1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >什麼是Ubuntu LTS?與常規Ubuntu版本有何不同?

什麼是Ubuntu LTS?與常規Ubuntu版本有何不同?

Ubuntu distributions are released at given time intervals. Every release has a code name that is related to an animal name. We can think that every Ubuntu release is the same but it’s not. Some releases are named as Long Term Support or LTS where they are supported much longer than other releases. In this tutorial, we will learn what is LTS and which make it different from other releases.

Ubuntu發行版以給定的時間間隔釋出。 每個發行版都有與動物名稱相關的代號。 我們可以認為每個Ubuntu版本都是相同的,但事實並非如此。 某些版本被稱為Long Term Support或LTS,與其他版本相比,它們的支援時間更長。 在本教程中,我們將學習什麼是LTS及其與其他版本的不同之處。

長期支援(LTS) (Long Term Support (LTS))

As stated previously and the name suggests LTS is Long Term Support where the packages provided with the LTS release will be supported longer time. Normally an Ubuntu release is supported up to the next release where Ubuntu is released every 6 months. This can be a big problem for stability and sustainability because every upgrade to the next release can create different problems. LTS is used to make the upgrade cycle longer and less problematic. Enterprises generally use LTS versions which are generally supported for 5 years.

如前所述,顧名思義,LTS是長期支援,其中LTS版本提供的軟體包將得到更長的支援。 通常,Ubuntu版本受支援,直到下一個版本(每6個月釋出一次Ubuntu)為止。 對於穩定性和可持續性而言,這可能是一個大問題,因為每次升級到下一發行版都會產生不同的問題。 LTS用於使升級週期更長,問題更少。 企業通常使用LTS版本,該版本通常支援5年。

Below we can see all versions and LTS of the Ubuntu distribution. Information about the Code name,Relase Date,End of Standard Sport

and End of Life information about each release and LTS versions are provided.

在下面,我們可以看到Ubuntu發行版的所有版本和LTS。 提供有關Code nameRelase DateEnd of Standard Sport End of Life資訊,有關每個發行版和LTS版本的資訊。

Long Term Support (LTS)
Long Term Support (LTS)

Ubuntu LTS提供了什麼? (What Is Provided with Ubuntu LTS?)

Below you can find some facts about the Ubuntu LTS versions.

在下面,您可以找到有關Ubuntu LTS版本的一些事實。

  • Ubuntu LTS is provided without a fee.

    免費提供Ubuntu LTS。
  • Ubuntu LTS mainly provides security and bug updates about the provided packages.

    Ubuntu LTS主要提供有關所提供軟體包的安全性和錯誤更新。
  • Every new LTS version is released once in two years.

  • LTS can be upgraded into new Ubuntu releases or LTS releases easily without any extra effort.

  • Different Ubuntu flavours like Kubuntu, Xubuntu may or may not provide LTS versions.

  • Ubuntu LTS is more enterprise-focused to provide stability and long term usage and support.

    Ubuntu LTS更加專注於企業,以提供穩定性以及長期使用和支援。
  • Ubuntu LTS support specially provides support for new hardware and drivers.

    Ubuntu LTS支援專門為新硬體和驅動程式提供支援。
  • Ubuntu LTS is more and strictly tested against errors, bugs, vulnerabilities.

    Ubuntu LTS經過了更嚴格的測試,能夠檢查錯誤,錯誤和漏洞。
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LTS次要更新 (LTS Minor Updates)

As Ubuntu LTS versions are released and supported for a long time they need some updates about installation media or ISO. For example, Ubuntu 18.04 is an LTS version where is released in April 2018. It will be supported until April 2023 and extended support will end in April 2028. During the time the updates grow and become very large so some updates are needed to be added into the installation images like ISO. So these minor LTS updates will have a minor version number like Ubuntu LTS 18.04.1 where 1 is the minor LTS version number but 18.04 is major LTS version number.

隨著Ubuntu LTS版本的釋出和長期支援,他們需要一些有關安裝媒體或ISO的更新。 例如,Ubuntu 18.04是在2018年4月釋出的LTS版本。它將支援到2023年4月,擴充套件支援將在2028年4月結束。在此期間,更新變得越來越大,因此需要新增一些更新。進入安裝映像(例如ISO)。 因此,這些次要LTS更新將具有次要版本號,例如Ubuntu LTS 18.04.1,其中1是次要LTS版本號,而18.04是主要LTS版本號。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-ubuntu-lts-and-what-is-difference-fromregular-ubuntu-releases/