1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >xp好還是vista好_為Windows 7家庭版和Vista建立XP模式

xp好還是vista好_為Windows 7家庭版和Vista建立XP模式



One of the cool features in Windows 7 is XP Mode. However, it’s only available for Windows 7 Professional and above, leaving Home Edition and Vista users out of luck. Today we’ll show you how to create your own XP Mode to run on Vista or Windows 7 Home Premium.

XP模式是Windows 7中很酷的功能之一。 但是,它僅適用於Windows 7 Professional和更高版本,使Home Edition和Vista使用者感到不走運。 今天,我們將向您展示如何建立自己的XP模式以在Vista或Windows 7 Home Premium上執行。

How does this work?


Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows Vista are not licensed to run the free XP Mode download from Microsoft. In fact, if you select Home Premium on the XP Mode download site, you will see the following message:

未經許可,Windows 7 Home Premium和Windows Vista可以從Microsoft執行免費的XP Mode下載。 實際上,如果您在XP Mode下載站點上選擇Home Premium,則會看到以下訊息:


Last week we showed you how VMware Player could help you run XP Mode without hardware virtualization. Even VMware Player doesn’t have a link to import XP Mode if you’re computer is running 7 Home Premium or Vista.

上週,我們向您展示了VMware Player如何在沒有硬體虛擬化的情況下幫助您執行XP Mode 。 如果您的計算機執行的是7 Home Premium或Vista,則即使VMware Player也沒有匯入XP模式的連結。


However, if you have a legal copy of Windows XP, then you can easily recreate XP Mode with the free VMware Player. This article will show you how quick and easy it is to get a virtual copy of XP running on any computer, even if it’s running 7 Home Premium or Windows Vista.

但是,如果您擁有Windows XP的合法副本,則可以使用免費的VMware Player輕鬆地重新建立XP Mode。 本文將向您展示,即使在執行7 Home Premium或Windows Vista的任何計算機上執行XP的虛擬副本,都非常快捷。

Getting Started


First, download and install VMware Player (link below). It is a free download, but requires registration.

首先,下載並安裝VMware Player(下面的連結)。 它是免費下載,但需要註冊。


You may see some prompts about installing drivers; simply approve them. We didn’t see them on our latest test, but have in the past. When you are finished installing VMware Player, you will have to restart your computer.

您可能會看到一些有關安裝驅動程式的提示; 簡單地批准他們。 我們在最新的測試中沒有看到它們,但是過去。 完成安裝VMware Player後,您將必須重新啟動計算機。


Create your own XP Mode


Once your computer is rebooted, start up VMware Player and insert your Windows XP CD in your CD drive. In this example we used a copy of Windows XP Professional, but it would work the same with any edition of XP.

重新啟動計算機後,啟動VMware Player並將Windows XP CD插入CD驅動器。 在此示例中,我們使用了Windows XP Professional的副本,但它與任何版本的XP均相同。

In VMware Player, click the link at the top that says “Create a New Virtual Machine.”

在VMware Player中,單擊頂部的“建立新的虛擬機器”連結。


VMware automatically detects your Windows XP CD, and says it will install it with Easy install. This will let you install XP with only 5 clicks! Click Next to continue.

VMware自動檢測到您的Windows XP CD,並表示將通過“簡易安裝”進行安裝。 這將使您僅需5次點選即可安裝XP! 單擊下一步繼續。


Now enter your XP product key, and name and password of your choice. We named it XP Mode to make it obvious what this virtual machine is for!

現在,輸入您的XP產品金鑰以及您選擇的名稱和密碼。 我們將其命名為XP Mode,以使該虛擬機器的用途顯而易見!


Here VMware will automatically enter your operating system’s name and the default location to save the files. Simply press next to accept the defaults, or change them if you wish.

在這裡,VMware將自動輸入您的作業系統名稱和預設位置以儲存檔案。 只需按下一步以接受預設值,或根據需要更改它們。


You can choose how large you want your virtual hard drive to be; the default is 40Gb, but you can choose a different size if you wish. Please note that the entire 40Gb will not be taken up on your hard drive. Our clean install only took up 1.4Gb on the computer.

您可以選擇虛擬硬碟的大小。 預設值為40Gb,但您可以根據需要選擇其他大小。 請注意,整個40Gb不會佔用您的硬碟驅動器。 我們的全新安裝僅在計算機上佔用了1.4Gb。


That’s all the settings. You can review and make changes here, or simply press Finish to start installing XP.

這就是所有設定。 您可以在此處檢視並進行更改,或者只需按完成即可開始安裝XP。


From here on, VMware will take over. You do not need to click anything else until XP is fully installed! It will automatically run the installer, format the virtual hard drive,

從這裡開始,VMware將接管。 完全安裝XP之前,無需單擊其他任何按鈕! 它將自動執行安裝程式,格式化虛擬硬碟,


Copies XP files to the hard drive,



And finishes the install.



Everything will work automatically, so you can literally leave it unattended while it’s installing. In our tests it took about 20 minutes to install. When it’s done, you’ll be presented with the Windows XP desktop ready for use!

