1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >插入iPhone,iPad或儲存卡後如何阻止iPhoto啟動


After switching to OS X, there was one big annoyance that kept happening over and over — every time I plug anything into my MacBook and it happens to have a DCIM folder on the file system, iPhoto will immediately launch and start scanning.

切換到OS X後,一遍又一遍又一遍又一遍地困擾著我—每當我將任何東西插入MacBook時,碰巧檔案系統上都有DCIM資料夾


The problem is that I don’t want to use iPhoto all the time — I mean sure, I can use it to import my photos, but what if I’m trying to do something else like hack my Minecraft Pocket save files, or I’ve got other content on a removable drive? Or what if I just want to charge my iPhone or iPad?

問題是我不想一直使用iPhoto-我的意思是,我可以用它匯入我的照片,但是如果我想做其他事情(例如入侵我的Minecraft Pocket儲存檔案)怎麼辦?可移動驅動器上還有其他內容? 或者,如果我只是想為iPhone或iPad充電怎麼辦?

Luckily it’s really easy to stop iPhoto from launching automatically.


禁用自動啟動iPhoto (Disabling iPhoto from Launching Automatically)

Just open up iPhoto and go to Preferences from the menu bar, and take a look at the “Connecting camera opens” drop-down.


Change it from iPhoto to “no application” and iPhoto will stay quiet from now on.


It’s so annoying that iPhoto doesn’t pull your videos off your phone too. But, of course, that’s another article.

太煩人了,iPhoto也不會將視訊從手機上拉下來。 但是,當然,那是另一篇文章。

如何僅針對一臺裝置禁用iPhoto自動啟動 (How to Disable iPhoto Auto Launch for Just One Device)

If you want to haveiPhoto start automatically for your camera’s memory card but not when you plug in your iPhone, you can actually tweak the settings per device. Just open up the Image Capture application:

如果要讓相機的儲存卡自動啟動iPhoto,而不是在插入iPhone時啟動,則實際上可以調整每個裝置的設定。 只需開啟Image Capture應用程式:

Down in the lower left-hand corner you’ll see a little arrow, which you might have to click to expand. You can change the setting here between No application, iPhoto, Preview, or whatever you’d like.

在左下角,您會看到一個小箭頭,可能需要單擊以展開它。 您可以在此處在“無應用程式”,“ iPhoto”,“預覽”或您想要的任何內容之間更改設定。

So set your iPhone to “no application” and leave the memory card set to default, or the other way around if you prefer it. Personally, I just turned off the automatic start entirely across the board, which seemed simpler.

因此,將您的iPhone設定為“無應用程式”,並將儲存卡設定為預設設定,如果您願意,也可以選擇其他方法。 就我個人而言,我只是完全關閉了自動啟動功能,這似乎更簡單。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/207091/how-to-stop-iphoto-from-starting-when-you-plug-in-an-iphone-ipad-or-memory-card/