1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >在Windows 10中自動更改每個應用程式的音訊輸入,輸出和音量

在Windows 10中自動更改每個應用程式的音訊輸入,輸出和音量

I recently blogged about an amazing little utility called AudioSwitcher that makes it two-clicks easy to switch your audio inputs and outputs. I need to switch audio devices a lot as I'm either watching video, doing a podcast, doing a conference call, playing a game, etc. That's at least three different "scenarios" for my audio setup. I've got 5 inputs and 5 outputs and I've seen PC audiophiles with even more.

我最近在部落格上釋出了一個名為AudioSwitcher的令人驚歎的小實用程式,使您只需單擊兩下即可輕鬆切換音訊輸入和輸出。 在觀看視訊,進行播客,進行電話會議,玩遊戲等過程中,我需要大量切換音訊裝置。對於我的音訊設定而言,這至少是三個不同的“方案”。 我有5個輸入和5個輸出,而且我看到的PC發燒友甚至更多。

  • I set up this AudioSwitcher and figured, cool, solved that silly problem.


  • Then I got "EarTrumpet" - it's an applet that lets you control the volume of classic and modern Windows Apps in one nice UI! Switching, volume, and more. Very "prosumer," which is me, so I dig it.

    然後我得到了“ EarTrumpet ”-這是一個小程式,可讓您在一個漂亮的UI中控制經典和現代Windows Apps的音量! 切換,音量等。 非常“生產者”,這就是我,所以我去挖掘它。

A little birdie said that I should also look closer at Windows 10 itself. What? I know this OS like the back of my hand! Nonsense!

一位小鳥說,我也應該更仔細地研究Windows 10本身。 什麼? 我知道這個作業系統就像我的手! 廢話!

Hit the Start Menu and search for either "Sound Mixer" or "App Volume"


Sound mixer options

There's a page that does double duty called App Volume and Device Preferences.


You can also get to it from the regular Settings | Audio page:

您也可以通過常規設定| 音訊頁面:

change the device or app volume

See where it says "Change the device or app volume?" Ok, now DRINK THIS IN.

檢視顯示“更改裝置或應用程式音量?”的位置。 好的,現在喝這個。

You can set the volume in active apps on an app-by-app basis. Cool. NOT IMPRESSED ARE YOU? Of course not, because while that's a lovely feature it's not the hidden power I'm talking about.

您可以逐個應用地在活動應用中設定音量。 涼。 你不被打動嗎? 當然不是,因為雖然這是一個可愛的功能,但它並不是我在說的隱藏功能。

You can set the Preferred Input and Output device on an App by App Basis.


App Volume and Device Preferences

You can set the Preferred Input and Output device on an App by App Basis.


Read that again. I'll wait.

再讀一遍。 我會等。

Rather than me constantly using the Audio Switcher (lovely as it is) I'll just set my ins and outs for each app.


The only catch is that this list only shows the apps that are currently using the mic/speaker, so if you want to get a nice setup, you'll want to run apps in order to change the settings for your app.


  • Here I've got the system sounds running through Default (usually the main speakers and the default mic is a webcam)

  • The Speech Runtime (I use WIN+H to use Windows 10 built-in Dragon-Naturally-Style-But-Not free dictation in any app) uses the Webcam mic explicitly as it has the best recognition in my experience.

    語音執行時(我使用WIN + H在任何應用程式中都使用Windows 10內建的Dragon-Naturally-Style-But-free自由聽寫命令)明確使用了網路攝像頭麥克風,因為它在我的體驗中獲得了最好的認可。
  • Skype for Business is now using the phone. You can certainly set these things in the apps themselves, but in my experience Skype for Business doesn't care about your feelings or your audio settings. ;)

    Skype for Business現在正在使用電話。 您當然可以在應用程式中自行設定這些內容,但是以我的經驗,Skype for Business並不關心您的感受或音訊設定。 ;)
  • I record my podcast with Zencastr so I've setup Chrome for my preferred/optimal settings.


I can still use the AudioSwitcher but now my defaults are contextual so I'm switching a LOT LESS.


Be sure to pick up "EarTrumpet" for even more advanced options!

請務必選擇“ EarTrumpet ”以獲取更多高階選項!

      What do you think? Did YOU know this existed?

      你怎麼看? 你知道這個存在嗎?

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      贊助商:瞭解.NET在2018年如何解決開發人員使用面向未來的技術所面臨的挑戰。 獲取Progress Telerik團隊有關“ 2018年.NET的現狀”的新白皮書!

      關於斯科特 (About Scott)

      Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

      斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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      翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/automatically-change-your-audio-input-output-and-volume-per-application-in-windows-10