1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >為什麼我的iPhone上的某些iMessages綠色和某些藍色?


You may have noticed that some messages in iPhone’s Message app are green, while some are blue. What do those colors mean and does it even matter?

您可能已經注意到,iPhone的“訊息”應用程式中的某些訊息為綠色,而另一些為藍色。 這些顏色是什麼意思,甚至有關係嗎?

Messages with green bubbles are normal SMS text messages. Message with blue bubblesare sent via the iMessage instant messaging protocol—a messaging platform specific to Apple devices. If you’re communicating between two Apple devices with iMessage enabled, you’ll see blue messages. If you’re communicating with any device that doesn’t use iMessage—like an Android phone, or an iPhone that doesn’t have iMessage turned on—you’ll see green messages.

帶有綠色氣泡的訊息是普通的SMS簡訊。 帶有藍色氣泡的訊息是通過iMe​​ssage即時訊息傳遞協議傳送的,該協議是Apple裝置專用的訊息傳遞平臺。 如果您在兩個啟用了iMessage的Apple裝置之間進行通訊,則會看到藍色訊息。 如果您正在與任何不使用iMessage的裝置進行通訊(例如Android手機或未開啟iMessage的iPhone),則會看到綠色訊息。

使用iMessage的優勢是什麼? (What Are the Advantages of Using iMessage?)

There are several advantages to using iMessage. The biggest is that iMessagerelies strictly on cellular data—or Wi-Fi—and not on SMS fee schedules that may be imposed by your carrier plan. This can save youfrom incurring

any extra SMS/MMS fees. If you have a plan with unlimited texting, this won’t be a big deal to you, but it was a big deal back in 2011, when iMessage was introduced.

使用iMessage有許多優點。 最大的問題是,iMessage嚴格依賴於蜂窩資料或Wi-Fi,而不是由運營商計劃可能制定的SMS費用表。 這樣可以避免您產生任何額外的SMS / MMS費用。 如果您有一個無限制發簡訊的計劃,那麼這對您來說並不是什麼大不了的事情,但這早在2011年iMessage推出時就已不算什麼。

However, that’s not the only advantage. By using data instead of SMS, iMessage has a lot more features than basic text messaging. For example,iMessage supports delivery status indicators. Underneath your messages, you can see text indicating when the messages was delivered or read. You’ll also see a message bubble with an active ellipse when someone is typing a new message to you. These features rely on the fact that your data connection is always on.

但是,這並不是唯一的優勢。 通過使用資料而非SMS,iMessage具有比基本文字訊息更多的功能。 例如,iMessage支援傳遞狀態指示器。 在郵件下方,您可以看到指示郵件何時遞送或閱讀的文字。 當有人向您輸入新訊息時,您還會看到帶有活動橢圓的訊息氣泡。 這些功能取決於您的資料連線始終處於開啟狀態的事實。

iMessage also sports some neat extra features if you’re running iOS 10. It now boasts a whole ecosystem of apps designed for the messaging experience. You can do silly stuff like slap stickers on conversations or more practical things like sending a quick weather report, sending money, or sharing details about a dinner reservation. iOS 10 also added a lot of fun visual effects to iMessage. You can add fun backgrounds, message that move in different ways, and even hand-drawn text.

如果您執行的是iOS 10,iMessage還具有一些巧妙的額外功能,它現在擁有旨在為訊息傳遞體驗設計的整個應用程式生態系統。 您可以做一些愚蠢的事情,例如在對話中打一巴掌,或者做一些更實際的事情,例如傳送快速天氣預報,匯款或分享晚餐預訂的詳細資訊。 iOS 10還為iMessage添加了很多有趣的視覺效果。 您可以新增有趣的背景,以不同方式移動的訊息,甚至是手繪文字。

In addition,iMessage allows you to send large files easily. Most cellular providers restrict MMS file size to just a few MB, but iMessage supports files up to 100 MB. That’s a big step up from getting your MMS message rejected because it’s 3.1 instead of 3 MB.

此外,iMessage允許您輕鬆傳送大檔案。 大多數蜂窩提供商將MMS檔案大小限制為只有幾MB,但是iMessage支援最大100 MB的檔案。 與拒絕MMS訊息相比,這是一個很大的進步,因為它是3.1 MB,而不是3 MB。

iMessage also has good support for group chat, though it can get a bit flaky when non-iOS users are added to the group.


In short, unless you have some pressing concern, there’s really no reason to not use iMessage when you can. It works well when you’re on a data network, falls back to SMS when your data network is unavailable (and you’re not on Wi-Fi), and works just fine with plain old SMS/MMS when you’re messaging someone who doesn’t have an Apple Device.

簡而言之,除非您有緊迫的擔憂,否則確實沒有理由不使用iMessage。 當您使用資料網路時,它可以很好地工作;當資料網路不可用(並且您不在Wi-Fi上)時,它可以退回到SMS;當您與某人進行通訊時,它可以與普通的舊SMS / MMS一起正常工作沒有Apple裝置的人。

如果我根本看不到任何藍色訊息怎麼辦? (What If I Don’t See Any Blue Messages at All?)

If you’re using an Apple device and communicating with someone that also uses an Apple device, but you still don’t see messages in blue, it likely means that one of you doesn’t have iMessage turned on. To activate it, navigate to Settings > Messages.

如果您正在使用Apple裝置並與也使用Apple裝置的人進行通訊,但是您仍然看不到藍色訊息,則可能意味著其中一個人沒有開啟iMessage。 要啟用它,請導航至設定>訊息。

There are two relevant toggles on the Messages screen—both of which are turned on by default on new devices. Use the “iMessage” to turn iMessaging on and of. Use the “Send as SMS” toggle to specify whether the Messages app should automatically send messages via SMS when iMessage isn’t available.

在“訊息”螢幕上有兩個相關的開關-預設情況下,在新裝置上都將其開啟。 使用“ iMessage”開啟和關閉iMessaging。 使用“傳送為SMS”開關可指定在iMessage不可用時,“訊息”應用是否應通過SMS自動傳送訊息。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214560/why-are-some-iphone-messages-green-and-some-blue-does-it-matter/