1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >android 通知靜音_如何使電話靜音(但不包括簡訊和通知)

android 通知靜音_如何使電話靜音(但不包括簡訊和通知)

android 通知靜音

android 通知靜音

If you don’t want to hear your phone ring, but do want to hear text messages and othernotifications, we’ve got a simple solution you can use no matter what phone you have.


Whether you’re trying to train people to text you instead of gabbing your ear off or you just really hate phone calls in general, it’s easy to set your phone up so calls are silent but text messages, app notifications, and other alerts are still audible. To do this, we’re going to

take a page from our tutorial on creating silent-but-vibrating alarms on iOS, but add some guidance to make this trick work on iOS, Android, or any mobile platform that allows for custom ringtones.

無論您是想訓練別人發簡訊而不是竊聽您的聲音,還是通常只是真的討厭電話,都可以輕鬆設定電話,使通話保持靜音,但簡訊,應用程式通知和其他警報仍然存在聽得見。 為此,我們將從教程中摘錄有關在iOS上建立靜音但振動的警報的內容


第一步:建立或下載靜音鈴聲 (Step One: Create or Download a Silent Ringtone)

The first order of business is to get your hands on a silent ringtone—an audio file that is literally nothing but a span of silence. This allowsyour phone to “ring”, but you won’t actually hear it.

首先要做的是讓您獲得無聲的鈴聲,這是一種音訊檔案,實際上只是一段無聲的聲音。 這使您的電話“響”,但您實際上聽不到。

Getting a silent ringtone is easy: you can buy them inapp stores (typically for a nominal fee of $0.99 or so), or you can create them yourself using free audio editors like Audacity to make 10-20 second clips of dead air.Alternatively, you can download and transfer this simple silent ringtone we made for you—the ZIP file contains an MP3 file for Android and other mobile OSes and an M4R file for iOS.

獲得靜音鈴聲很容易:您可以在應用程式商店中購買它們(通常只需支付0.99美元左右的象徵性費用),或者您可以使用免費音訊編輯器(如Audacity)自己製作它們,以製作10到20秒的死角。 另外,您也可以下載並傳輸我們為您製作的這個簡單的靜音鈴聲-ZIP檔案包含適用於Android和其他移動作業系統的MP3檔案以及適用於iOS的M4R檔案。

將鈴聲轉移到iOS裝置 (Transfer the Ringtone to iOS Devices)

If you have an iPhone and you didn’t go the pay-for-a-ringtone route, you’ll need to jump through the iTunes hoop. Download the ZIPfile, extract the .M4R ringtone file, and then drag and drop it into iTunes. The file will end up in the “Tones” category of iTunes. Just selectively sync “SilentRing” as shown below.

如果您擁有iPhone,但沒有按鈴聲付費,則需要跳過iTunes框。 下載ZIP檔案,解壓縮.M4R鈴聲檔案,然後將其拖放到iTunes中。 該檔案將最終位於iTunes的“音調”類別中。 只需選擇同步“ SilentRing”,如下所示。

Once the ringtone file is on your device, it’s time to configure your phone to use it—skip ahead to the next section.


Transfer the Files to Android Devices


Things are a wee bit more flexible if you’re an Android phone. You don’t need an app like iTunes., You can download our file directly to your phone, and then unzip it using an app like Solid Explorer. Or you can download it to your PC, unzip it, and then copy it over via USB tether. Whichever method you use to get it onto your phone, long-press the MP3 file, and then tap the copy button in the top right.From there, navigate to Media > Audio > Ringtones, and then tap the clipboard icon in the lower right corner to paste the SilentRing.mp3 file. If you’re using Solid Explorer, you can flip your phone into landscape mode to see both windows at once. Brilliant.

如果您使用的是Android手機,則事情會更加靈活。 您不需要iTunes之類的應用程式。您可以將我們的檔案直接下載到手機中,然後使用Solid Explorer之類的應用程式將其解壓縮。 或者,您可以將其下載到PC上,解壓縮,然後通過USB繫繩將其複製。 無論使用哪種方法將其放到手機上,長按MP3檔案,然後點選右上角的複製按鈕。 從那裡,導航到“媒體”>“音訊”>“鈴聲”,然後點選右下角的剪貼簿圖示以貼上SilentRing.mp3檔案。 如果您使用的是Solid Explorer,則可以將手機切換到橫向模式以一次檢視兩個視窗。 輝煌。

And now that the file is in place, it’s time to set it as your ringtone.


第二步:設定靜音鈴聲 (Step Two: Set the Silent Ringtone)

Once you’ve got the silent ringtone file on your phone, it’s time to set your phone up to use it.


