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mac 啟用hidpi_如何在Mac上啟用和配置螢幕保護程式

mac 啟用hidpi

mac 啟用hidpi

Do you still use screen savers on your personal computer? Screen savers aren’t as as necessaryas they once were, but if you like the look–or use them for useful things like a “word of the day”–macOSstill has quite a few you can set up and configure.

您還在個人計算機上使用螢幕保護程式嗎? 螢幕保護程式不再像以前那樣需要


Screen savers were originally designed to prevent burn-in of images on older CRT and plasma displays. By animating your screen, ascreen saver ensuresthat static images don’tburn patterns into your display.

螢幕保護程式最初旨在防止舊的CRT和等離子顯示器上出現影象殘留。 通過對螢幕進行動畫處理,螢幕保護程式可確保靜態影象不會在您的顯示器中燒入圖案。

Wikipediafds) Wikipedia fds提供)

Nowadays, this burn-in problem isn’t a problem for LCD displays, so screen savers have kind of fallen by the wayside. Still, they can be pretty cool and are a nice distraction, which is why they still come on your computer, be it a Mac, a Linux machine, or a Windows PC


如今,這種老化問題對於LCD顯示器而言已不是問題,因此螢幕保護程式已經被淘汰了。 儘管如此,它們仍然可以很酷,而且很吸引人,這就是為什麼它們仍然出現在您的計算機上的原因,無論是Mac,Linux機器還是Windows PC

在macOS上啟用和配置螢幕保護程式 (Activating and Configuring Screen Savers on macOS)

Setting up a screen saver on your Mac is pretty easy, whether it’s one of the many that are included with the system, or one you downloaded and installed. To get started, first open the System Preferences and then click “Desktop & Screen Saver”.

在Mac上設定螢幕保護程式非常容易,無論它是系統附帶的眾多螢幕保護程式之一,還是您下載並安裝的螢幕保護程式之一。 首先,請先開啟“系統偏好設定”,然後單擊“桌面和螢幕保護程式”。

On the Screen Saver panel, there’s a left pane where you can choose your screen saver and a right pane where you can see a small preview.


The top portion of the left pane is heavy with photo album screen savers, while the bottom is where you will find more traditional graphical and text-based types of screen savers.


For the photo album variety, you can choose a source such as predefined collections, recent photo events, or you can choose a custom folder or photo library.


Below the screen saver choices are durations you can choosefor when your screen saver activates. You can set anywhere from “Never” (off) up to one hour. Also available is the option to display the clock over the top of your screen saver so that you can keep track of the time even while your desktop is hidden.

螢幕保護程式選項下方是您可以選擇啟用螢幕保護程式的持續時間。 您可以在“從不”(關閉)到一小時之間進行設定。 還可以選擇在螢幕保護程式的頂部顯示時鐘,以便即使隱藏桌面也可以跟蹤時間。

Next, check out the hot corners options. Here, each menu is a corner you can set up to perform a specific action when you drag the mouse into it. So, you can set it up to start (or disable) the screen saver, launch Mission Control, the Notification Center, and so on.

接下來,檢視熱點選項。 在這裡,每個選單都是一個角,您可以將其設定為在將滑鼠拖動到其中時執行特定操作。 因此,您可以將其設定為啟動(或禁用)螢幕保護程式,啟動任務控制,通知中心等。

Don’t forget to check out ascreen saver’s options. Not allwill have options, but many will, whether it’s the ability to change the text output, colors, speed, and so on.

不要忘記簽出螢幕保護程式的選項。 並非所有人都有選項,但無論是更改文字輸出,顏色,速度等的功能,還是都有很多選項。

You’re not limited to the screen savers that only come on your Mac however, there are still plenty of options out there on the Internet.


在Mac上安裝新的螢幕保護程式 (Installing New Screen Savers on Your Mac)

You might be tired of the ones that come with your computer, so set your destination for Google and search for some new ones. You can alsocheck outScreensavers Planetor this curated list at GitHubfor some awesome ones. To install a screen saver on your Mac, first download it, then open the DMG (or whatever container file it comes in) and then drag it to one of two folders.

您可能已經厭倦了計算機隨附的計算機,因此請為Google設定目的地並搜尋一些新計算機。 您也可以在GitHub上檢視Screensavers Planet此精選列表,以獲得一些很棒的列表。 要在Mac上安裝螢幕保護程式,請先下載它,然後開啟DMG(或其附帶的任何容器檔案),然後將其拖動到兩個資料夾之一。

To install the screen saver on your profile only (doesn’t require administrator privileges), drag the file to the Screen Savers folder in your Home folder.


If this folder does not exist, create it by pressing Command+Shift+N and naming it “Screen Savers”.
如果此資料夾不存在,請通過按Command + Shift + N並將其命名為“螢幕保護程式”來建立它。

If you want to install the screen saver for yourentire system, meaning that other users can set it on their profiles, then you will need administrator rights.


Drag the screen saver file to /Library/Screen Savers.

將螢幕保護程式檔案拖到/ Library / Screen Savers

Then click “Authenticate” and enter your credentials (usually just your password).


Now, either way, you can select your new screen saver and it will appear on your computer after theset duration, or you move the mouse to a hot corner.


Don’t forget, you can also set your Mac screen saver to run as your desktop background with a cool little command line hack.


That about covers it. Screen savers are a pretty easy part of your Macto grasp, but it’s still nice to know all the features and options that come with them.

到此為止。 螢幕保護程式是Mac上非常容易掌握的一部分,但是很高興知道它們附帶的所有功能和選項。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262852/how-to-enable-and-configure-screen-savers-on-a-mac/

mac 啟用hidpi