1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >dropbox_來自提示框:望遠鏡鐳射瞄準器,Dropbox桌面和Kindle剪輯轉換





Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone; this week we’re looking at telescope laser sights, syncing your desktop with Dropbox, and converting your Kindle Clippings file.

每週一次,我們收集一些很棒的讀者技巧,並與大家分享; 本週,我們將研究望遠鏡的鐳射瞄準器,將您的桌面與Dropbox同步以及轉換Kindle Clippings檔案。

在望遠鏡上安裝鐳射以方便對準 (Mount a Laser On Your Telescope for Easy Alignment)

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Carl shares a hack for sighting in a large telescope:


I saw your entry about the camera lens red-dot scope. Last summer I made a telescope mount for a green laser pointer in order to make it easier to align my telescope. If you think the field of view is small on a 500mm camera lens, you should see it on a sizable backyard ‘scope! I followed

this tutorial with a few modifications to fit the particular laser pointer I had. As always, be safe when using lasers and (because of the risk to planes) use it as briefly as possible and in clear air space.

我看到了您關於相機鏡頭紅點鏡的條目。 去年夏天,我為綠色鐳射筆製作了一個望遠鏡支架,以便更輕鬆地對準望遠鏡。 如果您認為500毫米相機鏡頭的視場很小,則應該在相當大的後院顯微鏡上看到它! 我按照

本教程進行了一些修改,以適應我的特定鐳射筆。 與往常一樣,使用鐳射時要安全,並且(由於飛機的危險)請儘可能簡短地在乾淨的空間中使用。

We have a green laser pointer… now we just need a telescope cool enough to mount it on. Thanks for sharing!

我們有一個綠色的鐳射筆……現在我們只需要一個足夠涼爽的望遠鏡就可以安裝它了。 感謝分享!

與Dropbox同步您的桌面 (Sync Your Desktop with Dropbox)

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Travis wrote in to share a guide he created to help others sync their desktops via Dropbox. While not everyone works off their desktop in such a fashion that syncing is critical, for those that use their desktops as a work space it’s a handy trick. He writes:

Travis寫信分享了他建立的指南,以幫助其他人通過Dropbox同步其桌面。 儘管並非每個人都以同步至關重要的方式在桌面上工作,但對於那些將桌面用作工作空間的人來說,這是一個方便的技巧。 他寫:

Similar to the suggestion above to use Dropbox as your “My Documents” location, I use a “Desktop” folder in my Dropbox as the desktop display, synced across all my computers.

與上面將Dropbox用作“我的文件”位置的建議類似,我在Dropbox中將“ Desktop”資料夾用作桌面顯示,並在所有計算機上進行了同步。

All the time, my friends and family tell me my computer’s desktop is “so messy.” That’s not true. It is organized, but usually has a lot of stuff on it. When working, I use my computer desktop, as an actual desktop… The things I am currently using and/or working on are right there and easy for me to use. That is actually the point of the desktop, right?

一直以來,我的朋友和家人都告訴我,我的計算機桌面“太亂了”。 這不是真的。 它是有組織的,但是通常有很多東西。 在工作時,我將計算機桌面用作實際的桌面……我當前正在使用和/或正在使用的東西就在那兒,使我易於使用。 這實際上是桌上型電腦的關鍵,對嗎?

I don’t always work from one physical location, so it is a bit of a chore to make sure I have transferred files to a location (such as USB drive or FTP site) so I can access them later. As well, should I really need to pull out my laptop to grab a single .php file or .psd? I don’t think so.

我並不總是從一個物理位置工作,因此要確保將檔案傳輸到某個位置(例如USB驅動器或FTP站點)是一件很麻煩的事,以便以後可以訪問它們。 同樣,我是否真的需要拔出膝上型電腦來獲取單個.php檔案或.psd? 我不這麼認為。

Using Dropbox as my desktop allows everything I am working on to be available everywhere I work, without even thinking about it.


Check out his full guide to get started with desktop syncing.


將您的Kindle剪輯轉換為其他格式 (Convert Your Kindle Clippings to Other Formats)


Alejandro, in response to our post about The Secret Weapon, a tool for using Evernote to manage your to-do lists, shared an Evernote-related tool:


Great piece! Evernote is indeed a very nice tool and can be very useful in many situations.

好棒! Evernote確實是一個非常不錯的工具,在許多情況下都非常有用。

Also just want to share something I discovered recently. There is a free online tool which you can use to upload your Kindle “my clippings” directly to Evernote. You can also convert your clippings to others like Word or PDF, just in case you prefer those format more. Hope you can find this tip useful.

也只想分享我最近發現的東西。 有一個免費的線上工具,您可以使用它直接將Kindle“我的剪輯”上傳到Evernote。 您也可以將剪輯轉換為Word或PDF等其他格式,以防萬一您更喜歡這些格式。 希望您能找到有用的提示。

If you have clippings in your Kindle that you’d like to incorporate into your Evernote archive/workflow this is a very handle tool. Thanks Alejandro!

如果您想將Kindle中的剪裁合併到Evernote存檔/工作流中,則這是一個非常方便的工具。 謝謝亞歷杭德羅!

Have a clever tip to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected]!

有一個聰明的提示要分享嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件,網址是[email protected]

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/109454/from-the-tips-box-telescope-laser-sights-drobox-desktops-and-kindle-clipping-conversions/