Change the Ringtone in iOS


IniOS, you can change the ringer by opening up the Settings app and scrolling down to the “Sounds” entry. On the “Sounds” page, scroll down and select the “Ringtone” entry.

在iOS中,您可以通過開啟“設定”應用並向下滾動到“聲音”條目來更改鈴聲。 在“聲音”頁面上,向下滾動並選擇“鈴聲”條目。

There are two things to attend to here. First, tap “Vibration” and select “None” as your vibration pattern. Next, tap “SilentRing” at the top of your “Ringtones” list. iOS puts your imported ringtones right at the top.

這裡有兩件事要注意。 首先,點選“振動”,然後選擇“無”作為振動模式。 接下來,點選“鈴聲”列表頂部的“靜音鈴聲”。 iOS將匯入的鈴聲放在頂部。

Silent. Like space. Where no one can here you call.
無聲。 像空間。 在這裡沒有人可以給您打電話。

Boom, done. Now when you receive a call, your phone won’t actually ring or vibrate—it will just play the silent ringtone.

繁榮,完成。 現在,當您接聽電話時,您的電話實際上不會響鈴或振動-它只會播放靜音鈴聲。

在Android中更改鈴聲 (Change the Ringtone in Android)

InAndroid, you need to follow a very similar routine to iOS, by jumping intoSettings > Sound. You can get into the Settings menu by pulling the notification shade down and tapping the gear icon.

在Android中,您需要遵循與iOS非常相似的例程,方法是跳到“設定”>“聲音”。 您可以通過下拉通知欄並點選齒輪圖示進入“設定”選單。

On the “Sound” page, make sure the “Also vibrate for calls” setting is turned off. Next, tap the “Phone Ringtone” entry and, on the “Ringtone” page, select the “SilentRing” tone.

在“聲音”頁面上,確保關閉“也為通話振動”設定。 接下來,點選“手機鈴聲”條目,然後在“鈴聲”頁面上選擇“ SilentRing”鈴聲。

And with that quick tweak, all phone calls are silenced.


第三步(可選):為重要人物建立自定義鈴聲 (Step Three (Optional): Create Custom Ringtones for Important People)

Perhapsyou only resorted to using a silent ringtone because you were getting a huge number of spam calls and calls from people you didn’t really want to talk to. If you still want to hear the ringer when your good friends, spouse, or kids call, that’s no problem. You can use the silent ringtone as your default, global ringtone, and then set individual ringtones for individual contacts.

也許您只求助於使用無聲鈴聲,因為您收到了大量垃圾郵件呼叫以及您真正不想與之交談的人打來的電話。 如果您仍然想在您的好朋友,配偶或孩子打電話時聽到鈴聲,那沒問題。 您可以將靜音鈴聲用作預設的全域性鈴聲,然後為單個聯絡人設定單個鈴聲。

We’ve covered this trick in depth for iOS, but in short, open each individual contact and tweak the ringtone there. In iOS, you do this by tapping “Ringtone” on the main contact page, and then selecting any ringtone but the “SilentRing” we just uploaded.

我們已經針對iOS深入介紹了該技巧,但總之,請開啟每個聯絡人並在其中調整鈴聲。 在iOS中,您可以通過以下方式執行此操作:在主聯絡人頁面上點選“鈴聲”,然後選擇除我們剛剛上傳的“ SilentRing”以外的任何鈴聲。

We’ve also covered the details for setting ringtones for specific contacts in Android. Short version: open the Contacts app, find the contact you want to edit, tap the three button menu in the upper-right corner, and then choose the “Set Ringtone” command.

我們還介紹了在Android中為特定聯絡人設定鈴聲的詳細資訊。 簡短版本:開啟“聯絡人”應用程式,找到要編輯的聯絡人,點選右上角的三個按鈕選單,然後選擇“設定鈴聲”命令。

With a few contact edits, you’ll get audible ringtones for the people you actually want to hear from and sweet, sweet silence for everyone else.


You can even take this little trick and build on it. If, for example, you want to keep your ringer on but you want to no longer hear the constant chiming of other notifications (like those from apps) you can dig back into the Sounds menu and switch those to the SilentRing, too. You could even keep your global ringtone set to whatever you like and assign the silent ringtone just to individual contacts for whom you don’t want the phone to ring.

您甚至可以採取這個小技巧,並以此為基礎。 例如,如果您想保持振鈴狀態,但又不想再聽到其他通知(例如來自應用程式的通知)的持續提示音,則可以追溯到“聲音”選單並將它們切換到SilentRing。 您甚至可以將全域性鈴聲設定為任意設定,並將無聲鈴聲分配給您不想讓手機響鈴的單個聯絡人。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301644/how-to-silence-phone-calls-but-not-text-messages-and-notifications/

android 通知靜音