1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mac螢幕截圖_如何在Mac上拍攝螢幕截圖




On a Mac, you cantake screenshotswith a few quickkeyboard shortcuts. ButMac OS X also includes more powerful screenshot tools, too.Here are some of the many ways you can get a screenshot on OS X.

在Mac上,您可以使用一些快速的鍵盤快捷鍵來擷取螢幕截圖。 但是Mac OS X還包括更強大的螢幕截圖工具。 以下是在OS X上獲取螢幕截圖的許多方法。

拍攝整個螢幕的螢幕截圖 (
Take a Screenshot of Your Entire Screen)

Let’s start with those keyboard shortcuts. To take a screenshot of your entire screen, press Command+Shift+3.Press all three keys at once and your Mac’s desktop will flash, you’ll hear a camera sound, and the screenshot will appear on your desktop as a .png file.

讓我們從這些鍵盤快捷鍵開始。 要擷取整個螢幕的螢幕快照,請按Command + Shift + 3。 一次按所有三個鍵,Mac的桌面將閃爍,您會聽到照相機的聲音,並且螢幕快照將以.png檔案形式顯示在桌面上。

擷取部分螢幕截圖 (Take a Screenshot of Part of Your Screen)

To take a screenshot of part of your screen, press Command+Shift+4 instead. Your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair icon. Click and drag to select part of your screen. Release the mouse button and thatpart of your screen will be saved as a .png file on your desktop. To cancel the screenshot, press the Esc key.

要擷取螢幕一部分的螢幕截圖,請按Command + Shift + 4代替。 滑鼠游標將變成十字形圖示。 單擊並拖動以選擇螢幕的一部分。 釋放滑鼠按鈕,螢幕的該部分將另存為.png檔案在桌面上。 要取消螢幕截圖,請按Esc鍵。

拍攝視窗的螢幕截圖 (Take a Screenshot of a Window)

You can also take a screenshot of a specific window. First, press Command+Shift+4. Your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair. Press the Spacebar and your mouse cursor will turn into a camera icon instead. Move your cursor over the window you want to screenshot and it will appearhighlighted. Click the window and a screenshot of that window will appear on your desktop as a .png file.

您還可以擷取特定視窗的螢幕截圖。 首先,按Command + Shift + 4。 您的滑鼠游標將變為十字準線。 按空格鍵,您的滑鼠游標將變成照相機圖示。 將游標移到要截圖的視窗上,它將突出顯示。 單擊該視窗,該視窗的螢幕截圖將以.png檔案形式顯示在桌面上。

將螢幕快照儲存到剪貼簿而不是檔案中 (Save Your Screenshot to the Clipboard Instead of a File)

If you’dlike to save a screenshot to your clipboard so you can paste it into an application instead of saving it to a file, just add the Control key to the shortcuts above. For example, you’d press Command+Shift+Control+3 instead of Command+Shift+3 and Command+Shift+Control+4 instead of Command+Shift+4. (Yeah, you’ll need a lot of fingers for this.)

如果要將螢幕截圖儲存到剪貼簿,以便將其貼上到應用程式中,而不是將其儲存到檔案中,只需將Control鍵新增到上面的快捷方式中即可。 例如,您將按Command + Shift + Control + 3而不是Command + Shift + 3,而按Command + Shift + Control + 4而不是Command + Shift + 4。 (是的,為此您將需要很多手指。)

You can then use Command+V to paste the screenshot into an application, or clickEdit > Paste in the application.

然後,您可以使用Command + V將螢幕截圖貼上到應用程式中,或在應用程式中單擊“編輯”>“貼上”。

更改Mac儲存螢幕快照的資料夾 (Change the Folder Where Your Mac Saves Screenshots)

Screenshots you take with the keyboard shortcuts will be saved straight to your Mac’s desktop with the filename “Screen Shot [date] at [time].png”. However, you can change where your Mac saves these screenshots, if you like. For example, you could make your Mac save screenshots directly to a Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive folder.

您使用鍵盤快捷鍵拍攝的螢幕截圖將直接儲存為Mac桌面,檔名為“ [time] .png中的Screen Shot [date]”。 但是,您可以根據需要更改Mac儲存這些螢幕截圖的位置。 例如,您可以讓Mac將螢幕截圖直接儲存到Dropbox,Google Drive或Microsoft OneDrive資料夾中。

Follow our guide to changing where your Mac saves screenshots, which will walk you through changing a hidden setting using the terminal and restarting a system process. You’ll only have to do this once.

