1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >vs2013呼叫谷歌_自2013年以來,Google一直沒有提供更多免費儲存空間……這完全有道理...




Google used to routinely increase their free storage offerings, from 1GB in 2004 all the way up to 15GB in 2013. Since then the free quota hasn’t increased.


Jordan Novet, writing for CNBC, thinks this is a problem for the company. He recently ran out of free storage; here he is talking about his options:

喬丹·諾維特(Jordan Novet)為CNBC撰寫文章,認為這對公司來說是個問題。 他最近用光了免費儲存空間。 他在這裡談論他的選擇:

I could clear up space by deleting emails (email takes up much more of my space than photos or files) or moving some data around to other Google accounts. Or I could move them to services from other providers like Microsoft, which I pay $99.99 per year for the Office 365 suite that includes Outlook for email and OneDrive for storage.

我可以通過刪除電子郵件(電子郵件佔用的空間比照片或檔案多得多)或將一些資料移動到其他Google帳戶來清理空間。 或者,我可以將它們轉移到Microsoft等其他提供商的服務中,我每年為Office 365套件支付99.99美元,其中包括Outlook for email和OneDrive for storage。

The simpler thing to do would be to pull out my credit card and start paying Google.


That would go against the original value proposition of Gmail, though


It’s true: a bunch of free storage really was the initial appeal of Gmail, and eventually Google Drive. Google regularly increasing the amount of free space drew about a billion people to the platform.

的確如此:大量的免費儲存確實是Gmail最初的魅力,最終是Google雲端硬碟。 Google定期增加可用空間,吸引了大約10億人使用該平臺。

But if growing a massive userbase was the plan here, mission accomplished. Andgiving away more free storage to your existing users doesn’t make economic sense unless doing so can attract new users, and it’s not clear how many more users Google can reasonably attract with free storage alone. So the company is trying to monetize their existing users, offering more storage for a fee. Here’s how those fees compare to other companies; it’s pretty reasonable, if unexceptional.

但是,如果在這裡計劃增加龐大的使用者群,任務就完成了。 除非向現有使用者提供更多免費儲存空間不算能吸引新使用者,否則這在經濟上是不合理的,而且尚不清楚Google僅憑免費儲存空間就能合理地吸引多少使用者。 因此,該公司正試圖通過其現有使用者獲利,以收費提供更多儲存空間。 這些費用與其他公司相比如何; 如果沒有例外,那是非常合理的。

As Novet points out, switching to another provider means migrating your data, which to most users is a very real barrier. Which is part of why Google worked so hard to build up a massive userbase in the first place: so more people would potentially be willing to pay eventually.

正如Novet所指出的,切換到另一個提供商意味著遷移您的資料,這對大多數使用者來說是一個非常現實的障礙。 這就是為什麼Google如此努力地建立龐大的使用者群的部分原因:因此更多的人最終可能願意付費。

Is this nefarious? I can understand why some might think so, but only if you’re entitled enough to think that Google should give everything away forever. Every company needs to get paid eventually, and advertising alone can’t pay for massive amounts of storage. Which is why it totally makes sense that free storage isn’t going up, even if you don’t like it.

這是邪惡的嗎? 我能理解為什麼有人會這樣想,但前提是您有足夠的權利認為Google應該永遠放棄一切。 每個公司最終都需要獲得報酬,單靠廣告並不能支付大量儲存空間。 這就是為什麼即使您不喜歡免費儲存也不會增加的原因。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/google-hasnt-offered-more-free-storage-since-2013...which-totally-makes-sense/
