1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何將Apple Mail建議用於事件和聯絡人

如何將Apple Mail建議用於事件和聯絡人

Apple products come preinstalled with an email client that can, on occasion, be quite smart. Today we want to show you another great feature: suggestions for event and contacts.

Apple產品預裝了一個電子郵件客戶端,該客戶端有時可能非常聰明。 今天,我們想向您展示另一個很棒的功能:有關活動和聯絡的建議。

Apple Mail has a lot of nice things going for it. For example, you can easily

markup attachments and send them back to the original recipient, and then there are Smart Mailboxes, which let you sort email into special “smart” mailboxes without actually moving it from its original location.

Apple Mail有很多不錯的選擇。 例如,您可以輕鬆標記附件並將其傳送回原始收件人,然後是“智慧郵箱” ,您可以將電子郵件分類到特殊的“智慧”郵箱中,而無需實際將其從其原始位置移動。

The idea behind event and contact suggestions is simple and not entirely new or original, but quiteconvenient and powerful. We like it because it makes short work of what has typically been a fairly tedious process.

事件和聯絡建議背後的想法很簡單,並非完全是新的或原始的,但相當方便且強大。 我們之所以喜歡它,是因為它使通常是一個相當繁瑣的過程的工作量減少了。

To illustrate what this feature entails, let’s see an example in an email. Here’s an address included at the tailend of a message we received the other day.

為了說明此功能的含義,讓我們看一封電子郵件中的示例。 這是前幾天收到的郵件尾部的地址。

If we hover over the address, a small arrow indicating a dropdown menu appears.


Clicking on that arrow spawns the following dialog, which gives up three options, we can open the address in Maps, create a new contact, or add it to an existing one.


If you decide to open an address in Maps, it will then let you get directions to it from your current location.

The nice thing is, utilizing this contact-adding method doesn’t even spawn the Contacts application. We can perform the procedure simply and easily from Mail, then go back to attending to our email.

令人高興的是,利用這種聯絡人新增方法甚至都不會生成Contacts應用程式。 我們可以從Mail輕鬆簡單地執行該過程,然後返回到檢視我們的電子郵件。

In some cases, Mail alreadyknows when an email contains a contact and will alert you at the top of the message.


If you click the “Add” button, it will again let you add it to your contacts without first needing to open the actual Contactsapp.


Here’s another example, this time with an event.In this message, there’s a date and time, which when hovered over with the mouse pointer, again shows us an arrow.

這是另一個示例,這次有一個事件。 在此訊息中,有一個日期和時間,當用滑鼠指標懸停時,它再次向我們顯示一個箭頭。

You don’t actually need to highlight the date and time, Mail already knows what to do.

Clicking that arrow will then let us add it to our calendar. At the very least, you might want to add a title to the event, but you can also add or fix the location details and the calendar to which it will be assigned.

單擊該箭頭,然後讓我們將其新增到我們的日曆中。 至少,您可能想要為事件新增標題,但是您也可以新增或固定位置詳細資訊以及將其分配到的日曆。

If you click the “Details” button however, you can add further details particularly thelocation, but also to add an alert, invitees, and notes or attachments.


Similar to adding contacts, if you receive a message and it detects an upcoming event, you will have the option to add it to your calendar using the “Add” button.


And, just like before, a dialog will appear that will let you save itto your calendar.


Hopefully you can see the value of the suggestions feature in your daily life. Instead of having to create new contacts (or update them) by copying the info from one app to another, this seamlessly lets you add it without ever leaving the Mail app.

希望您可以在日常生活中看到建議功能的價值。 不必通過將資訊從一個應用程式複製到另一個應用程式來建立新的聯絡人(或更新它們),這使您可以無縫新增它,而無需離開Mail應用程式。

Similarly, if you find yourself often spacing events, you can now add them as soon as they appear in your inbox.


This should save you lots of time and effort so now that you know where to look for it and how to utilize it, you have one more methodtowill help you become more organized and reliable.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255327/how-to-use-apple-mail-suggestions-for-events-and-contacts/