一切都會自動執行,因此您可以在安裝時直接使用它。 在我們的測試中,安裝大約需要20分鐘。 完成後,您將可以使用Windows XP桌面!


VMware Player will automatically launch the VMware Tools installer to integrate your virtual XP with your computer. It may have to download or update the tools, so if you see the yellow banner at the bottom of your window simply click Update Tools or Install Tools depending on you situation.

VMware Player將自動啟動VMware Tools安裝程式,以將您的虛擬XP與計算機整合。 它可能必須下載或更新工具,因此,如果您在視窗底部看到黃色的橫幅,只需根據您的情況單擊“更新工具”或“安裝工具”。


The tools will automatically download and install, though you may have to approve an UAC prompt.



Once the tools are downloaded or updated, they should automatically run in XP. If not, click Start, then My Computer, and finally double-click on the CD drive which should say VMware Tools.

下載或更新工具後,它們應自動在XP中執行。 如果沒有,請依次單擊“開始”,“我的電腦”,最後雙擊CD驅動器,該驅動器應顯示VMware Tools。


Now, simply run the Tools installer with the Typical setup type, and reboot XP when it’s finished.



Now your XP is fully installed and setup, so you can proceed to integrate with your computer just like XP Mode!

現在您的XP已完全安裝和設定,因此您可以像XP Mode一樣繼續與計算機整合!

Integrate XP Mode in VMware Player with Windows 7 or Vista

在VMware Player中將XP模式與Windows 7或Vista整合

The real advantage of the default XP Mode in Windows 7 is that the XP programs are fully integrated with their Windows 7 counterparts. You can run them seamlessly with other programs, copy between them, and even open and save files to the same folders.

Windows 7中預設XP模式的真正優勢是XP程式與Windows 7完全整合在一起。 您可以與其他程式無縫執行它們,在它們之間進行復制,甚至可以開啟檔案並將其儲存到相同的資料夾中。

Let’s set this up in VMware. Copy and paste from Windows 7 or Vista to XP in VMware is activated by default. To use your XP programs seamlessly with Windows 7, click VM on the top of the VMware window, and click “Enter Unity.”

讓我們在VMware中進行設定。 從Windows 7或Vista到VMware中的XP的複製和貼上預設情況下處於啟用狀態。 要與Windows 7無縫使用XP程式,請單擊VMware視窗頂部的VM,然後單擊“ Enter Unity”。


You can easily access any program or file in XP mode through a dedicated XP Mode Start Menu. When you hover over your Windows 7 Start button, a new button called “Windows XP Mode” will above it. Click there to access a full start menu from XP Mode right in Windows 7.

您可以通過專用的XP模式開始選單輕鬆地以XP模式訪問任何程式或檔案。 將滑鼠懸停在Windows 7的“開始”按鈕上時,將在其上方顯示一個名為“ Windows XP Mode”的新按鈕。 單擊此處以在Windows 7中從XP模式訪問完整的開始選單。


And it works the exact same in Windows Vista.

它在Windows Vista中的工作原理完全相同。


Here is an IE 6 window from XP running side-by-side with IE 8 in Windows 7, thanks to VMware Player!

這是XP的IE 6視窗,與Windows 7中的IE 8並行執行,這要歸功於VMware Player!


And notice, this is guaranteed to work on any edition of Windows 7 or Vista, including Home versions.

請注意,這保證可以在Windows 7或Vista的任何版本(包括家庭版)上使用。


By default, the virtualized windows will have a border and the VMware logo on their edge.



To remove this logo, click VM in the VMware player window, then settings. Click on the Options tab, and choose Unity on the left. Now uncheck the boxes that say “Show borders” and “Show badges.”

要刪除此徽標,請在VMware Player視窗中單擊VM,然後單擊設定。 單擊選項選項卡,然後選擇左側的Unity。 現在,取消選中“顯示邊框”和“顯示徽章”的框。


Without having the VMWare borders and badges give everything a more authentic XP Mode look and feel.

在沒有VMWare的情況下,邊框和標記使所有內容都具有更真實的XP Mode外觀。


You can even use removable devices, such as flash drives, in XP in VMware Player. Whenever you connect a new device to your computer, VMware will remind you that you can add it to XP.

您甚至可以在VMware Player的XP中使用可移動裝置,例如快閃記憶體驅動器。 每當您將新裝置連線到計算機時,VMware都會提醒您可以將其新增到XP。


Simply click VM, then Removable Devices. Select your device name, and click Connect.

只需單擊VM,然後單擊可移動裝置。 選擇您的裝置名稱,然後單擊“連線”。


Save Files in XP Mode to My Documents in Windows 7 or Vista

將XP模式下的檔案儲存到Windows 7或Vista中的“我的文件”中

By default, files created in XP in VMware Player will be saved inside the virtual machine. It’s more convenient if they’re saved directly to the My Documents folder in Windows 7 (or the Documents folder in Vista), so let’s change this. Click VM, then Settings. Click the Options tab, and then choose Shared Folders on the left. Now click the bullet for “Always enabled” and check the box for “Map as a network drive in Windows guests.”