按照我們的指南更改Mac儲存螢幕快照的位置,這將引導您完成使用終端更改隱藏設定並重新啟動系統程序的操作。 您只需要執行一次。

使用Grab應用程式進行定時截圖 (Take a Timed Screenshot With the Grab Application)

In some cases, you may want to take a screenshot using a timer. You start the timer, which lasts for a few seconds. When the timer expires, your Mac will take a screenshot of your entire screen. This is useful when you can’t take a screenshot of something–a menu, for example–that hides itselfwhen you start pressing the keyboard shortcut keys.

在某些情況下,您可能想使用計時器拍攝螢幕截圖。 您啟動計時器,該計時器持續幾秒鐘。 當計時器到期時,您的Mac會擷取整個螢幕的螢幕截圖。 當您無法拍攝某些內容(例如選單)的螢幕快照時,該功能會在您開始按下鍵盤快捷鍵時隱藏起來,因此很有用。

To do this, use the Grab app included with your Mac. You can launch it by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlightsearch, typing “Grab”, and pressing “Enter.” You can also open the Finder and find it at Applications > Utilities > Grab.

為此,請使用Mac隨附的Grab應用程式。 您可以通過按Command + Space來開啟Spotlight搜尋,鍵入“ Grab”,然後按“ Enter”來啟動它。 您也可以開啟Finder並在“應用程式”>“實用程式”>“ Grab”中找到它。

Grab won’t open a window on your desktop, but launch it–or click it on your dock–and you’ll see a Grab menu at the top of your screen. Click Capture > Timed Screen to take a timed screenshot.

Grab不會在您的桌面上開啟一個視窗,而是啟動它或在擴充套件塢上單擊它,然後您會在螢幕頂部看到Grab選單。 單擊捕獲>定時螢幕以獲取定時螢幕截圖。

Click “Start Timer” in the Timed Screen Grab window and you’ll see the timer count down.


Your Mac will take a screenshot after ten seconds and it will appear in the Grab window. Click File > Save to save the screenshot if you’re happy with it.

您的Mac將在十秒鐘後拍攝螢幕截圖,它將顯示在“抓鬥”視窗中。 如果滿意,請單擊檔案>儲存以儲存螢幕截圖。

You can also use the Grab application to take other types of screenshots with the Capture > Selection, Capture > Window, and Capture > Screen options. However, you’ll probably find it easier to take screenshots using the above keyboard shortcuts.

您還可以使用Grab應用程式使用“捕獲”>“選擇”,“捕獲”>“視窗”和“捕獲”>“螢幕”選項來擷取其他型別的螢幕截圖。 但是,您可能會發現使用上述鍵盤快捷鍵來擷取螢幕截圖更容易。

使用第三方應用程式截圖 (Take Screenshots With a Third-Party Application)

There are a wide variety of third-party apps for your Mac that allow you to take screenshots, too. Many people have their own favorite application, but we’ve used and like Skitch for Mac.

Mac上有各種各樣的第三方應用程式,它們也可以用來截圖。 許多人都有自己喜歡的應用程式,但是我們已經使用並喜歡Skitch for Mac

Evernote purchased Skitch and has killed off the Skitch applications for all other platforms, but still offers the Mac app–probably because it’s so popular. Skitch offers a variety of simple editing featuresfor easily resizing, cropping, and marking up your screenshots. It’s also completely free. You don’t even need to sign in with an Evernote account to use it.

Evernote購買了Skitch,並取消了適用於所有其他平臺的Skitch應用程式,但仍提供Mac應用程式-可能是因為它非常受歡迎。 Skitch提供了各種簡單的編輯功能,可輕鬆調整大小,裁剪和標記螢幕截圖。 它也是完全免費的。 您甚至不需要使用Evernote帳戶登入即可使用它。

Once you have your screenshots, you can double-click the .png filesto open and view them in the Preview app included with Mac OS X (unless you’ve selected another image program as your default application for PNG files).Preview also included a variety of a variety of tools for editingthese screenshots and other images. To record a video of your Mac’s screen instead of a screenshot, use the QuickTime application included with Mac OS X.

擷取螢幕快照後,可以雙擊.png檔案以開啟並在Mac OS X隨附的“預覽”應用程式中檢視它們(除非您已選擇其他影象程式作為PNG檔案的預設應用程式)。 預覽還包括用於編輯這些螢幕截圖和其他影象的各種工具。 要錄製Mac螢幕上的視訊而不是螢幕截圖,請使用Mac OS X隨附的QuickTime應用程式。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256718/how-to-take-screenshots-on-a-mac/
