1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >xbox360連結pc_如何將實時電視從Xbox One流式傳輸到Windows PC,iPhone或Android Phone

xbox360連結pc_如何將實時電視從Xbox One流式傳輸到Windows PC,iPhone或Android Phone



Set up your Xbox One’s TV integrationand you can do more than just watch TV on your Xbox: you can also stream that live TV from your Xbox to a Windows 10 PC, Windows phone, iPhone, iPad, or Android device over your home network.

設定Xbox One的電視整合後,您不僅可以在Xbox上觀看電視,還可以做更多的事情:您還可以通過家庭網路將實時電視從Xbox流式傳輸到Windows 10 PC,Windows Phone,iPhone,iPad或Android裝置。

There are two catches: First, this feature only works over your home network, so you can’t stream TV over the internet. Second, thisonly workswith over-the-air TV, soyoucan’t stream live TV from a cable or satellite box. Windows 10’s Xbox-to-PC streaming initially offered this feature, but it was quickly removed. There are probably copyright and licensing concerns getting in the way.

有兩個要點:首先,此功能僅在您的家庭網路上有效,因此您不能通過Internet流式傳輸電視。 其次,這僅適用於無線電視,因此您不能從有線或衛星電視盒流式傳輸直播電視。 Windows 10的Xbox到PC的流媒體最初提供了此功能,但很快就將其刪除。 可能存在版權和許可問題。

如何將電視流式傳輸到Windows 10 PC (How to StreamTV to a Windows 10 PC)

Use the Xbox app on Windows 10 to stream live TV to your PC, just like you’d use it to stream Xbox One games to your PC


使用Windows 10上的Xbox應用將直播電視流式傳輸到您的PC,就像您使用它將Xbox One遊戲流式傳輸到PC一樣

To do this, open the Xbox app on your Windows PC. Click the “Connect” icon near the bottom-left corner of the window and connect to your Xbox One if you aren’t already connected. Your PC should scan your local network for yourXbox One and quickly find it.

為此,請在Windows PC上開啟Xbox應用程式。 單擊視窗左下角附近的“連線”圖示,如果尚未連線,則連線到Xbox One。 您的PC應該掃描您的Xbox One的本地網路並快速找到它。

Click the “Stream” icon at the top of this pane to start streaming from your Xbox One. If you’re already watching TV on your Xbox One, the TV stream will immediately start playing on your computer. You can use the controls at the top of the window to control playback and switch between windows like you normally can with other Windows applications.

單擊此窗格頂部的“流”圖示以從Xbox One開始流式傳輸。 如果您已經在Xbox One上觀看電視,則電視流將立即開始在您的計算機上播放。 您可以像使用其他Windows應用程式一樣,使用視窗頂部的控制元件來控制播放和在視窗之間進行切換。

If your Xbox One isn’t already playing TV, you can use an Xbox One controller connected to your PC to launch the OneGuide app, which will allow you to watch TV. You can switch between channels and control playback with that Xbox One controller, just as you can on a TV.

如果您的Xbox One尚未播放電視,則可以使用連線到PC的Xbox One控制器啟動OneGuide應用程式,該應用程式允許您觀看電視。 您可以像在電視上一樣,在Xbox One控制器之間切換頻道並控制播放。

如何將電視流式傳輸到iPhone,iPad或Android手機 (How to Stream TV to an iPhone, iPad, or Android Phone)

Update: Microsoft removed this feature from its iPhone, iPad, and Android apps in December 2018.


You can also stream TV to a mobile device–iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or even Windows Phone–using the Xbox One SmartGlass app. Install the app from Apple’s App Store, Google Play, or the Windows Phone store depending on the device you’re using.

您還可以使用Xbox One SmartGlass應用將電視流傳輸到移動裝置(iPhone,iPad,Android手機甚至Windows Phone)。 根據您使用的裝置,從Apple的App StoreGoogle PlayWindows Phone商店安裝該應用程式。

Open the Xbox One SmartGlass app on your device and sign in with your Microsoft account. After you do, your device will detect the Xbox One console on your current network. Select your Xbox One and connect to it.

在裝置上開啟Xbox One SmartGlass應用程式,然後使用您的Microsoft帳戶登入。 完成後,您的裝置將檢測到當前網路上的Xbox One控制檯。 選擇您的Xbox One並連線到它。

To watch TV, just tap the “TV” tile in the SmartGlass app.You can then tap “Watch TV” and watch TV on your device,switching between channels, pausing, rewinding, and fast forwarding live TV

要觀看電視,只需在SmartGlass應用程式中點選“電視”圖塊。 然後,您可以點按“觀看電視”並在裝置上觀看電視,在頻道之間切換,暫停,快退和快進直播電視

If you have your Xbox One on, it will continue playing live TV on your TV while also streaming it to your phone, so you can watch the same TV streamin multiple places.

如果您的Xbox One處於開啟狀態,它將繼續在電視上播放直播電視,同時還將其流式傳輸到手機,因此您可以在多個地方觀看同一電視流。

You can also use the Xbox One SmartGlass app as a remote control. Open the OneGuide section in the app and you can see what’s playing and switch between channels on your TV.

您還可以將Xbox One SmartGlass應用程式用作遙控器。 開啟應用程式中的OneGuide部分,您可以檢視正在播放的內容並在電視上的頻道之間進行切換。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/257106/how-to-stream-live-tv-from-an-xbox-one-to-a-windows-pc-iphone-or-android-phone/
