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亞馬遜aws 啟用失敗_如何在Amazon Prime Video上啟用和自定義字幕

亞馬遜aws 啟用失敗

亞馬遜aws 啟用失敗

Amazon Prime Video logo.

Subtitles can help you understand a story better, and they can be necessary if you’re enjoying foreign films.Amazon Prime Video has tons of shows and movies that might require you to enable subtitles. Here’s how you can set up subtitles and manage the way they show up onscreen.

字幕可以幫助您更好地理解故事,如果您喜歡外國電影,可以使用字幕。 Amazon Prime Video有大量的節目和電影,可能需要您啟用字幕。 您可以通過以下方法設定字幕並管理字幕在螢幕上的顯示方式。

如何啟用字幕 (How to Enable Subtitles)

When you’re ready to turn on subtitles, head over to Amazon’s website. Sign in to your Amazon account, and then click or tap the Menu icon (the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner).

當您準備開啟字幕時,請轉到Amazon的網站。 登入到您的Amazon帳戶,然後單擊或點選“選單”圖示(左上角的三個水平線)。

Click the Menu icon on the Amazon Home page.

Under “Shop by Category,” click “Prime Video.”


Click "Prime Video."

When the next menu populates, select “Prime Video” again.

當下一個選單出現時,再次選擇“ Prime Video”。

Select "Prime Video."

Once you’re on the main Prime Video page, select the show or movie you want to watch.

進入“ Prime Video”主頁面後,選擇要觀看的節目或電影。

Select the show or film you want to watch on Amazon Prime Video.

After the show’s info populates, select “Watch Now.”


Select "Watch Now" on Amazon Prime Video.

After your movie or show has started, select the icon that looks like a chat bubble in the top-right corner.


Select the Subtitle Box on Amazon Prime Video.

This will generate a drop-down menu that shows the content’s subtitles and audio settings. Select the language in which you want the subtitles to appear. This also enables the feature.

這將生成一個下拉選單,顯示內容的字幕和音訊設定。 選擇您想要顯示字幕的語言。 這也會啟用該功能。

Select the language in which the subtitles should appear on Amazon Prime Video.

Select the text bubble again to ensure the subtitles are enabled. There should be a checkmark next to the language you selected.

再次選擇文字提示框以確保啟用了字幕。 您選擇的語言旁邊應該有一個複選標記。

Subtitles enabled on Amazon Prime Video.

如何自定義字幕 (How to Customize Subtitles)

Now that you have your subtitles turned on, you might want to go ahead and customize them. You’ll want to start on Amazon’s home page. Select the menu icon (the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner).

現在您已經打開了字幕,您可能想要繼續進行自定義。 您需要從Amazon主頁開始。 選擇選單圖示(右上角的三條水平線)。

Select the menu icon on the Amazon Home Page.

Select “Prime Video” in the newly-populated menu.

在新填充的選單中選擇“ Prime Video”。

Select "Prime Video."

Under this second menu, select “Prime Video” once again.

在第二個選單下,再次選擇“ Prime Video”。

Select "Prime Video."

Now, select “Settings” in the menu bar once you’re on the Prime Video page.

現在,進入“ Prime Video”頁面後,在選單欄中選擇“設定”。

Select "Settings."

Click “Subtitles.”


Click "Subtitles."

In the “Subtitles” tab, you’ll see a default subtitle and options for editing the captions.


The "Subtitle Presets" on Amazon Prime Video.

If you want to change the default subtitles, click “Edit” next to each preset to adjust the caption’s font size, color, opacity, and more.


Click "Edit" next to each preset.

You’ll now be able to catch every moment of your shows and films with your customized subtitles.


With subtitles enabled, you can watch any film or show you want without missing a beat of dialogue. Subtitles can help if characters talk too fast or are speaking a different language, and it’s never been easier to enable them on Amazon Prime Video.

啟用字幕後,您可以觀看任何電影或想要放映的影片,而不會錯過任何對話。 如果人物說得太快或說另一種語言,字幕可以提供幫助,在Amazon Prime Video上啟用它們從未如此簡單。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669154/how-to-enable-and-customize-subtitles-on-amazon-prime-video/

亞馬遜aws 啟用失敗