預設情況下,在VMware Player中在XP中建立的檔案將儲存在虛擬機器中。 如果將它們直接儲存到Windows 7中的“我的文件”資料夾(或Vista中的“文件”資料夾),則更加方便,因此讓我們進行更改。 單擊虛擬機器,然後單擊設定。 單擊選項選項卡,然後在左側選擇共享資料夾。 現在,單擊“始終啟用”的專案符號,然後選中“在W​​indows guest虛擬機器中對映為網路驅動器”框。


Now click Add at the bottom of that window. This will let us add a shared folder.

現在,單擊該視窗底部的“新增”。 這將使我們新增一個共享資料夾。


Let’s add the My Documents folder from Windows 7 (or the Documents folder in Vista). Click Browse, and then select your My Documents folder. Click Ok, and then click Next.

讓我們從Windows 7(或Vista中的Documents資料夾)新增“我的文件”資料夾。 單擊瀏覽,然後選擇您的我的文件資料夾。 單擊確定,然後單擊下一步。


Make sure the box is checked that says “Enable this share” and then click Finish. You can now close the settings window as well.

確保選中“啟用此共享”複選框,然後單擊“完成”。 現在,您也可以關閉設定視窗。


Back in XP, click Start, then right click on My Documents, and select Properties.



Click Move to find the new My Documents folder.



Find the folder we just shared from Windows 7 or Vista by clicking My Computer, then the drive that says “Shared Folders on ‘vmware-host’” or something similar. Now select the folder we shared, Documents, and click Ok.

單擊“我的電腦”,然後單擊顯示“'vmware-host'上的共享資料夾”或類似內容的驅動器,找到我們剛剛從Windows 7或Vista中共享的資料夾。 現在選擇我們共享的資料夾,文件,然後單擊確定。


Click Ok in the main properties window. It may offer to copy the files from your old My Documents folder to the new one; choose Yes to make sure you have all of your documents in Windows 7.

在主屬性視窗中單擊“確定”。 它可以將檔案從舊的“我的文件”資料夾複製到新資料夾; 選擇是,以確保您在Windows 7中擁有所有文件。


Now, whenever you go to save a file in XP, it will automatically save in your My Documents folder on Windows 7 or Vista, depending on your circumstance. You can repeat the same process for any folder you wish, such as your My Pictures and My Music folders.

現在,每當您要在XP中儲存檔案時,它將視情況自動儲存在Windows 7或Vista上的“我的文件”資料夾中。 您可以對所需的任何資料夾(例如“我的圖片”和“我的音樂”資料夾)重複相同的過程。



And that’s all there is to it! You now have a fully functioning copy of XP running right inside your 7 or Vista computer. Almost everything works the same as XP Mode in 7 Professional or Ultimate. The only difference is that you used your own copy of XP, but if you have an old copy already then it doesn’t cost you any more than XP Mode would. And, even if your computer is running Windows 7 Professional, you may find it easier to use a copy of XP you already own instead of importing XP Mode. VMware Player does a great job at integrating XP with your computer, and in our tests it worked as good or better than the actual XP Mode.

這就是全部! 現在,您可以在7或Vista計算機中直接執行功能齊全的XP副本。 幾乎所有功能都與7 Professional或Ultimate中的XP模式相同。 唯一的區別是您使用了自己的XP副本,但是如果您已經擁有舊的副本,那麼它的花費不會比XP Mode多。 而且,即使您的計算機執行的是Windows 7 Professional,您也可能會發現,使用它已經擁有的XP副本而不是匯入XP Mode更加容易。 VMware Player在將XP與您的計算機整合方面做得很出色,在我們的測試中,它的工作效能優於或優於實際的XP Mode。

You can actually run Windows Virtual PC on any Windows 7 computer, even ones running Home Premium that aren’t eligible for XP Mode. You could install XP in it, then install Virtual PC’s integration components, and it will work exactly like the default XP Mode. However, we’ve found VMware’s solution easier to use and much faster to setup. If you would like to try this out, download Virtual PC at the link below (be sure to select Professional as your edition of Windows … even though Home Premium is licensed to run Virtual PC and can run it fine, the download isn’t offered by default).

實際上,您可以在任何Windows 7計算機上執行Windows Virtual PC,甚至是執行不支援XP Mode的執行Home Premium的計算機。 您可以在其中安裝XP,然後安裝Virtual PC的整合元件,它的工作原理與預設XP模式完全相同。 但是,我們發現VMware的解決方案更易於使用,並且安裝速度更快。 如果您想嘗試一下,請在下面的連結下載虛擬PC(請確保選擇“專業”作為Windows版本…即使Home Premium已獲得許可執行虛擬PC並可以正常執行,但不提供下載)預設情況下)。



Download VMware Player 3

下載VMware Player 3

Download Windows Virtual PC if you wish to run XP in it

如果要在其中執行XP,請下載Windows Virtual PC

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11060/create-an-xp-mode-for-windows7-home-versions-and-vista/
