tested and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012/2016. Keep in mind that the hotkey may vary between editions as others here have pointed out that it is Ctrl + Alt + number on Windows Server 2016 (TP4 – Simplified Chinese), for example.

該版本已經過測試,可在Windows 10,Windows 8.1和Windows Server 2012/2016上執行。 請記住,各個版本之間的熱鍵可能會有所不同,例如這裡的其他人指出,例如Windows Server 2016(TP4 –簡體中文)上的Ctrl + Alt +數字

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什麼補充說明嗎? 在評論中聽起來不錯。 是否想從其他精通Stack Exchange的使用者那裡獲得更多答案? 在此處檢視完整的討論執行緒

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/238641/how-do-you-restore-or-change-the-default-appearance-of-the-text-for-windows-10-desktop-icons/
