1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >無居士 無居所 蘇軾_如何管理居所家庭安全系統的通知

無居士 無居所 蘇軾_如何管理居所家庭安全系統的通知

無居士 無居所 蘇軾

無居士 無居所 蘇軾

A security system isn’t really complete without notifications, especially when you’re away from home. Here’s how to manage them on the Abode home security system.

沒有通知,安全系統並不是真正完整的,尤其是在您不在家時。 這是在Abode家庭安全系統上管理它們的方法。

To manage notifications, you’ll need to visit Abode’s web interface, as the app doesn’t support making these changes, even though there’s a menu for it. Once you get to the web interface, log in using your Abode account credentials.

要管理通知,您需要訪問Abode的Web介面,因為該應用程式不支援進行這些更改,即使有選單也是如此。 進入Web介面後,請使用Abode帳戶憑據登入。

Once you’re logged in, click on “Account” in the left-hand sidebar.


Then select “Notifications”.


From there, there are six categories that you can sift through along the top.You’ll also see a seventh category if you have any Nest products integrated.

從那裡開始,您可以沿著頂部篩選六個類別。 如果您集成了任何Nest產品,也將看到第七類。

Here’s a brief breakdown of each category:


  • System Modes: Notifications whenever your system is armed or disarmed.


  • Alarms & Alerts: Notifications for when any alarms go off.


  • Gateway: Notifications for when your system changes state, such as internet going out, battery backup kicking on, etc.


  • Devices: Notifications whenever a device or sensor changes state.


  • Automations: Notifications for any automations you have set up, like Quick Actions.


  • Connected Devices: Similar to “Devices”, but allows you to manage notifications for each individual device or sensor.


To change a notification setting for a particular action, you can check or uncheck boxes in the right-hand side. You can choose between receiving email notifications or push notifications on your mobile device.

要更改特定操作的通知設定,可以選中或取消選中右側的複選框。 您可以選擇在移動裝置上接收電子郵件通知還是推送通知。

You can also choose “Custom”, which allows you to enable and disable notifications depending on the armed or disarmed state of the system. When you select this, click on “Customize” to access these settings.

您還可以選擇“自定義”,從而可以根據系統的佈防或撤防狀態啟用和禁用通知。 選擇此項時,單擊“自定義”以訪問這些設定。

From there, you can choose which notifications to receive based on the state of the system.


You might notice that some check boxes are grayed out and cannot be changed. These items are deemed important, and Abode doesn’t allow you to disable notifications for those specific items.

您可能會注意到某些複選框顯示為灰色,無法更改。 這些專案被認為很重要,並且Abode不允許您禁用這些特定專案的通知。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/312426/how-to-manage-notifications-for-the-abode-home-security-system/

無居士 無居所 蘇軾