1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >android p 牛軋糖_如何啟用Android牛軋糖的貓收集復活節彩蛋

android p 牛軋糖_如何啟用Android牛軋糖的貓收集復活節彩蛋

android p 牛軋糖

android p 牛軋糖


One of the more fun parts of getting a new version ofAndroid is discovering the hidden Easter Egg that’s tucked way within the “About” menu. Over the years, we’ve seen them get more and more whimsical, with Nougat’s Easter Egg possibly being the most bizarre (and interesting!) one yet: collecting cats.

取得新版Android的最有趣的部分之一就是發現隱藏的“復活節彩蛋”,該彩蛋隱藏在“關於”選單中。 多年來,我們已經看到它們變得越來越異想天開,牛軋糖的復活節彩蛋可能是迄今為止最奇怪(最有趣!)的一種:收集貓。

Basically, Nougatintroduces anew, secret Quick Settings tile (since those are now user-customizable) that allows users to put food on a plate, which will lure cartoon cats to your phone. As the cats come, a notification will show up that reads “A cat is here.” The cat will take what’s on the plate, join your collection, and you get to start over and catch another cat.

基本上,牛軋糖會引入一個新的祕密“快速設定”圖塊(因為這些圖現在可以由使用者自定義),允許使用者將食物放在盤子上,從而將卡通貓吸引到您的手機上。 當貓來時,將顯示一條通知,上面寫著“貓在這裡”。 這隻貓將把盤子裡的東西拿走,加入您的收藏集,然後您可以重新開始並捉住另一隻貓。

Beware: collecting these stupid cats is addictive. Here’s how to get started.

當心:收集這些愚蠢的貓會上癮。 這是入門方法。

First, jump into the Settings menu by pulling the notification shade twice, then tapping the cog icon.



From there, scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on ‘About <device>.“



Tap repeatedly on the “Android version” entry, which will launch a new menu with the “N” logo (for Nougat).

重複點選“ Android版本”條目,這將啟動帶有“ N”徽標的新選單(用於牛軋糖)。

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Tap on the the N five or sixtimes, then long-press it. This will display a tiny cat emoji at the bottom, and appear to do nothing else.But it does!

在N上點按五六次,然後長按。 這將在底部顯示一個很小的貓表情符號,並且看起來什麼也沒做。 但是可以!


Give the notification bar a couple more tugs, to expose the Quick Settings menu. Then tap “Edit.”

給通知欄更多拖船,以顯示“快速設定”選單。 然後點選“編輯”。


In the “Drag to add tiles” menu, there’s a new option with a cat icon and the caption “??? Android Easter Egg”. Long-press this tile, then drag it up to the Quick Settings area.

在“拖動以新增圖塊”選單中,有一個帶有貓形圖示的新選項,標題為“ ???”。 Android復活節彩蛋”。 長按此圖塊,然後將其向上拖動到“快速設定”區域。

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Back in the Quick Settingsmenu, the new icon will read “Empty dish”. Give it a tap—a little menu will open with four options: Bits, Fish, Chicken, and Treat. Tap one to add it to the plate.

返回“快速設定”選單,新圖示將顯示為“空盤子”。 輕按一下即可開啟一個小選單,其中包含四個選項:小菜,魚,雞肉和零食。 點選一個以將其新增到板上。

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That’s it—now you wait. After an unspecified (and varying) amount of a time, a notification will show up. If you have an Android Wear watch, it will even vibrate similar to a cat’s purr.

就是這樣-現在您等待。 經過一段不確定的(且變化的)時間後,將顯示一條通知。 如果您有Android Wear手錶,它甚至會像貓的咕pur聲一樣振動。


Tapping on the notification will open the new “Cats” menu, where you’ll see the various cats and their numbers. From what I can tell, they start at around 100 and go up to 999, so there appear to be a lot of cats to collect. Better get on that. You can also rename them with a tap.

輕按通知將開啟新的“貓”選單,您將在其中看到各種貓及其編號。 據我所知,它們的起步點在100左右,最高到999,因此似乎有很多貓在收集。 最好繼續做下去。 您還可以輕按它們來重新命名它們。

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Lastly, if you ever want to just go admire your cat collection, simply long-press on the cat Quick Settings tile. You can also share or delete any of your cats with a long-press.

最後,如果您只想欣賞您的貓系列,只需在貓快速設定圖塊上長按即可。 您也可以長按共享或刪除任何一隻貓。

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Look, I’m not going to pretend that these cats have any value whatsoever, but this is definitely one of the more interesting Android Easter Eggs, at least in my opinion. And for a guy who doesn’t even like cats (come at me, internet), I’m having a weirdly good time collecting them.

瞧,我不會假裝這些貓有任何價值,但是至少在我看來,這絕對是最有趣的Android復活節彩蛋之一。 對於一個甚至不喜歡貓的傢伙(來找我,上網),我度過了一個奇怪的美好時光。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/269207/how-to-enable-android-nougats-cat-collecting-easter-egg/

android p 牛軋糖